When two worlds start to collide

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| my Easter present for y'all

"BUBBLEEEEE," Seol-a screams as she walks into Luna's apartment followed by the other five behind her.

"Oh, I sure have missed you." She says, nudging her head into Bubble who was now in her arms, purring away at the sight of everyone returning.

"This place smells different," Orzo observes, sniffing around the apartment like a sniffer dog, I mean it had been exposed they had a roleplay aka sniffer dog kink so it added up, only concerning everyone more but also not fazing them at the same time.

"Yeah well, I've had a stinky man living in it who loves to spray deodorant all the fuckin time in every place, surprised I didn't start choking," Luna explains, turning on the tap to grab a cold glass of water feeling a hot flush come over her.

"True still smells nice though." They commented, crashing down onto the sofa texting their lover already despite only being apart for the last few minutes as they stayed behind back home.

"What did you wanna talk about?" Luna asks, crashing herself down onto the sofa while everyone else sorted themselves out and huddled up in her sofas, god how much they missed these sofas, they didn't know what was about them but they were just really fucking comfortable.

"Well, we have a few suspicions that may seem very far-fetched however Seol-a has a few strong gut feelings about a couple of people as well you are closer so you may know more or may have been able to notice more than we have been able to." Orzo explains opening up their note section where they had written a few notes to make sure they don't forget and to try and put together pieces of an extremely complicated puzzle.

"Right go on explain cause I have no idea who you are talking about," Luna states putting on her code-breaking face ready to sort out any issue they had now been presented with, had been a lot longer than they had realized.

"Well, Dae, Jae-eon, and Sol's co-worker Ton who is also under the name of Jun does it sound familiar?" Brea interrogates, Orzo read to type so they could keep their heads as clear as possible.

"Well, I don't need to explain Jae-eon we all know him." She replied her voice slurring slightly as she begins to think harder if there were any things to notice.

"Dae and whoever the fuck you're talking about... I don't think so I mean I have no clue who he is friends with other than fellow actors I could ask if you want." Luna states, looking at them who all looked either clueless or was soaking up every word said.

"Brea only said that because at work his name is Ton everyone calls him and that is his name on all his documents and information however one time he coincidentally left his phone out and his phone to blowing up from messages from some group chat where each person had a double name, Dae and Jae-eon being two of them," Sol explains, a tense silence installing itself tightly in Luna's living room, everyone one's mind clocks churning, the silence right now speaking louder than ever.

"Now that I think about it... Dae did have to a couple of times rush off somewhere, but every time I asked he shut me down, and even when we worked together he would very occasionally rush off and no questions were asked, people always gossiped about where he went but no one knows, even his manager who let him go after some weird occasion when everything apparently went south but no one knows anymore." Luna explained, her brain already starting to give a headache the more she scrunched her forehead trying to put together everything.

"Hold up why are we so serious about this again?" Sol asked, confused, she is known to never know what is going on as she lives under a rock or is sometimes just slow at trying to figure or remember things however once she knows she knows and she becomes one of the biggest brains, she isn't the smartest one for no reason.

"Sol I swear down, you're being dumb right?" Brea asks in shock, her question making Brea about to lose it.

"If I knew I would not be asking I thought you would know me by now." she sighed raising her eyebrow to look at Brea who realized that indeed if Sol knew she would be bursting with questions and ideas.

"Sol we trying to work out if Dae and Ton are involved with Jae-eon and we all know Jae-eon and who and what he is," Orzo states, eyes still fixated on their phone that was rapidly typing away, even with their hundred spelling mistakes making their notes look more like gibberish than proper wording.

"OHHHHH... shit," Sol explains, everything finally clicking into place.

"I don't care I'm calling Dae he was going to call me to alter anyway." Luna sighs, leaning over the sofa to grab her phone.

"You two sound like an old married couple." Waan jokes, looking at her while she dials Dae's number.

"Sometimes feels like it," Luna says back with a large sigh as if calling him now was the last thing she wanted, she wanted some peace first.

To their luck within a few rings, Dae picked up, completely clueless to the interrogation he was about to be dragged into.

"Yo," Dae said, not expecting Luna to call so quickly after him leaving especially knowing she wanted peace and to have her friends company again after so long, he knew it was something that meant a lot to her as much as it did to him, except despite this crazy pandemic blasting its way around the world, they all still met up at Jae-eons when he demanded, he was having a hard time to adjust and they all knew this even if himself didn't or denied it.

"You have a choice but both come with regulations, oh and until I'm satisfied you're not going where the fuck you are meant to be running off to again, especially if you're cheating on me or something," Luna said coldly, no emotion whatsoever in her voice her face flat as if all emotion had just magically washed over and was never coming back, at least not for now.

In the span of 5 minutes, Luna had learned along with everyone else that Dae may not be as innocent as the man who they all thought he was, making Luna all the more nervous to even speak to him.

"Right..okay.. what is going? and are you accusing me of cheating cause if you are that worried when I quote "runaway" it is not what you think" He asks, his voice breaking as he can sense something disastrous has happened, little did he know Luna was slowly starting to figure where he may be running to in these times.

"You have the choice of either coming back around and answering all our questions but no questions asked and you must answer them truthfully or you stay on call but we facetime you sit back to we can fully see you away from the phone and you again answer our questions and give us the right answers," Luna demanded, giving him a choice but still with almost no difference, both having the same tight rules, if it was as bad as Luna was imagining then she was in no mood for any bullshit or messing about, especially after experiencing what he can be like for the past months that they have been in this relationship that was more like a roller coaster.

"I'm coming, unlock the door."

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