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"Okay, 5-minute break everyone!" The director shouted, everyone retreating to the coffee table and seats to take a moment of peace.

"Wait what I thought that was our last scene for the day?" Luna questioned

"It was but they want to redo one small scene." One of the staff members said.

"Oh alright lovely." She replied tired and wanted to get home to be able to freshen up before going out again.

A week had passed since the New Years accident, meaning that it was also her birthday tomorrow. She never really made a big deal of it, a meal or time with her friends was enough to satisfy her however as soon as Dae has found out a few days prior he insisted on taking her out, like a date he told her.

Luna didn't want to dress to impress him, that was far from her concerns right now but she most definitely did not want to turn up looking like she had just come out of world war 3.

With no trouble at all she managed to redo the scene, she had ended up with another acting job, thankfully it wasn't a large one as with all the modelling she was doing at the moment she didn't think she would cope.

"Right we'll I'm off everyone have a good night," Luna said while she exited the scene

She quickly hurried off through the streets of the city, she didn't live far from where they had been filming allowing her to walk. As she wandered the streets looking up at all the lights and cars rushing about she couldn't help but wonder, how was she going to let him down slowly? Would she even let him down or would she lead him on? Or even eventually get together? The way he had been acting around her made her curious, something had changed she didn't know what but she could tell through his actions, was he trying harder or was she noticing things more? However her thoughts were soon cut short when she realised she was at her apartment block, as she entered she checked her watch, she had 1 hr before Dae would be waiting for her outside.

Without wasting any more time she hopped into the shower, the warm water hitting her body instantly releasing the tension held within her. She always spent a while in the shower, well longer than the average person which is how she came to start playing music at the same time, it helped relax her so all in all these times became one of her favourites, alone, peaceful and undisturbed.

After a quick 25 minutes, Luna entered back into her bedroom, her long dark hair still dripping wet behind her while she searched through her wardrobe to look for an appropriate attire to wear. Despite being a model she didn't have an overflowing amount of clothes as some did, she was a simple person so having too much choice just stressed her out more than clothes already did. After a few minutes of searching, she found 2 outfits that could work however like normal could not decide.

"Ugh, let's just send them she can decide." She muttered to herself, this wasn't an unusual occurrence, she was often in a dilemma of what to wear one of her friends or two usually deciding for her.

Within a few minutes, Luna heard her phone ping indicating she had a response to her daily dilemma.

"The blue one" Luna read, Blue was her favourite colour and her friends always contributed to how much they love her in blue always saying her blue eyes made her seem surreal. She never understood what they meant by surreal but she just went with it. She knew what it meant but not how Luna, an average person, could be "surreal".

Before she knew it, just as she was making sure she had everything her phone started to ring.

When she glanced down her phone glared at her with the name Dae, she quickly picked up the phone.

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