Unexpected news

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| trigger warning

It was a bright Tuesday morning, the sun was streaming through her lace curtains as Luna awoke grumpily from her sleep.
She hadn't had the best of nights, after the night before events caused her brain to give her a nightmare in its way of trying to process everything that had happened and could potentially happen, Dae had reassured her when she told him about her past in the restaurant that time however she was starting to wonder if he even listened.

In the beginning, he was okay, in her brain she justified his actions starting off with making her let him see her naked before and after to shower to check for any marks of self-harm but what she didn't realize is that she was only thinking like that from the way he guilt-tripped her and manipulated her in doing it. It wasn't clear, he made sure to do it a subtle way especially knowing how she felt guilty and bad after things, only making his ride even easier than expected.

You haven't done as much shit as you thought you have Dae had thought to himself, Hisoki always claimed he did so much trauma to her, and yes he did there was no doubt that he did but after what Dae was dealing with it was clear he could do so much more. Hisoki opened the crack and he will tear it down into a million pieces and that was exactly what he was going to do.

He loved and cared for her but his own needs came first.

Luna sat up grumpily, the sun blinding her as her blue orbs adjusted to the bright light surrounding her. The night before after everything she had forgotten to shut her curtains, something she now greatly regretted.

"You're awake then." Dae's deep voice sounded, standing tall in the doorway with only joggers on, his top completely bare, proving how sitting around doing nothing really changed his physique even if he still denied it.

"Yeah, I am thanks." Luna shrugged, shutting her eyes again still struggling to see which came at a cost of feeling a weight be placed onto her lap followed by a loud squeal of a meow from Bubble who had jumped onto the bed from the stool that stood next to it to let her and her small legs hop onto it. Bubble was growing however Luna had a rather large and high bed, even for a human to struggle to scramble onto especially if they did shrink 2 inches when they took their shoes off *cough Sol*


"How the fuck." Sol screamed to everyone else's enjoyment who were stood behind and to the sides of Sol laughing so much they all looked as if they had just dunked their heads into.

"I'm sorry but this is the best thing I've ever seen." Brea squeals unable to speak from how hard she was laughing at Sol failing to get on a bed. Yes, you heard me correct a bed.

It was Luna's second month of living in the apartment and she had finally been able to sort out and decorate her room. She wanted a large for her body man spread throughout the night like a starfish and as it was more comfortable however what she did not think through when she bought the mattress was the height.

It was a thick bed meaning she practically had to jump and dive into it every night, she wasn't complaining it was a soft cuddly landing however Sol, who also just happened to be the smallest, was having great difficulty getting on there while everyone else had got on there at ease to test out the bed.

"Ah fuck this, if we ever have a slumber party in here someone needs to lift me on," Sol exclaimed with a loud sigh resting against the wall while everyone still died from laughter, tears filling their eyes.

End of flashback

"What you smirking at?" Dae said sheepishly, a suspicious smirk appearing on the side of his face.

"Oh... nothing," Luna replied, wiping the smile off her face as she looked down at the breakfast that had been made and delivered for her, Dae sitting comfortably at the end of the bed while Bubbles cuddled up against her side falling into a deep sleep in seconds.

Just as Dae was about to speak, there was a loud vibration as Luna's phone began to ring from Seol-a, it was late morning she's normally still asleep, Luna thought grabbing her phone and clicking the green button while she ate peacefully with her phone rested against her ear, usually, she would have put it on speaker but now when Dae was around, there are some things he didn't need to know and same applied for her, but his mysteries she was unaware were greatly different.

"Why are you awake," Luna questioned, munching heavily on her piece of toast, her tiredness kicking in.

"I got too much stuff to do but as the restrictions are slowly easing, I know it's still not technically allowed but can I come back?" She asked hopefully, she knew Luna would welcome her back with open arms as much as Bubble would too on her little legs however she still felt rude just turning up and presenting herself without warning.

"Of course, you can I mean at this rate make myself a hotel." Luna joked, forgetting that she had not been able to tell the others of Dae's presence in her apartment and how he was somehow now temporarily living with her.

"What do you mean?" Seol-a questioned, a clear confusion shown in the tone of her voice.

"Long story short, Dae moved himself in, I didn't get the option to reject it," Luna explained, Dae now staring at her intently wanting to know what was being said, his name was mentioned and that was all he cared about.

He knew moving was wrong in fact illegal however compared to what Hisoki and the others had been doing to which he has occasionally joined, it was nothing.

"Sorry, what, In the nicest way possible I do not want to live with him," Seol-a said, Luna taking in a large gulp that slowly moved painfully down her throat that she doesn't want to either, especially after everything that has been going on, progressing getting worse, but not that she would admit that to anyone or herself not because she didn't want to face the truth, because her brain was so brainwashed she couldn't think about the events clearly or at all not with the culprit sitting right before her, staring down her every move.

"I know I'll tell you when I'm finally able to kick him out and you can come back," Luna informs, ignoring the deathly stare that was staring at her as if it could pierce through her heart.

To her luck, the call ended fairly quickly, Seol-a having a busy schedule and things to do since she started her new job as a librarian in the local library, something that suited her a lot better than what she did originally, she didn't hate it but what she was doing now was something more enjoyable and down her street.

"What is this about me being kicked up," Dae spoke up, following behind her as she walked lazily to the kitchen to put her breakfast, she could tell from the empty bowls already sitting there that Dae had eaten before her.

"I didn't ask you to come here meaning that I can kick you out as I please, so yes so I can have my roommate back that I ACTUALLY asked to live here you are going back to your neglected home." Luna informed, ignoring how he was now following her around like a puppy while she slowly got ready for her day his face dropping as Luna's words sunk into his head, she said please leave and he heard " I don't want to live with you or love you go away", his brain-twisting what she said as usual.

"You're mean!" Dae exclaimed, stomping out of the bathroom like a toddler having a tantrum slowly angering Luna more, something she couldn't escape anymore since Dae had moved in especially, she hadn't expected to kick him out so quickly back to his own abode however at the same time she was in no way complaining.

However what really triggered her more, angering her inside to the point of boiling and ready to explode at any moment, was the fact that she was only treating and talking to him how he talks to her, this incident proving once again Dae could not take how he treat others or in other words the truth in actions for once and not words, Luna having giving up communicating as her words seemed to travel through one ear and out the other while nothing but bullshit came out of his mouth.

Man child, I tell you, a pure man child

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