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"WHAT THE FUCK HAS THIS BITCH GOT HERSELF INTO NOW!" Seol-a screamed throwing her phone across the room, her feelings overloading.

It was now the next morning and the sun had started to shine its way into your apartment waking the few friends that had fallen asleep.
They had all been at yours as per usual however what scared them is the fact you hadn't even contacted them and you hadn't come back home.

They knew what kind of people have forced themselves into your life and more importantly their lives too. In which Seol-a knew if it was important you either went as you were tricked or because the consequence of not was larger than giving in and going.

"It's 9 am on a Saturday and I think I would have rathered it been a weekday, at least we could have tracked her down." Brea grouched in a low tone, she was still tired after staying up late but she needed to help unpick the puzzle.

"We should have got trackers on our phones, so we know who's where the worlds only getting more and more dangerous as we speak." Orzo stated

"If it saves us from having to do this again, I'm all up for it," Waan said exiting Luna's bedroom.

Only Orzo and Seol-a had managed to stay awake all night, it wasn't hard for them they did it often anyway however the problem at hand only made it harder to keep calm.

"When was the last time you called her?" Sol asked pondering her way to the kitchen in need of a cold drink to clench her dying  thirst.

"2 am" Seol-a replied gripping her now even more smashed phone.

"Try calling again it's been 7 hours since then," Waan said perching herself on the sofa.

"You can I've tried enough." She sighed flopping onto the sofa mentally tired from the same thoughts rotating in her head.

Waan quickly got up and searched for her phone on the countertop, finally finding it covered by all the other bits and bobs that had landed themselves on there. She unlocked her phone to get blinded by the sudden bright light forgetting she had left it on full brightness.
She hurriedly dialled Luna's number nerves starting to arise in her wondering what will happen if she can't get through either?

"Please pick up Luna come on hurry up," Sol muttered, starting to fidget as her nerves momentarily consumed her.

"Hello," a croaky voice said.

"Luna?" Sol scrambled out, almost in shock that she replied and how she sounded.

"Yeah that's me?" she said in a restrained voice almost coughing the words out.

Now the drug had started to die of her allowing her to begin to speak despite the fact she sounded horrifying.

"Where have you been all night? And most importantly what have you been doing to sound as bad as that?" Sol said pressing the speaker button as everyone crowded around her phone wanting to be relieved of this worry.

"I had to go somewhere I'm fine though don't worry, I'll be home soon," Luna muttered as well as she could, extremely aware of the gun to her head if she let on any information.

She didn't know why Jae-eon was doing this over what had happened, however, what had happened was still a blur it only now beginning to reappear and become clear. Only with time would she be able to think straight, only being able to put his current actions to the point he's yet again indirectly saying "say anything and I'll end you and everyone you love.", leaving her to take the punishment to keep everyone else safe.

"Well be quick, if you're not back by midday I'm sending a search party out," Sol replied feeling all her friend's eyes staring at her.

Luna gave a large cough as Jae-eon began to tighten his hold on her throat now cutting the air circulation while pressing the gun even harder to her head.

"Okay." she managed to blurt out immediately ending the call to get out of more questions and in the hope to breathe.

"She had better be back by then or I'll never let her leave this apartment again," Seol-a said placing her head in her hands to steady her thoughts.

"At least she finally picked up." Brea sighed, a large breath she didn't know she was holding in escaping her mouth.

"True true, now we just wait," Waan murmured collapsing back on the sofa to collect her thoughts back into logic, the others following her lead or still in shock.


Jae-eon hesitantly replaced his hand away from her throat and putting the gun down, wanting to make sure the call had ended first before allowing her the right to breathe. As her airway was released, Luna suddenly took in a large gush of air from almost suffocating only a few seconds prior.

"What was that for?" Luna exclaimed throwing a death stare at him while he carelessly laid back brushing his hands through his black silk hair that landed perfectly back on his face.

"This is only the start and I refuse you to tell them anything or I'll stop your ability to talk forever and after last night I think I proved I would miss that mouth a little too much," he commented stroking her chin.

Luna quickly slapped his hand away and scoffed.

"Like I would tell them this, before was embarrassing enough I can't put them through any more, this was enough, I won't allow it to happen again." She told him demandingly.

"Oh don't worry that won't happen however this will." he pronounced swaying his finger back and forth between them both emphasising this, making her shine shiver at the thought he's got another scheme going and she's been forced into it yet again.

"You're truly are disgusting I hope you know that Jae-eon." she sneered getting out of the bed to search for her lost clothes.

"Damn, is doing this all I have to do to get name privileges back huh?" he mocked hands still resting cockily behind his head.

"No, it means I'm directing it at you so something actually goes and stays in that thick head of yours," Luna growled done with this bullshit and ready to leave.

"Sure sure, I think you should get going before you get grounded." he joked watching her leave, pleased with himself for yet again achieving what he wanted.

"Haha very funny dickhead, go die in hell." She screamed before stumbling out of the building her legs still sore after what she was forced to endure the night before, greeting the maids as she did so, wondering what one decision she made all that time ago that got her here.

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