A light in the darkness

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|double update cause why not :)

"No I'm trying to work." Luna sighed, for the past few days she had been trying to keep her emotions in check, tired of letting her hormones go because trying to hold back in a situation that was not going to go her way in the end anyway.

It was early afternoon and she had a few emails and other things to catch up on that her manager had advised her about, something that she had completely forgotten about since lounging around at home lazily.

"Baby I know you're bored but I need to do this." Luna notified, her back still turned to Dae who was sitting on the chair behind her in her office.

Luna's office wasn't large but enough for a desk with two chairs and a small sofa to comfortably fit in.

"Just take a break you've been working hard, plus you wanted me to download a game on there for you I can do that while you have a break?" Dae offered, just wanting to feel Luna on his lap, feeling her warmth wrapped around him, and more importantly to "discretely get what he wants".

"Ugh sure, whatever I wanna take a nap." Luna sighed getting up from the seat so Dae could download Genshin on there for her, the game that Waan had finally managed to convince her to download to join their little gang.

"Don't go." Dae protested, grabbing her wrist as she went to go lay down on the sofa behind, barely a meter breaking the distance.

"I'm literally right behind you calm it." Luna deadpanned, about to fall onto her sofa before being yanked back up as Dae swiftly pulled her onto his lap and quickly started to type and click away at her computer.

"I was perfectly fine sleeping behind you." Luna grumbled into his shoulder and he hummed, giving her ass a couple of gently slaps as he stayed focus on making sure her game was downloading, a game that took up a little too much storage for her liking.

"Sure sure but now you are staying here until I move you." Dae demanded lightly, there was no force in his voice but a clear dominance struck through as he said that making Luna nervous but still deciding to yet again ignore it and continue her nap on his shoulder.

The past few days, every afternoon it would go awkwardly quiet however it all ended the same, Luna giving up either cause she was too tired to hold herself together and fight the tension or because as much as she knew she mentally didn't want or need it she gave up just taking the pleasure as it came.

Before long, Luna noticed there was no longer a sound of rapid typing going on behind her, she had failed to take a nap, a strong feeling on uncertainty taking over her, eventually taking the opportunity to just rest her eyes that had started to painfully sting from staring at her computer for long and for so intently.

Cutting her thoughts, she began to feel herself being pulled back by Dae, guessing he wanted her attention despite having had it all for the past few weeks non stop, which had in conclusion been draining Luna to the maximum not getting any time to herself, still not able to take an innocent shower without having to show herself, but her mind so blurry she can't think straight, she had made assumptions in her head with the way he talked to her manipulation? There was clear black mail, guilt tripping and others as he basically admitted it when Luna tried to do it back but who would admit they were manipulative? No one, meaning she didn't even try to ask.

All of a sudden she felt a pair of warm lips come into contact with hers, her eyes shutting automatically all until she suddenly felt another slap on her ass making her jolt ever so slightly forward, Dae holding her neck so she couldn't move away.

She knew where a kiss would lead, but she also in the back of her mind hoped that a kiss could be enough, however it was soon proven wrong when she sudden felt the feeling of sharp contact as his cold hands started to caress her lower stomach before slowly making their way down towards her panties that were soaked, she didn't want them to be, she didn't want to be where they were right now, but apparently her hormonal reaction is enough, no verbal consent nothing for him to carry on.

Sure they had done things once, the first time Luna had given up because everything became too much and too tiring, but he still didn't speak during these times, just making them awkward for Luna and dead boring.

Before she could even protest, she felt too fingers insert themselves into her, pumping in and out of her, Luna managed to pull away looking at Dae in the eyes who had a clear expression that they weren't going to stop, it was no only a matter of time before her body would take over and she would yet again give up, noting to herself that after to beg him to stop, control himself and she was on the brink of breaking. Which I can in fact confirm she did do. But did he stop? Of course not what else were you expecting?

After a minute or so of Dae pointlessly pumping in and out, barely pleasuring her but making her eyes water from the odd pain and tiny pleasure mixing together Dae twirled the chair about, if Luna had given up before she was at the point of seeing how far he would go before asking or even clicking and taking back control.

Still in full silence, he pulled her up and non-verbally directed her to lean down towards the sofa in front of her while he pulled down his boxers that had been pulling away his rock hard cock from springing free wildly, no even arousing Luna in the slightest despite how others would have been,making her more nervous and scared than anything else, pleasure being the last thing on her mind at the time.

Moments later, cutting Luna from her thoughts as time progressed, wondering if he ever listened to her or cared about her after everything they had been through in the early friendship that had been connected to Jae-eon and what he did, she felt a firm hand press down on her back pushing her over as she felt
a pair of fingers curl down her panties to her ankles before jolting forward at the reaction of Dae suddenly rubbing his cock in between her folds, they weren't wet nor were they dry, but not like Dae caring all he wanted was what he was getting, still not finding the ability to speak and most of all communicate.

After a few long seconds of Dae leaning over her back continuing the same motions underneath her, all of a sudden Luna's eyes went wide feeling herself being expanded as his cock started to push past her entrance, after pushing an inch or so on he rapidly pulled out, Luna's mind still not processing what had happened.

"Why are you bleeding?" Dae asked curiously, holding her cheeks apart as he "checked" it.

Luna knew why her body was bleeding it was clear, she was not turned on so by the forced movement it was evident that she would bleed, just clear proof of what he had done.

"I don't know." Luna muttered finally managing to pull herself up and she flung off her underwear that had been pooling at her feet, walking off grumpily towards the bathroom, she knew what he had done now it was just a matter of him knowing, and she was in no mood to "let it go" not when he knew about her past and multiple attempted raped.

"Are you mad at me?" Dae quivered, his voice suddenly becoming unstable.

"Why do you think that?" Luna scoffed cleaning herself up as she knew it was something he would never do, him biting her nipple and making that bleed making her understand enough.

"From how you're acting and what just happened." Dae stated, a clear worry in his voice as he watched her intently.

"So you admit it?" She replied cockily, turning around to stare at him, her body relaxing at the sight of him, something she refused to let clear.

"I..I.. it was an accident." Dae protested.

"An accident really an accident?" Luna repeated, a clear disbelief in her voice, after everything she has been through and that he has been doing as time has gone on in their relationship she refused to believe it was an accident.

"You don't believe me." Dae sobbed, tears rolling down his cheeks as she stared at him.

Luna just sighed, she was in no mood to comfort him not when he was crying, he was the one meant to be doing that for her after the last events but her mother instincts struck in comforting him and telling him it's okay, when inside she knew it wasn't but it hadn't hit, and little did she know that it wouldn't for a while....

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