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"You need to leave now!" Yara said giving a strong point towards the door.

They all would have dragged him out themselves but this man had the strength of them all out together. They couldn't fight physically so they had to fight verbally and let's just say working with a stubborn and obnoxious person who always gets what they want, it wasn't an easy battle.

"I don't think that's going to happen do you?" The voice said with a smirk focusing their eyes on their keys spinning around their finger.

"Why do you always do this, you know we could get and will get a restraining order on you if you don't stop," Brea said rubbing her temples, this was not the time or day for this to be happening right now.

"I think we all know that's not going to happen baby girl," they said while tapping the underside of her chin, getting too close for comfort for any of them.

They all had tried to and still wanted to but knowing his power and ability scared them more, it was better and safer to just deal with him themselves than get the authorities involved.

Brea just scoffed not knowing what to say anymore, she was worried about the time and she knew letting her anger would only make matters worse.

"Still, you can go do this to any other person but you chose Luna why? What's so special to you about her?" Yara said

"So she's not special to you lot, nice I'll tell her that," they said giving her face a stroke aiming to make them all even more uncomfortable at least once.

Yara just scoffed back.

"You know that's not what I meant, we know how you feel towards her, she's nothing to you and that's how she and we both want it to stay like that. what do you want from her now?"

"What makes you think I want something from her, what if I'm not here for anything but to wish her a happy birthday, is a friend not allowed to do that? Your friends with her, do I not have the same right as a friend huh?" the voice said sensing all the anger he had made just with his presence.

"you're not her friend, you're nothing but a mere stranger to her and us just with a background," Seol-a said with stern eyes at him before turning to look back outside.

For a moment none of them said anything but kept glancing at each other and the time knowing it wouldn't be long and they still hadn't got this asshole away.

"So how did Luna's date go?" they said stroking their lip, they weren't supposed to know and they knew it but making them go even more on edge seemed even better.

They all looked at each other, confused, date what date? They usually told each other about these kinds of things if they weren't dating the person but Luna hadn't.

Quickly Seol-a cleared her throat. "She said it went well why?" while quickly giving her friends ill tell you later look.

"How did you know?" she said, her voice starting to shake worried about how he found out.

"Oh I know everything, don't act surprised," they said

They all knew he knew more than they wanted but they never knew how, he either knew everyone or he had a scheme running and they didn't know.

Suddenly Seol-a spotted Luna walking down the street, she had kept looking out there one so she didn't have to look into his spine-chilling eyes and so that she could keep an eye out for you.

"Brea come here," Seol-a said in a calm but sharp tone

Brea quickly walked towards her while she pointed down to the path below where you could see Luna peacefully walking home.

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