Daily life

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"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN!" Luna screamed, her arms flying everywhere as her anger fulfilled her body, her mind becoming unclear as her body began to shake.
She had never felt this kind of anger nor experienced it, words flying out her mouth before she was even able to process it, all she wanted to do was get back at him, she was hurt.

Hurt being an understatement.

She couldn't even remember what had happened, her memory so muffled she might as well  have been drunk on anger.

"It is just how I feel, I am doing exactly what you asked, communicating, and now you're mad at me, you act like it's easy for me, I know it's hard but it's hard for me too!" Dae exclaims through the phone, also extremely frustrated from their argument.

The honeymoon stage was over, and they had been good however soon small things started to irritate each other, the things they're feelings in the beginning hid from love, loves blindness.

Before Luna accepted Dae's request of being her girlfriend, she knew it could be a rough ride to get things to work, but considering how they were before she couldn't see how badly things had changed. He hadn't been the perfect friend, in the beginning far from it.

They had been friends and then he started asking for a few favours, but miserably failed from Luna and her smart eye seeing right through his ways. She did what she could but before she knew it they distanced, not something she liked but nor something that bothered her in the slightest.

"Yeah well have you ever thought of what you're actually asking of me like you're making it worse and you know it but you want me to do that because "you can't cope and it will make you less irritable." She quoted, staring at him wide-eyed as her body began to shake more.

"Fuckin pathetic child." She mumbled angrily under her breath, enough for her phone to not pick up her words for an also angry Dae to hear.

"Yeah I know but if I'm less irritable maybe we can get on better." He pleaded, his "puppy eyes" coming out, the eyes that showed "innocence" but meant otherwise.

"Fine you know what fine take what you want from me, if it calms us I'll take it," Luna says defeatedly, she had no effort to fight anymore, she knew what she was getting herself into, pain more and more pain, the pain that numbs to the point you don't even know what you are doing or feeling anymore.

"See you can do it," Dae replies in a calm tone, surprisingly Luna at how quickly he had calmed down from their argument only a few seconds ago.

"All I wanted was something peaceful company while I finished my essay." Luna sighed, planting herself back at her marble kitchen island where her laptop was sat waiting for her to finish writing one of her last essays in the course.

Luna had finished her education like everyone else but hadn't managed to finish her degree when her life suddenly began to become very packed and hectic, temporarily halting at her education for the sake of her jobs.
With the current lockdown they were in, still, after about a month or so, she had decided to keep herself occupied with finishing her degree online, she had the time and the resources all she had to do was put her mind into it.

"Are we good now?" Dae asks, his face showing no proof of the anger that had just been present? It made her question if he was even angry or if it was just an act because he got his way yet again.

"If me giving up my body and sanity keeps you calm and us good then sure." Luna sighs angrily, avoiding all eye contact with her phone that was still resting against the fruit bowl that was placed directly centre of the island.

"Really?" he asks in a disappointed tone looking at her as if what she had just said, her spitting the truth, as usual, had just hurt him.

"What?" She replies, still not looking at her phone and she continued to rapidly type away at her computer focusing on the essay at hand that needed to be done and was more important than Dae's manipulative emotions trying to consume Luna.

"Did you need to say it like that?" He says looking at her with a defeated look, tired from all the arguing that had gone on and the behaviour Luna was now presenting to him.

"Yes, I did because I called you to keep you happy and occupied while I finish my last essay so I can finally get my degree and you delayed me by about two hours because my trauma is an inconvenience to your life and what you want," Luan stated, a clear tension in her voice as she finished it up.

She didn't have much to return to as when she left she had almost finished it so rushing it in a week was apparently possible, despite having pulled a few all-nighters as she had nothing better to do.

"Ugh, whatever I'll take it as a yes," he replied getting back to his Netflix that he had paused to enable him to take a better part in his part of the argument.

After about an hour of pure bliss silence between the couple, Luna finally let out a rather loud sigh she did not realise she was holding in while extending out her arms that had become sore after holding them in the same position for such a long time.

"I am finally done," Luna exclaimed, a nice calm smile forming on her face, a smile that had been missing for the past few days as their relationship had deteriorated.

"Took your time." Dae scoffs, his eyes still focused on his chosen drama at hand.

"At least I am making good use of my spare time and not wasting away, you're limiting your life doing that you know. "Luna says, herself sarcastic honest self finally taking its return after so long.

"Oh look bitchy Luna has returned." Dae sighed in a sarcastic tone, he didn't like when Luna was her confident self, as a man who had grown with the people he had, seeing it made his ego drain and made him feel like he wasn't controlling her enough like he had been taught.

"Funny on...one." Luna stuttered, glancing at the emergency message that had just appeared on her phone, confused at why Waan was suddenly summoning her to call her so urgently.

"Why are you stuttering?" Dae questioned, a confused frown taking over with his eyebrows furrowed.

"I need to call Waan I'll be back," Luna informed about to press the end call.

"Uh Uh uh I ain't waiting here for two hours again, I'm coming over," Dae said in a demanding tone, already standing up and picking up a few things.

"What do you mean you're coming over you can't?" Luna said confused, too focused on Waan to process what was happening at the moment.

"Do you know me apparently not, I'm coming end of story," Dae informed before ending the call, leaving Luna confused at what on earth had just happened.

Focusing her attention on the issue at hand and not the man child currently running around the city she called Waan worried at what she needed to expect what was going to happen.

"LUNA LUNA LUNA LUNA!." Waan exclaimed in a loud shout startling her while almost deafening Luna through her phone who had had her volume on full.

"What What!!"

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