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"Aye aye lads what we meeting for today then," Jason said swinging his arms around his two mates beside him as they walked into their meeting room.

"Here to discuss matters with our toy," Hisoki said grumpily pulling out of the arm wrapped around his shoulders

"You really have no respect," Jason said letting his arms fall back down his side as he fell onto the sofa in front of him.

"The fuck is that meant to mean?" he said spitting out.

"I think he means we have a heart and as much as we are like you and are no better we have a heart, something you don't, the thing you lost decades ago," Harrof said entering last behind the others.

Hisoki just scoffed and pulled out his notebook resting his pen on top, he was never a time-waster, unless he was just casually hanging out ready to meaningless waste time he was always there for business never any unneeded talk straight to the point.

"Oh come on, you've even dragged me into this don't start scoffing now." Chibi sighed slouching into the chair he had seated himself in.

"For once it's you and not me," Harrof said, both Jason and Jun watching from the side.

When it came to business, anything that had to be done physically was either done through Hisoki, Harrof or Chibi while Jun and Jason were the ones who kept an eye on what was going on usually it was making sure everything was running smoothly however in this case it was making sure they weren't going too far and didn't get too consumed in themselves. Jason being the one who kept most of the cool in the group, he never understood how he ended up where he did but there was nothing he could do just accepting it was his fate.

"Alright, your toy, which one the one we've been dealing with for almost a year or the new one," Jason said tapping his fingernails on the table waiting for a response.

"Both." Hisoki finally spoke in his deep voice.

"My new toy's fine I'm just in the process of reading her to be able to play with her to my full potential anyway Chibi has taken my pain toy and is doing exactly what he shouldn't be doing."

He stared at Chibi with gritted teeth trying to keep his cool despite his anger filling up and about to explode.

"Can you even blame me? When has this ever happened to me before? I think I've witnessed things enough to know what not to do or do." Chibi said sternly staring straight into Hisoki's eyes knowing it always weirdly calms him.

"He's right, you let him go, you knew this is what we had discussed, just calm and focus on your business for once will you, and not your distractions that will probably end up dead. Let's be real she would be right now if Chibi wasn't working his magic." Jun replied he hated it in a way but not really it was entertaining to him.

Would he like to be the one that did it all? Of course not. Would he even go to such lengths if he did get involved? Probably not but he could he tried and he knew that.

"Do you really think you'll never fall in love again? Like yeah, that's not the reason you're so heartless but what If a girl came along and somehow changed everything." Jason questioned his finger now resting in his hand as he tapped his chin.

"How the fuck is a girl meant to suddenly make everything do a 180, if what you've done hasn't helped I'm not interested, life's okay right now." Hisoki scoffed

"Yeah yeah okay, so anyway what was this meeting for again." Harrof moaned wanting to go back home and sleep after being rudely disturbed by an "emergency" meeting.

"I just wanted to check everything's going well with Chibi anything happened?" He asked.

"Well, I've touched her no idea how she reacted she seemed calm when I messaged her the next morning but who knows." Chibi sighed brushing his hand through his soft fluffy like hair.

"How did she not react after everything I did and more importantly the other night?" He said surprised by what he had mentioned.

"Who knows don't forget she went counselling. She can probably deal a lot better with everything plus she was always able to easily identify how she felt and stuff so any problem she had probably only taken a small conversation with a friend to figure the best solution or whatever." Chibi says pushing himself onto the table to rest.

"When the fuck did you know all that about her?" Harrof yelled in shock from everything he knew.

Chibi could see all the glares being stared at him, he had never told them these things when they happened. He knew what he felt was as wrong as it should probably but he was scared if he told them at the time they would fuck up his chance even more.

"Don't forget I worked with her, I'm close with her and every media knows it. They're just waiting for something to happen."


Chibi just scoffed.

"What and have 2 flourishing careers go down in one no thanks plus I'm not as cruel as you, don't get too ahead of yourself hot heels you're still hot on the hit list and you know it."

No one spoke, the atmosphere was tense but nothing they couldn't handle they've had worse like when the authorities were first after him and the same time his suppliers decided to mess up. They never knew if it was on purpose or pure coincidence however now they didn't care everything was calm and in their control just how they liked it.

"If y'all are sorted I'm off I've got places to be!" Jason announced standing up ready to leave the room.

"I need to go chase up my suppliers anyway and if I don't get them someone's dying tonight." Hisoki scoffed grabbing his stuff walking out the others started to stand and do the same.

"You've never been in love Chibi, don't get hurt it hurts," Haroof says patting his shoulder gently before leaving behind Jun who was too occupied to care.

"Yeah yeah yeah I get it and I've still stuck to the plan calm down." Rolling his eyes the glass store slammed shut behind them, surprisingly not smashing from the force it was shut.

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