Broken bones

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"Sol, what have you do urgently called me here for now." She moaned as she carefully shut Luna's apartment door behind her, worried that they would break off the hinges with all the slamming it does.

"Well erm..." she says in a suspicious tone, turning around to face Brea who looked rather worried after having to leave work so quickly cause Sol did something and needed help, for some reason Brea being that needed person.

"I did something bad, very bad." She said, holding Bubble in her arms who looked like something was wrong, even in pain, you could say.

"Why do I feel like you've done something and it involves Bubble?" She says frozen her heart sinking at what it could possibly be, only reassured with the fact Bubble is laying in her arms alive at least.

"Yeah well, so let me explain what happened first and then you can shout at me all you like," Sol said in a rush, saying her words so quickly Brea barely had the chance to process what she had said.

"I came here because well, one I need to ask y'all a question and because when I got home Orzo and Joo-won were having their fun which I quite frankly didn't want to hear, Waan already updating me that she had gone shopping and would be hereafter. So I entered the apartment and let's just say I forgot there's now a four-legged creature having a run of the apartment so I walked in as usual and didn't see Bubble come running towards me and stepped on her back leg which I'm pretty sure I felt break underneath me." She said with a worried look looking at Brea who now had wide eyes and was focused on Bubble who had started whimpering and hiding her head in the warmth of Sol's arms.

"THEN WHY THE FUCK YOU HAVEN'T YOU TAKEN HER TO THE VETS?" Brea shouts dropping her things on the floor, bending down a little to examine for herself the state of Bubble's poor trampled leg.

"Because I didn't know which vet they registered her with and I even know where the closest vet is, I know nothing you do, you had Albey growing up you've got the experience." She confesses with a sigh passing Bubble to Brea who did, in fact, has a better idea of what to do than Sol who was as clueless as the sun.

"Well first let's call Luna and we'll go from there, we aren't telling them why yet, Seol-a will for sure kill you if Luna hasn't already by that point." She warns, grabbing her phone out of her bag soaking Luna's number impatiently waiting for her to pick up as the phone rings.

"You good?" Luna questions after managing to pick up just as the phone was about to stop ringing.

"Yeah erm, nothing has happened but I need to know two questions," Brea said trying to sound as calm and non-suspicious as possible.

"Right..?" Luna slurs seeing right through the wall Brea was trying to put up temporarily to hide the fact the fragile kitten was in pain.

"One what vet did you register Bubble with? Two do you have insurance on her?"

"I think Seol-a put her with Millenium round the corner from us and yeah Seol-a sorted everything the other day why?" She asked curiously, her stomach begging to churn with nervousness and uncertainty.

Luna was still at work, finishing up before going to a couple of meetings. It had been a fairly cold day, Luna leaving her apartment in black leggings top and jumper in the hope it would conceal any warmth she gathered throughout the day, in which it gladly did.

"No reason we were just wondering cause knowing our group we didn't want to be unprepared yanno."

"Yeah I know, also who's we?" Luna asks confused as to who was with her at the moment to say we, assuming she was still at work like she would usually be at this time, however little did she know.

"Err." Brea stutters looking at Sol who was just glaring at her even more clueless about what to say than Brea was.

"Me and Sol, we were just talking and thought we'd better ask." She lied internally praying it worked.

"Aren't you meant to be at work though?"

"Yeah, but the meeting got cancelled so I left early." She said finally being able to say some truth to back them up until they could tell them all without panicking everyone.

"Oh alright, I'll be home soon, I need to go," Luna says before promptly ending the call as she heard her manager call for her.

"Right let's go we have things to do, you search up where we need to go, Millenium, and call them and I'll get Bubble into her basket. " Brea ordered, earning a nod from Sol who quickly started searching where to go.

She had never had a pet and while she did know what to do when it finally came time to use that knowledge she just froze calling Brea as her last resort knowing while she'll be mad at the moment she'll end up laughing at her in the end anyway, while Sol had to live in guilt of what she had accidentally done, hoping it wouldn't be too bad especially in a growing kitten who's home were still growing and getting stronger, the break potentially creating a large hinder to her development as a kitten.

"Right let's go," Brea muttered, picking up the basket listening to the quiet whines from Bubble who looked petrified, not just from being in pain but where she was being taken now.
Bubble had only travelled with Luna and that was here, making bubble trust her and only her when it came to travelling and after having been stepped on, being taken away by that same person seemed scary.

"I'd better start making my apology speech." Sol said with a sigh locking the apartment behind them hoping no one would notice Bubble had temporarily "disappeared", not wanting to deal with stupid accusations when she was going to get scolded enough to step on Bubble as it was already.

"I don't have pet's for a reason ..."

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