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Jungkook finally back to his house after working today.

"Jungwon-ah! Hyung is back!"

He called for his brother with his hand holding a pack of snack before open the door of their little and old house that he rent for 2 years already. Yes, they always move for different house.

Jungkook will always search for another house that near to Jungwon's school in order to make it easy for him to go to school and everytime junngwon get expel from school, they will moved out from the house and jungkook will search for a new school and new house again to make their house near by jungwon's school - Just for make sure jungwon easy to go to school.

That show how much he prioritise his little brother first right?

That show how much he love his little brother right?

He love him that much until he didn't mind in troubling himself of moving their house, hurting himself over again and he even putting a mask on his face by smiling to telling jungwon that he's okay, he's not mad and he's happy living like this.

For the sake of their mom.

Actually he really sick. He's fucking sick of keep taking care of jungwon and sick of telling himself that he's okay even though actually he really really not okay and want to die!

Jungkook walking slowly inside the house - Or should we say 'room' because of the single space there : they used the same space for sleeping, eating there - as a kitchen, studying and even talking there. It's the same space.

He slowly walking closer and taking a sit on the floor beside jungwon who was sleeping peacefully with his single blanket wrapped around his body and a single pillow. Correct, no bed.

Jungkook's lips suddenly curled into a tint smile with his hand slowly lift up, caressing jungwon's head.

"Sleep tight, mom's favourite." With that words, his eyes immediately welled up with tears making his sight blurry because of the tears too. He then slowly stood up, throwing his work bag to the other side before he walk out from the house again.

The sky showing it's beautiful star, the wind getting chill and hit his body as he take a sit on the old stairs in front of their house. He staring blankly onto the empty street with a dim yellow light brighten the street.

"I gave birth to you first because i want you to protect your brother!!!!"

"Jungkook-ah... you need to put jungwon in the first place okay?"

His mind keep thinking those words from his mom again and again. The words that make he taking a great care and love jungwon but at the same time it's make he hating jungwon.

His head hang low with his blank stares fixed onto the ground. His tears finally rolled down from his eyes, falling onto the ground when the scene from 10 years ago running inside his mind.


"Jungwon-ah! Don't run!!" Jungkook shout while running and catching jungwon from behind. Suddenly, Jungwon tripped onto a stone makes he stumbled and fall down on the road hardly. The sounds of he crying filled the empty road before jungkook hissed and shooking his head then rush to him.

"I told you! Don't run!!!" He slightly scold jungwon makes he crying much more hard. Jungwon only a 4 years old boy and jungkook was 17 years old. Jungkook then lift him up, seeing how his knee bleeding before he walking back together with jungwon in his arms.

When they reach their house, Jungwon who still sniffing and slightly crying snatched an attention from their mom. She running towards them in a rush.

"What happened to my baby jungwon?!"

She grab him from jungkook's arms and checking onto jungwon first. She then glaring to jungkook before suddenly hit him on his back multiple times hardly, pushing him too makes he falling down on the ground. He totally clueless with his eyes slightly widened and feeling really in disbelief.

"I told


You to taking care of your brother!!"


Jungkook just froze with his arm defending himself but his eyes glassy with tears.

"B-but mom—"

"Look! What you already done!!!" She hit his head before walking away, leaving him just like that without hearing any explaination.

He holding his feelings : anger, disbelief, disappointed, sad and dumb.

He being accused. being hate and being hit. Always him. Because of his own one and only little brother that always being mom's favourite.


"You love him that much hm mom? But what about me?" He mumbled, questioning himself alone with his cracked voices and his tears never stop and continuously rolling down. He's crying again.

"Bro~" Taehyung suddenly take a sit beside him, wrapping his arm around his shoulder makes jungkook quickly wipe his tears and lift up his head.

"Oh hyung.." He give a smile but taehyung obviously could see he is smiling in pain. Taehyung just sighing and giving him a can of beer.

"Ah stop crying. Here."

Jungkook then take it with a little nod before open and drink it without hesitation. Taehyung is one and only friend. He will always by jungkook side no matter if jungkook and jungwon moved out, he will surely follow them too, living together with his house only beside jungkook's house.

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