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To Luna's relief her car was still placed where she had parked it the evening before.

She quickly searched for the key and unlocked the car with a loud "beep", wanting to escape the estate as soon as she could. The drug still has a small effect on her, making her cautious about how she drives and planning to get home safely and calmly. The last thing she needed was to get involved in a car accident before arriving home to be nothing but questioned for hours.

As Luna started to pull away her phone began to ring, she hadn't properly checked her phone since she had left work. Only just noticing Sol's call earlier and managing to answer.

Without glancing down at the number she accepted the call from her car wheel, thankful Bluetooth was a thing.

"Hey." Dae's deep voice began.

"Oh hi how are you?" Luna replied trying to concentrate on the road in front of her.

" I'm good thanks, I only called because you didn't return my messages so I wanted to check you were okay," he added.

"You did? Sorry I haven't been able to reply to anyone since yesterday morning." Luna lied, she knew he would have texted but had no effort to check, used to people calling her if they needed her like this.

"It's alright, I was wondering if you wanted to meet sometime, I know you're busy but do you have time to squeeze me in," he asked, wanting to finally see her again after their last dare.

"I should have some next weekend how about then?" she said.

"Sure, I'll text you the details as you sound like you're driving?" he joked.

Luna just laughed back surprised he even noticed but remembering her indicators clicked loudly at every corner she turned.

"Yeah I am, I should probably go as I didn't sleep well," she replied wanting a few seconds of peace.

"Good idea see you later."

"Bye," Luna said, finally making her last turn before arriving at her apartments car park.

As Luna stopped the engine, she spent a couple of minutes inspecting herself, she knew full well if all her friends had been on the lookout for her they would have seen her. Looking through her mirror she noticed how tired she looked especially not helped by her dark hair being a mess from being pulled landing in odd places and that was only the top part. She knew full she probably countless bruises all over the rest of her body after last night's shenanigans.

Her phone began to ring, Waan's name popping up on the screen, immediately picking up not wanting any more drama.

"Where are you? We saw your car arrive?" Waan asked sternly.

"I'm coming up now calm," Luna replied, too tired to deal with all their energy hanging up as soon as she could.

"There's a thing called patience. Use it for the remaining 2 minutes," she muttered in between her gritted teeth as she exited her car grabbing her things.

She hobbled up the stairs to her apartment quickly regretting not taking the lift from how sore she still was everywhere. Her brain was still mildly muffled however she could thankfully remember clearly the order of events, one positive in a difficult situation.

Luna cautiously put in her code only to be disturbed halfway through by Emma flying the door open in front of her and pulling her inside making her tremble over her own feet.

"Ok ok okay I'm in calm everyone," Luna shouted feeling everyone's eyes almost piercing into her presence hearing the door slam shut behind her.

Luna was honestly surprised how she's never had a noise complaint in all her time of living there considering how loud they all were when they were all together.

"No no no, you're going to sit right down here and tell us everything before we drag you to the shower and then drag you out as we are still going to that theme park whether it's today or tomorrow, so spill," Waan said grabbing her arm and pushing her on the sofa, followed by everyone else circling their way around her eager to know.

Sighing, Luna fell back into the sofa brushing her hand through her hair to realise how greasy and in need of a wash it was.

"Well I'm hoping it was the last of Jae-eon however..." Luna paused, rethinking how she should phrase it not wanting to scare them more.

"However what?" Brea asked becoming impatient.

"I think he had something about me being in for a ride but I'm hoping he was just talking about last night." she continued them all seeming to be mesmerised by her one sentence.

"Alright well, can you tell us where you were all night and why you couldn't answer us?" Seol-a most annoyed by that still.

"Well by the time I got there it was already 6 pm."

"Wait so it took you an hr to get there where did he make you meet him?"

"I finished work at 5:30 so half an hr?" raising an eyebrow at Seol-a knowing full well she was there and left at the same time.

"Oh yeah for some reason I thought it was 5"

"Ok ok, I don't care then what happened." Brea early interrupted already too invested in her going missing for one singular night.

"He gave me a drink and then we just hang out, with the odd threat as usual you know." wanting to reassure them all. She didn't want to tell them so sugar coating what really happened was best at the moment. Luna would probably tell them one day but this day was not the day.

They all gave a large sigh of relief, if that was it it wasn't as bad as they thought.

"Wait no how come you couldn't contact us first," Brea asked realising Luna never answered the first question.

"He took my phone till morning and I didn't know where it was but when I woke up it was beside me and that's when I saw your call." nodding at Sol too tired to point.

"Makes sense," Emma said to grab her drink feeling somewhat flustered.

"Is everyone okay now or can I drag snail here to the shower so we can finally go out, its barely even midday we still have time," Waan said desperate to get out and make the group lively and enjoyable again, which at the moment was being dragged down.

"Yeah, it's good, if anything else happens or happened tell us," Emma said giving Luna a stern look that was more full of worry.

"Yeah, I kno..w," Luna said soon cut off my Waan grabbing her leg off the ground and dragging her to the bathroom to freshen up and stop looking like she had been living with the insects the whole night.

"At least that's one thing over, let's relax now and go out shall we?" Sol said collapsing on the floor.

"She's safe that's all we need to be worried about," Yara said packing their bags.

It wasn't long before Luna returned from her steamy refreshing shower, thankfully her swelling on her back had decreased however she hurriedly got dressed to make sure none of her friends saw the state of her body after being beaten. Luna was now safe to confirm Jae-eon liked it rough and with his background, she was not surprised in the slightest.

"Right we all ready?" Luna exclaimed shutting her door behind her.

"Yep let's go." Waan jumped up.

"Someone's excited." Brea joked, everyone laughing the atmosphere finally easing as they left the apartment.

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