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"Nice stripped underwear." Dae chuckled, his breath breathing down Luna's back that unknown to her had become slightly exposed.

"What the fuck." Luna exclaimed, quickly pulling back to be able to see Dae's face, her horror taking charge of her as she looked at him completely disgusted at what she had just heard come out of his mouth assuming what he could have done.

"What," Dae said in a flat tone, his voice trying to fake his confusion as he was fully aware of what he had done, but acting dumb and unaware being one of the many ways of how to take charge and be the controlling and manipulative man he was trained to be to those who he planned to be.

"How do you know that?" Luna questioned, her voice quivering as a shiver ran through her from her past trauma being triggered such said actions, as if she wasn't already suspicious about him, his actions only backing it up and making her more suspicious.

"Because... if you are insecure about it just know that I do not care." He states in a calm tone a short pause in his speech as he tries to hide his wrongdoings, his actions of looking and touching her without asking replaying in her mind as a horrible memory comes rushing back to her mind... one she had hoped to disappear or at least not remember again, her discomfort and anger starting to arise.


"Come here." He states, his arm opened wide as if welcoming her into a cuddle.

As any other obeying girlfriend would do she walked over and climbed onto the bed lying down into the comfort of her "lovers" arms that quickly wrapped themselves around her waist, her body turning to the side as he turns her.

Her body began to tense, she didn't know what he wanted, praying for just a simple cuddle that was currently at the scene, little did she know these small movements that would often be seen as simple and innocent would lead to something a lot larger than only with time that would appear.

Since she cuddled up in his arms, no other word was spoken and a tense atmosphere landed themselves above them, making it feel as if one word was spoken all hell would break loose, well that's the impression that Luna had gathered from it anyway.

Before another word could be spoken, she felt a cold hand start to lurk its way towards her inner thigh, her boyfriends head still nested in the crook of her neck breathing warm air onto it, making the hairs on her neck stand up from the changes in temperature.

He was her first proper boyfriend, and she was the inexperienced naive girl that had an idea of what was going on but was more clueless than anything else. She knew what she did or did not want but she was feeling emotions and feelings she had never felt before, let alone having a strong idea of what they were and how to deal with them.

As time ticked, there still being silence, no words, no nothing, a pin dropping would probably be louder, she unexpectedly found his arm cupping her heat like a hand warmer when it was indeed a lot different from that.

He slowly began to run her area still fully clothed, as if he was trying to turn her on for further or just testing waters and seeing her limits, which were infected still unknown, she has never come into contact into this situation, who was she to know her limits and who was he to give her the option to find them out in a consensual way, throwing her heads first into them as if was expected to know, especially when he still hasn't spoken a word to her despite starting to go further and closer to her throbbing heat that was giving him the wrong impression.

With barely a word spoken, just a mere look and small like grunt, that half sounded as if he was asking if he could go in, after all this, after rubbing for so long not just clothed anymore, but a lot closer to the skin to skin contact he half heartily asked for consent to go in, where was all the consent before he started all this?

Non-existent that's where it was


"Luna Luna Are you there?" Says Dae sitting in front of her clicking his fingers to try and regain her attention back into the present moment, one she had been long gone from for the past few minutes.

"Huh huh yeah." She finally replies, shaking her head slightly side to side, realising her body was almost burning from heat as if she had just fainted... but she hadn't.

"Are you okay?" Dae asks, a worried expression plastered across his face while he cups her face in his hands forcing her to maintain eyesight with him while he brought her back from wherever she had been.

"Yeah, why?" She asks in an exhausted sigh, desperately glancing around trying to figure out what had happened.

"You froze and I couldn't get a response from you, then your body began to shake a little and heat up and I had no idea what was going on." He states, his head now burrowed in her neck as she calms himself after becoming a worried mess at her or responding, he wasn't a medical professional, he had no idea what was going on, just another clueless boy or man should we say.

"I'm okay now don't worry, what... what was the reason?" She asks, her voice was muffled as her throat began to sting from lack of hydration.

"What do you mean?" Dae questioned, his eyebrows furrowing while he is still frozen in position, knees bent in front of her looking up from the floor to her sitting peacefully on the couch.

"I can remember everything that happened it is just.... muffled," Luna states, a wave of pain washing through her head, confused as to why she was having such a reaction to something so small, however wat she meant by everything was more than just the present events, but that the past came back down to torment her.

"Oh," he replies, his response short and punctual but a clear disappointment displayed in his voice as if he wanted her to know or wished she did not remember for his own sake, still looking at her glancing around the place confused, her hand placed on her head, a migraine quickly forming.

"Come on you need to sleep," Dae confirms, lifting her up effortlessly into a bridal style position, taking her to her dark room, the dark night sky dawning in, a few spots of bright light presented in her room from the stars shining down brightly, giving the room a more welcoming presence.

"You're sleeping in the other room."

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