Thirty Two

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"Do you really want to go home now?" Ace asked as he drove.

I shook my head, "no."

He obviously wasn't taking me home from the turns he took and when we got to the more isolated road, I remembered.

When we got down Ace reached for my hand and I placed it in his letting the warmth flood through me.

We followed the familiar path and when we stopped walking I hugged myself tighter, the cold up here was more even though I was wearing a coat.

Ace looked at me and his face fell. "You're cold."

He started taking off is coat but I stopped him. "What are you doing? You'll freeze."

"You'll freeze."

"Don't be like that Ace, I'm fine," I shivered, contradicting my words.

He quirked a brow, "you're still fine?"

"At least let us share it. I can't let you die of frostbite."

"Fine," he slipped it back on and came to stand behind me. He wrapped the rest of the coat around my body and pulled me flush against his chest. "Better?"

I nodded, feeling the warmth of both his body and the coat. "Yeah."

"I should have taken my extra coat," he said in a low voice. "It's my fault sorry."

"It's fine, you didn't plan on bringing me here," I shrugged.

He rested his chin on my head clearly spelling out the fact that he was taller than me. I leaned into him as we watched the city below us.

"Did you enjoy your birthday?" The vibration of his chest flowed to my body.

"Mhhmm," I hummed. "It wasn't as per usual but it's fine, perfect even." I said honestly.

His hands drew patterns over my stomach. And my hand was over his. Wrapped in his arms and coat relaxed me in a way. I felt at ease and every part of me was relaxed. I had no worries and the rest of the world just faded away.

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