New Year

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"3...2..1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!" everyone shouted.

It was now the year 2020 and Luna and all of her friends were celebrating in the comfort of Luna's apartment. She didn't have many friends, only a group of 8. They had all met in high school and carried on being friends into their early adulthood. Out of all of her friends, Luna probably had the largest and nicest apartment however this was only because she had started work a little earlier than the rest of her friends had. She was an actress and model, she was originally only going for an actress however as soon as her popularity started to rise modellings agencies also started to become interested in the young girl.

Usually, they would have gone out for the night to watch fireworks and celebrate the new year however when Luna proposed to go to hers and watch the fireworks on Tv to which none of them opposed, sometimes it was nicer in their own space than being surrounded by hundreds of drunk adults.

"Who wants another drink?" Waan proposed grabbing another bottle of wine.

"Not me, I think I've had my serving for the night," Luna said in the comfort of Seol-a's arms. They had both been sitting on the sofa and as the night progressed she had ended up cuddling up in her best friends arm. Her "cuddly bear" Luna always joked. Seol-a wasn't bothered, she knew Luna was clingy they were all with each other so none of them were really bothered.

"I'll have a small top-up but I don't want to have too much of a hangover in the morning." Sol joked while most of the others agreed.

None of them were big drinkers, only ever drinking on special occasions like today.

"We going to talk until we talk nonsense for the rest of the night or what?" Emma said, seeing everyone else start to become lost in their thoughts, all except of Luna who looked more like she was about to fall asleep than she was aware of what was going on.

She could usually stay awake for hours at night however she had been at work the day before and due to the Christmas season, it had been surprisingly busy, doing all kinds of shoots to air early into the new year. Which all in all had made her completely exhausted.

" I mean most of us are about to burst with energy so how about we try to learn some dances on YouTube, we've drunk a lot anyway it will only be funnier," Brea said grabbing the tv remote and turning on YouTube.

"I'd like to see Sol dance I don't think I've ever seen her dance seriously in my life." Orzo joked.

"Honestly neither we need to see your moves girl, not just your weird Genshin moves," Yara said rolling her eyes at the Genshin bit.

Genshin was a game they were addicted to well, a game that Orzo, Sol, Waan were addicted to. Seol-a and Luna just played the game normally but they never stopped talking about it. Even bringing it into irrelevant conversations just for the sake of it.

After a few minutes of scrolling, Brea found a video that looked good enough, without second thoughts they all stood up and found a space except Seol-a who was stuck under Luna's half-sleeping body. They didn't really know if she was awake one minute she'd be in a lively conversation the next looking gone in her sleep.

"Wooahh it's magic, woo ah it's magic." The tv played all of them hurriedly moving their body around trying to keep up with the song, it was fast, to say the least.

"I think yall were focusing on the wrong person, Sol's got moves but watching Brea is just outright funny." Seol-a laughed examining them all from behind.

"Well, thanks for that I'll make sure to dance more often," Brea replied rolling her eyes but still too focused on the tv to take her eyes off.

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