A gaming shock

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"Please do not tell me I am hearing what I think I am hearing." Sol sighed pinching down hard at the bridge of her nose, making a clear mark as tried to keep sane from what she was hearing from downstairs.

"Errrrr," Waan replied walking back down their circulated stairs her eyes wide as if she had just been struck by lightning, staring down at Sol who looked like she was about to lose it.

The genshin hut apartment was one of the smaller ones but it did have two levels, rounded stairs circulating up to the bedrooms.

"I am right aren't I?" Sol questioned, her arms crossed against her chest as she watched Waan slowly make her way down the last few steps.

"Yeah but that's not the worst bit," Waan said in a flat tone, her expression still not changed, concerning Sol at what had happened for her to look like that.

"then what is? Are you okay?" she questioned, looking up as Waan got closer to her, the clear height difference between them becoming more present.

"I kinda.. walked in on them..." Waan said, her teeth gritting each other as she tried not to relive what had just happened and attempted to black it out, an almost impossible task.



"What the fuck was that?!" Sol exclaimed staring wide-eyed at Waan who was also shocked at the sudden loud ear-piercing scream that just vibrated through their ears, them both for the first time in the past two hours taking their eyes off their screens where they had been playing Genshin together, letting themselves relax on a rainy weekend afternoon.

"I don't know but I feel like this time we should be worried, that isn't a usual scream," Waan replied putting her iPad to the side as she hastily stood up, her legs wobbling after sitting in an awkward position for so long.

"Yeah, that is not a normal one," Sol replied, also shutting down her iPad so that her character did not suddenly become mobbed and killed why they figured out what was going on.

"I think I am going to checkkkk," Waan said, unintentionally emphasising the last letters as another scream reeked through their apartment walls.

"Never mind I am going," Waan exclaimed, quickly moving up the stairs.

"CAREFUL IN CASE IT IS NOT WHAT WE THINK," Sol shouted up the stairs so that they could be heard, as much as from that scream she was sure that they weren't doing anything this time and it was something else, she could not help but be careful and still have that thought in the back of her mind.

"I will," Waan replied raising her voice a little so Sol could hear her while she continued across the landing to the bedroom in question at what was going on. Yes, the couple often did things and only in their room however they both spent 90% of their time in there, often not even doing anything, like two adult teenagers, meaning as much as they had to be careful there was still some "innocence" between them.

As Waan approached the room, an odd silence fulfilled the space, making her wonder what was going on and as there were no such "moans" sounding through the walls, she took the few opportunities to not knock and just waltz in there like a fly.

"Are you guys oka.... wtf," Waan said shocked, her body freezing to the spot as she witnessed the sight in front of her, maybe Sol was right, they had run from the time when they could just waltz in there like they used to, back when they were both still quiet and still in the process of getting comfortable with each other.

"Take that as your answer," Joo-won replied, the couple not phased by her entrance, still focusing on their task at hand, too involved and taken over by it to care about their poor friend still glued to the floor after wanting to do an innocent task of checking up on them after hearing such concerning screams, screams they had never heard from them before.

"You staying for the free porn or what?" Orzo questioned, taking the large cock out of his mouth, as the precum stuck onto his lips giving it a hard thrust with his hand as he looked up at Waan who looked as if she was about to pass out.

"Absolutely not, but have you guys ever tried this, those screams were new?" Waan questioned, finally feeling herself given the ability to move again slowly moving herself back towards the door ready to shut the door as soon as possible.

"We're are trying something out." Orzo replied putting his "pacifier" back in his face as their eyes rolled to the back of their head, the pleasure taking over them.

"Correction, they are, fuckin experimentalist," Joon-won whined, catching a second of air after gagging on the small but soft cock tickling his lip earging to get back inside.

"Sounds like them kinky." Waan joked before shutting the door heavily, the door creating a loud thump as it slammed shut making the walls rattle a little, of course, they were doing that why wouldn't they?

end of flashback

"Yeah and they weren't just doing any usual shit either!" she exclaimed, collapsing back onto the sofa catching her fall.

"Please don't tell me they were doing what they always joked about?" Sol eagerly questioned, not because she wanted to know but because Waan presented with a face of shock that startled her, not expecting her to come back traumatised, they were both traumatised enough from them already.

"Oh, they were." Waan sighed, picking her iPad back up, her hand dropping at first the weight surprising her despite having it on her lap a few minutes prior.

"Well then," Sol says in a deep sigh planting herself back on the sofa ready to continue girl bossing genshin like they were.

"Also when you going to get Luna to download and play with us?" Sol questioned as she waited to load back in, ready to fight back any hilochurl that shot at her from pausing mid-fight.

"I don't know I haven't asked her yet actually," Waan confessed, her fingers fiercely tapping the scream as she attempted to kill all of the enemies.

"Ask her now."

"Yeah I will, I'll make it seem urgent as well so then I can also tell her of what horror just happened, they aren't getting away with it this time, the whole group is knowing." Waan laughed as Sol joined her agreeing to her plan, glancing at Waan who had dialled Luna and was now waiting for a response, all short-lived at the speed Luna, to their luck, picked up.


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