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"I think I've figured it out so I'm going to warn you don't be surprised at how I act when I walk in, it's not what it seems I just like putting them on edge especially when something like this happens."

He hummed a response not really knowing what she was talking about but just went along with it sensing something big was about to go down and wanted to be here to watch it unfold.

Quickly Luna unlocks the door barging into her apartment knowing full well if it was one of her friends they would still be here. As she walks in, Dae follows a large shadow forming behind them from where the sun was shunting brightly through the windows. Dae wasn't massive, he had some clear muscle on him from where he went to the gym daily but he wasn't short of 5'10 so when a small petite Luna barely reaching the height of 5'3 walked in, it seemed like a monster has come trembling through the door behind her.

"Right people, you have 2 minutes to explain what the fuck you lot did when I went to sleep and none of you are leaving until I know everything from top to bottom!" Luna said sternly while proceeding to lock the door behind her leaving then no option but to confess. They could have gone out the window but they also knew it meant smashing it and they weren't planning to go to such lengths over something so small.

Silence filled the room, all of them glancing at each other taking in deep heavy breaths wanting to know who was going to make the first move. Luna was a genuinely nice person but when she was angry she was either calm while it builds up inside of her or Satan comes out, no matter what when she was angry you didn't want to mess with her or something or someone would break.

"You lot clearly know how I "magically" sent that message last night or you would be giving me confused expressions yet or not so tell me what happened." She said whilst dropping her keys on the table leaving Dae to perch himself on the last remaining chair leaving Luna in the middle of them on arms crossed waiting for words to pour out their mouths

"Before anything happens I would like to say I was not a part of this and was asleep when it happened so you cross me off the list," Emma said getting up to leave the circle that such a strong tension someone could suffocate in it, in which Emma was.

"If you must know everyone who was involved is here so don't go bothering Yara and Brea they left as soon as they found out, they didn't even want to watch it unfold which is a first." Orzo said scoffing realising this was indeed a first for them not to be here over analysing every word spoken.

"Alright let's break it down then, who's idea was it first?" She questioned, she had already gathered who it was but still wanted to see if they would admit to it.

"You already know it's me, what kind of question was that." They replied leaning back in their seat.

"Yeah I did but it's nice and relieving to actually see you admit to it, you do these silly jokes on me all the time I don't even have to think before knowing it's you," she said sitting on the arm of the sofa waiting for the rest to be explained.

"I wanna know exactly what happened so that you assholes can apologise to Dae for making me walk into him as that one message was the reason for it."

"Well if it helps I only let them in your phone as I did not expect the message to say that," Seol-a said, she knew she wasn't that mad at them just annoyed that it was all done behind her back.

"Wait so you knew that message would make me, well both of us uncomfortable and you still let it be sent, "Luna questioned still in shock

"I can't say it made me uncomfortable," Dae grumbled to himself, Emma being the only one who heard him giving him a forceful glare to make sure he knew not to say such a thing again.

The message they had sent had had some sexual reference to it, not a lot but enough to make Luna annoyed and worst of all triggered. They all sent it assuming Dae wouldn't turn up, it was a message asking for a daytime hook up which they thought he would decline to be "the gentlemen" he is but apparently not. Unfortunately, that thought had not yet occurred to them all, all of them too engrossed in the here and now to even think about that.

"Alright okay if this helps justify myself I didn't expect him to come or for Dae to react like that, I was also for once too tired to even focus on what was going on exactly," Seol-a said putting her hands up in the air to prove she was telling the truth.

"Is this one of those lucky times where we can just apologise and leave and the issue is sorted?" Orzo asked, hoping it was the case just this once feeling guilty and too tired to drag something so simple on. They hadn't meant to anger Luna but he could tell from her face and body movements an apology would seal the deal.

"Honestly yes, just grab your stuff and go relax in your own homes," Luna said, too tired to deal with them along with her pain medication having had a little effect only making her more grouching and irritable to be around.

Without wasting time the others apologised and left, it wasn't that their friendship was ruined it was more the aftereffects on the nights before shenanigans making things worse and they all just needed space to recover.

Luna spent the rest of the day with Dae, they didn't do much, they carried on their conversations for a while and ended up just watching tv until their food arrived,  it had already been late afternoon by the time everyone had left also unfortunately meaning only even less time to recover for work.

Throughout the evening Dae had wanted to talk to Luna about what had happened, to gain a clearer understanding of why she was so annoyed over that, her friends knew why but also knew it wasn't a subject to be brought up, it was one she found difficult to think about despite somehow easily talking about it when those times come. The only reason he hadn't brought it up was that it seemed like one that would cause a lot of unneeded tension and he was still worried about how she was after last night and today's events leading him to keep quiet unless brought up by the woman herself.

"I'll get it," Luna said, reacting immediately to when her door beeped.

As she stumbled out of Dae's arms her head began to thumb so hard she lost all strength in her legs and collapsed to the ground, head in her hands.

"Woah Woah Woah, you're staying here little one let me get the food," Dae said quickly helping Luna back onto the sofa where she gulped down what was left of her drink.

"Little one?" she said while half looking back at Dae surprised at what he had just called her.

"Yeah you're half my height it fits." he giggled giving her a warm smile.

"Sure fine use that I guess it's not like I get called anything else anyway." you joked back before laying back down on the sofa to ease the pain.

"In that case don't expect me to call you anything else from now on."

"Sure sure now hurry up with that food I'm hungry."

Without further ado he opened the door and greeted the deliverer, the rest of the evening being the same both of them teasing each other while eating, despite their hardships they always enjoyed their company and times together that was one thing Luna could not deny and would be forever grateful for.

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