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Jungkook waking up when his face hit by the sunlight with his eyebrows furrowed and holding his head that slightly throbbing because of the alcohol effect last night.

He immediately gasped and eyes widened when his mind come back to reality, remembering that he have to work today! He's freaking late and its already half of the day!

"Hyung! Ah!!!" He shook taehyung's body that still sleep soundly with his mouth open beside him. Jungkook then push taehyung's leg that place on his leg before he quickly stood up, running to taking a quick shower then putting his casual outfit. He did all of this in a rush!

"Hyung! Make sure to cook a breakfast for jungwon!" He shout a little before rushing out from the house, leaving to his work.

When he arrived at the hospital, he gulping a little when seeing the hospital's director, Mr Park was walking back and forth in front of the hospital lobby.

He taking a deep breath before slowly walking closer to him.

"Oh jungkook!" Mr Park approached him as he rubbing his nape and bow a little with a little grin.

"Im sorry Mr. Park, I was—-"

"It's okay. Right now, its already 12:00 PM. Let's go with me! You need to accompany me today because you're late!" Mr park said and grabbing his shoulder, dragging him away.

"B-but my work...."

"Im the director right?!" Mr Park still dragging him to the outside and they will going to somewhere. Somewhere that gonna be the start of all of this.

Mr Park actually in his 50s. He's already old and he being the best director and doctor ever. He too kind and considerate to other peoples. For him, jungkook is the best worker here! Of course right! He somehow close to jungkook and also to jungwon. He already thought and treat them as his own son!

They finally arrived at a place that really crowded makes jungkook furrowed his eyebrows and glancing to Mr.Park.

"What happen here?"

"Oh you don't know? There is an event here. Chou Tzuyu. She will be here. I quiet likes her! Successful woman!" Mr.Park said makes jungkook much more shocked and raising his eyebrows.

Oh Jungwon likes her! I should get her autograph!

"Let's go inside."

They walking, getting inside the hall seeing how the place really crowded, waiting for her arrival. The two of them take a sit at the second row of the chair, waiting for a while before Tzuyu finally arrived. She walking to the front of the hall with that bad ass looks and attitudes.

The host announce and start the event with a loud cheers from the audience as jungkook just crossing his arms, staring to the front in blank.

"Everyone must come here to look at her. I mean, this is not her event. She just make an appearance." Mr Park whispered to jungkook makes he glance to her.

He could see how cold she is, how arrogant, how rude and how uninterested she is when she coming to this event. His eyes somehow want to staring onto her, and zoning out without he knowing.

Tzuyu who sitting on the chair, facing the audience was staring and looking blankly to the front. Her cold face still maintain and come to this event in a force. She really didn't like this kind of event or make a 'fans' service like this. Just a waste of time and annoying - in her thought.

Her eyes lingering around, looking each of the audience face with her cold and bored face until her eyes meeting his. She raise her eyebrows a little, seeing how he crossed his arms onto his chest, staring and looking blankly onto her ; also with his straight face.

Her eyes getting much more deep, digging into his beautiful eyes makes he look away, don't want to take care about this situation right now. He don't have any interest : of this event and this situation.

A tint smirk suddenly plastered on her lips, still keep staring onto him without he knowing. He sighing, taking a deep breath, yawning, humming and look around without knowing that she still staring onto him. He doesnt have any attention on the event but she have a full attention on him.

Hm, Beautiful. His eyes are beautiful.

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