The curiosity killed the cat

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" I swear you didn't even reach her apartment before paging us." Jason sighed after reluctantly being pulled to attend whatever mess Chibi had got himself into now.

"Well I was not about to just waltz in there like a lost cat, I put those small cameras in her apartment for a reason, and for a matter of a fact they actually came in useful for once," Chibi explained, a small scoff following as he leaned against his car after locking it with a loud click.

"Oh yeah and what was that cause last time I checked the only one us that does extreme things like that is Hisoki and even he's never done that so come on, I am starting to wonder what your intentions are, you said you liked her but this is not loving behavior but obsessive." Jun points out, wrapping his jumper around his tighter and the evening breeze swept through them standing in a drafty car park.

"Well I heard their conversations and what they want to ask and long story short we weren't as careful and discrete as we thought all while I found out you all stabbed me behind my back," Chibi said in an evil tone looking at Jun who awkwardly shifted in his step as his deep orbs stared at him, he was yet again being blamed for Hisoki's order cause he was too much of a pussy to do it even to his friends.

"So you should have heard the bit about how Hisoki ORDERED me to do that as he had no effort to do himself when that is specifically his job, We should get paid for the shit we do for you," Jun says cockily, his arms crossed against his eyeing Hisoki up who looked oddly uncomfortable for once.

"Yeah I did and what of it." He scoffs a response looking down at the ground as his foot grazes the floor as if there was pure gold just lying below him.

"You literally have your quote "new toy" what is your problem with me or Luna for that matter, are you not telling us something?" Haroof asks, liking the drama, he was never one for much fighting just liking the drama go down.

"I already got rid of her so I need a new one," Hisoki reveals, still looking back up at them unfazed by how disrespectful he was towards them, one of the biggest womanizers out there.

"Ugh whatever, I have my plan, Hisoki you go in first while we all follow and stand in a line behind the chair they have for me, ill sit down and answer the questions but we all have our weapons right?" Chibi advised, not mentally prepared for what was about to go down, they would all know the truth and them all living double lives, well except for Hisoki of course, that one was already clear and out in the open.

"Ugh whatever let's just go, I can't waste any more time I'm too tired for this shit." Haroof sighed, walking into the apartment block and up the stairs towards her abode that was about to become anything but a nice relaxing place to stay.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚ ✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Also I must add follow my lead, I have to had to deal with them in closer and more personally so I hopefully know where to hit their spots," Luna informed, keeping her eyes flicking towards her phone and the door as she watched Dae's location gradually get closer to her, only confused to why he stood in the car park for so long.

"Don't murder me like I know who they are, what they do but why are we being so serious and extreme again?" Sol asked, her confusion returning and consuming her thoughts, her eyebrows furrowing the more she tried to solve it on her own.

"Because one I don't think we want to die or get consumed into situations we don't want to be involved in and two because I am starting to wonder if I am their victim of whatever sick plan they thought and planned in the early days," Luna explained, her head starting to suddenly throb, the last thing she needed right now.

"Yeah okay makes sense, game on everyone," Sol says in a slightly more cheerier voice, trying to ease the tension that had built itself up at the time urged closer and closer to them.

Before another word could be spoken, there was a loud knock at the door clearly initiating he was on the other side of it, unaware that they were on the other side of it.

"I'll get it," Luna states, pushing herself off the sofa towards her large door, pushing on the metal handle to release the door, her mouth growing wide as she realized he was not alone.

"I said you not you're whole bloody gang, nice to know there's two more of you that I had no clue about," Luna grumbled loudly, all four of them standing horizontally next to the chair that Dae had planted himself on to, ready to take on what was a clear a battle.

"Oh we know you're conditions, Dae already informed us but it was easy anyway as we watch you at any second we would like but we have one of our own." Hisoki scoffed cockily, his body rocking side to side as Luna's nerves grew wildly.

"And that is?" Luna said smoothly, trying to keep herself calm and in control of what was going on.

"Everyone here now is staying, until it is over no one is leaving and no one is entering, do you hear me?" Hisoki enforced, flicking the lock on the door as he made his way back to where he had been previously standing.

"Well, we are all here so that's fine by me," Luna murmurs, placing herself directly opposite of Dae with her arms crossed while an angry expression appears on her face, her eyebrow furrowing the more she stared at him, for once in his life, making him nervous of what she was really capable of.

However what Brea had forgotten to comprehend and remember was that minutes ago Yara had messaged her saying she was coming over for a while just as they had all entered, Brea not realizing that if her mind didn't wake up soon, it may well be the last trip she ever makes.

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