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"This man, he's never late and if is he usually lets us know," Jason says with a sigh, the only one with a family waiting for him back home, he was a family man after all, clueless about how the hell he got involved in these situations in the first place, it was too many high school memories ago.

"Well, he had better hurry up before I throw hands," Hisoki muttered, still loud enough for them all to hear him.

They were all gathered in Hisoki's living room, as usual, Jason on his own while Hisoki took up a whole sofa by himself leaving Haroof and Jun on the other sofa ready to open a space for when Chibi finally arrives, worried at his sudden lateness.

"Calm down he shouldn't be..."

"Too long." Chibi interrupted Jason who had a visual wave of relief come over him, however not for long as they all see how he refuses to budge from the door, something much larger clearing bugging them.

"Where have you been man?" Jun asks, waving him to side down in his usual spot but Chibi yet again refuses to sit down.

"Uh well long story short Luna called and I need to go to hers and answer some questions I have no idea what about though she didn't say but her voice was emotionless so something has clearly happened in the short time," Chibi explains watching Hisoki scramble through some side draws before grabbing out what look like old pagers that have been collecting dust over the years.

"I have a bad feeling about that," Hisoki claims, rolling up the string to make it easier to hold.

"You have a bad feeling about everything though." Haroof sighs, throwing his arms over his back as he stretches his neck.

"And have I ever been wrong?" Hisoki scoffs, looking down at the little devices in his hands.

"YES." Jun basically screams in response, his laughter breaking out as he did so.

"Whatever." Hisoki deadpans, looking back up at Chibi who was still standing in the door frame barely looking down at them with his small height, even Sol the smallest being taller.

"Before you go take this, make sure you can reach it at all times and if u need help press it and it will page us and we will come we have your location it won't be difficult," Hisoki explains, throwing one at him who put it around his neck and slips it down his sleeve so he doesn't get caught in case everything does go south.

"Right well I'm off then talk later."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*           *:・゚✧*:・゚ ✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Right I have everything written down, you sure you haven't missed anything?" Orzo asks, finishing up the last few questions they were planning to ask, they had to write everything down as they knew when the time came everything would go blank and they would forget everything, it had happened once and it was not happening again.

"I don't think..... OH SHIT." Luna exclaims, her eyes widening suddenly when the realization had hit her, she knew she recognized the name Jun from somewhere but have no clue where that was until it all hit.

"What do you mean oh shit, he's probably going to be here in a minute hurry up and say it!" Brea practically screams, her face filled with pure worry and nervousness as she grabbed a chair for him to sit on and the rope they had talked about if things even got that far, knowing Jae-eon if Dae was anything similar the measures were needed.

"Ages ago, well not ages ago but I think it was before Dae moved in I think, Jun came to visit me, did their usual threatening thing that failed on me as usual, and asked me to break Dae's heart, and then left, no more words said," Luna explained, her fingernails tapping her drink she had poured herself knowing herself under influence even so small as one drink, will make her more angry and forceful determined if it was all true to get him out her life as soon as possible, she had enough trouble with Jae-eon, fitting how shitty Dae had started to treat her as time progressed, the manipulation, the guilt-tripping, the blackmailing, mild control and everything else just proving Jae-eon no doubt probably had a part to play in creating this evil side of Dae everyone surpasses thinking he was capable of no such thing, well if only they knew.

"well please please please if this goes how we think you will do that." Seol-a pleaded, clear desperation in her eyes.

"What would you say if I said I have already tried to leave once and it well failed if you consider where I am right now?" Luna exposes, concluding it was probably the best time to tell them that but not the full story, at least not yet anyway...

"WAIT WHAT REALLY?" Sol asks, completely surprised, you could even say flabbergasted not expecting that at all, all while Waan just stares at her mouth wide open her eyes wide startled by the news.

"Bro why you screaming at me for that?" Luna queries, not expecting to get yelled at for exposing the truth.

"Maybe cause you didn't tell us that??" Waan says with a "duh" expression, all of them forgetting they are meant to be preparing for a mini-investigation in the apartment any minute now.

"Yeah well, that's irrelevant cause Dae's location says he is here so get ready," Luna informs, everyone getting ready, unbeknown to then, Dae had his own plan all ready for them too, especially as they had prying eyes on them and not one of them knew...

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