Tip of the iceberg

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"what What are you fuck saking?" Yara said looking at Seol-a with wide eyes at what she had blurted out.

"Are you really that blind?" Seol-a asked irritated.

"Blind to what, I think you should know by now we would all be reacting the same if we knew or were thinking the same as you," Emma said confused with her arms crossed as usual.

"Something happened down here during that film." she signed her head now resting in her hands.

"What do you mean? Everything looked fine from the kitchen." Sol said having arrived last due to work.

"Yeah I know but there was a specific point when I looked over and Luna suddenly looked really tense and I didn't want to intervene in case it was the film but from that reaction, I'm really doubting it was something that was said," she explained looking back up at all their faces trying to figure it out.

"Wait do you think that is why Dae might have left so quickly after it ended?" Yara questioned.

"Maybe I mean he looked calm and he gave her a proper goodbye but there was definitely a tension." Orzo said still munching on their crisps, rather loudly to everyone's disgust but used to it by this point.

"Oh, I don't know, if something did happen and we find out later don't be surprised when I say I told you so." Seol-a sighed putting something different on the tv.

"Are we going to ask her when she wakes up or just let her tell us in her own time?" Sol asked not wanting to do the wrong thing.

"I feel like unless things get worse or she seems extremely affected by it that others start to notice it as well, we leave it. I still have a bad feeling about Dae though."

"When you say bad feeling do you mean Jae-eon bad feeling or what?" Emma asked getting more worried.

"Bad like that but there's a twist, I'm not sure but we'll find out."

They all just sighed and looked hopelessly into the tv that had been playing in the background of their conversations.

"On a brighter note, anyone else got an interesting love life?" Brea asked jokingly looking around, everyone laughing at the way she said it.

"Bitch we are all single as fuck what do you mean." Orzo laughed.

"True, every decent man in this world is either too old or way out of our leagues." Brea sighed.

"One day we are still young, I would be lying if I said I didn't love my life right now. Luna's troubles with Jae-eon n that just add spice to ours." Yara said laying back.

"True, plus Tartaglia has my heart so." Sol joked laughing, both Orzo and Waan joining while everyone else just rolled their eyes.

"Albedo's mine," Waan said raising her hand.

"Bitch he's a piece of chalk," Emma said done with the whole genshin talk.

"Yeah.. and," she says looking around stupidly.

"Just go fuck a piece of chalk and you've lived your dream," Brea said rolling her eyes grabbing a snack from her never-ending snack cupboard.


Just a short one more like a filler and to have some temporary✨ peace✨

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