Burn, Pillage, Burn, Invade

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"I'm sorry Sir I am just passing the message, Is there anything you would like me to send back?" the messenger said standing as still as he could be scared for his life he'd die otherwise.

"No it's okay you may go I'll sort it from here," Hisoki said loosening his tie from his neck ready to deal with them all.

Hisoki was indeed angry at the news he had just heard but he knew he couldn't let it out on the young man in front of him. He was only the messenger for instances like this and he knew it. He didn't deserve to be the punching bag for his anger for just doing his simple job.

"Why are you calling me? What's happened now?" Jason sighed who had been planning to have a restful night however was soon disturbed by Hisoki's call.

Hisoki never called him unless something happened to need his help or advice, so he knew when he called to answer no matter what, and after some problems he had to protect him or the business that is constantly at risk. Drugs were risky and being the owner of them was even more.

"They're late again.. there's something fishy though so I'm taking the call and we're going in."

"Alright, start calling upon everyone, I'll call the others," Jason reassured him ending the call quickly to call the others to get there

"FUCK." he shouted throwing his phone in anger across the room.

"A man really can't be in peace for 2 minutes without something going wrong," he grumbled as the maid came in with the drink he had asked for to cool himself.

Before he could even think again Harrof came thundering into the room looking as if he had run a marathon.

"How tf you get here so quick." He scoffed chugging the drink in 3 seconds.

"I was already on my way so when I got the call I ran in." he huffed collapsing onto the sofa in the office.

"SO what do we need to do?" he asked looking at Hisoki who was in deep thought staring at the ground.

"Well they can't get it to us and I am going to lose business if I don't get it plus last time this happens was when we almost got caught well I almost got caught by the police if I hadn't have killed them all, are the groups heading there? Are they equipped?"

"Yeah they are going to meet us there, I've got the guns, whoever had decided to mess with me has messed with the wrong person." he sighed grabbing all the guns they need for each other to take everyone down and see where their supplies had got to.

"You know you might as well join the Mafia at this point." Harrof scoffed pulling out his phone.

"Fuck no I've already got shot and been invaded by their men once I don't want to have to take them down twice or even see their ugly faces."

"True true, We waiting here for the others or we leaving without them?"

"Gotta wait I can't imagine Chibi or Jason will be too pleased if we leave them behind after calling them here."

"Good point." Harrof sighed throwing his head back too tired to be dealing with this bullshit but knew it had to be done. It wasn't the first time this had happened so a threat of everything going down just wasn't in the question.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*          *:・゚✧*:・゚ ✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Stay here I ain't risking you out here again," Jason yelled to the back of the car where Hisoki was sitting while the rest of the group jumped out of the car already pulling out their weapons looking out for anyone who wasn't a part of their gang who had arrived and started fighting earlier.

They all knew what they had to do. The police only wanted Hisoki to their luck which meant for orders he had to be there for orders just not in sight. Stupidly out of them all he was the best when it came to always getting a shot right on target, I mean he never missed so having his talent become a waste at times like this was excruciating annoying.

However, to Hisoki's luck who was quickly getting agitated only being able to watch the innocent workers get killed for their supplier refusing to keep to their deal, he quickly received a call from Jun who was down where they had who they wanted hostage where everything was made.

"Boss what we doing." He huffed out struggling to keep their hostage in one place from all his movement eager to get away safely and in one piece which most likely at this rate would not be the case.

"Put me on speaker let me speak to him." He demanded in a threatening tone.
All of the group knew he never meant it towards them as it only ever appeared in serious situations that he couldn't take 2 chances at.


"So unable to stick to your deal huh?" Scoffing at the faint struggle he could hear in the background proving one of them were securely stopping their respiration until they got what they wanted.

"I...I c..can e..x..pl..ainn" the hostage struggled out, being allowed a breath to speak and no more. Chibi not feeling kind enough to let this man have it easy.

"Sure you do, go on you have 10 seconds or say goodbye to your wife and children."

"I...I" they sputtered unable to speak with the large hand tightly wrapped around their gun with a gun to their heart ready to fire at any moment. He loved his family more than anything, he knew all he could do was tell the truth however the memory of the truth being enough forcefully lingered in the back of his head.


"Lack of workers." He suddenly spattered out Chibi's hand loosening enough to speak.

"Virus, new chemicals just came in, quickly getting back up to production."

"Fuckin virus a load of bullshit." He muttered angrily his teeth gritting as he spoke while his hand wrapped around his phone got tighter.

Hisoki had no idea what this virus was doing and where it came from but he refused to let it ruin his business. The only reason he'd let them off was due to the government but with the little cases, he didn't care until then he would stay bitter.

"One week okay? If this virus affects you more tell me. You're my biggest percentage of profit I won't let you go that quick but I can easily replace you don't get too excited." He demanded before having a few final words with his friends that were down there who were finally able to retreat back up to the ground level to meet Hisoki back in the car.

"Bet that was frustrating for you!" Jun said getting back into the car followed by Chibi entering last.

"You bet it was now let's go I think we're done for the night disappoint I didn't get to hear anyone guts get ripped apart but there we go I guess the longer my no death streak goes on the better murder I'll get to do.." He sighed grabbing a drink from his holder, reliving the moments he's carved things into people with his knife, memories he found rather pleasant.

"We'd better be I wanna finally get my peace." Jason laughed earning a hit on the should from Harrof jokingly as he relaxed back into the dark leather seat of the car travelling away back home.

The next few chapters were requested and I guess give a bit more insight into other lives in characters :)

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