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Jungkook went to his work a little bit late today and he forgot of everything happened last night but what he remember is - tzuyu was the one that helping him to going back. That's all.

"Here, A drinks to relieve your hangover." Sana suddenly approach him from behind when he was taking a fresh morning air at the hospital's garden. Jungkook smiling a little and taking the cup of coffee from her hand with a little bow.


Sana just nodded and look at the view that jungkook was staring right now.

"I heard jungwon get expelled from school again? So when will you search for another school again for him?" Sana ask earning a deep sigh from him.

"You know right... if I want to search another school, i have to move out and search another house too." Jungkook said with his flat voices while looking at the hospital's view as sana just nodding. Sana knew jungkook for a long time and being his close friends after he working together with her at this hospital. But he never know that she have a feelings towards him and she never confessed too.

And.... Jungkook never treat her comfortably. It means that jungkook always treat her just like another workers, being polite and formal. He don't want to treat any girls as if he was close to them because he don't want to catch any feelings and he actually not interested in them but.....

Look at tzuyu. He know her not that long but he already treat her different than others! He talking informally, not that polite and looking onto her with a different feelings too!

He can't help but to feel and do that.

"If you want to let him schooling at the Hwang-In high school, let me know. So that, you can move to the same house as me and my mother! You know right... the rooftop small house didn't have any owner." She said as jungkook quickly shot his head towards her. His eyes slightly widened when hearing this. It's such a nice idea right? So jungwon get to go to school again!

"Ah... Right! I will tell you again when im talking and discuss with jungwon! Thankyou so much!"  Jungkook said and bowing a little, showing the most formal attitude.

"No problems... My mom also want to meet you and hope you're staying there too." She said makes jungkook smiling a little.

With those great smile from the two of them, didn't they know that a pair of eyes glaring deeply towards them with full of anger and heard everything about this....? No they don't know.


Jungkook want to continue his work, walking at the hallway before tzuyu suddenly appear in front of him. He slightly shock but still mantain his straight face. He raise his eyebrows and just looking onto her coldly.

"Let's going out..." She grabbing his hand as he inmediately yank it away.

"I can't and i don't want. Jungwon at home alone and i won't let him alone again." He said, sighing and staring onto her deeply. Her eyes getting annoyed, her lips frown down a little because of this - he being hypocrite and she hate it.

Jungwon? Last night You freaking cry because of him. You just like a sick cat, whimpering and asking for help last night but today, you still doing the same things. - hypocrite

She smirking sarcastically makes he furrowed his eyebrows. She then glaring to him, tracing her index finger under his chin, seductively.

"Jeon Jungkook... You should stop being hypocrite and start being yourself." She whispered making he gasped and looking onto her blankly but deep.

What she know about me?

"You're just the same, a woman who only loud at the outside but empty inside." He spat, and she could see how his eyes burning but he really good in handling and hiding his feelings! He should be an actor huh! Hypocrite.

She smirking a little again, grabbing his shirt and pulling him makes he stepping forward and his head bending closer to her face. She tiptoed a little, placing her lips beside his ear.

"I want you Jungkook and i will make sure to get you no matter what." She whispered as his eyes much more widened, heart thumping and dancing crazily. He fluttering, sweating and feel like having a startruck! What the kind of feelings is this?!

He gulping while she pull her head, smirking and studying his face that nervous and slightly gasped.

"At least im being myself and not hiding my feelings just like a coward or even a hypocrite." She said, raising her eyebrows a little with a tint sweet smile then walking away, leaving him alone that stunned and froze at the same spot. He clutched his chest, groaning and sighing deeply.

"ah crazy...." He mumbled when he really really could feel that he started to fall for her and his heart beating for her. This gonna be crazy!

But what she know about him? He still clueless and feel just like a sharp knife stabbed his heart since what she said is all truth.

What he knew about me? Why she said that?

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