Birthday girl

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"Wait what since when?" Seol-a asked.

Luna had a 2 bedroom apartment which was often occupied by Seol-a, she hadn't moved from home however you could call them roommates she stayed so often. It never bothered Luna it was nice to have someone around, but it also meant coming back late only meant you got caught.

"Since you guys left that day, asked me to and I said yes," Luna said

Seol-a was surprised, she knew she never went on dates unless she was interested in them. Otherwise, to her, it was just a waste of time. Which is why she started to question if Luna likes him and didn't even realise it.

"But you never go on dates unless you like them or whatever what's his exception?" too intrigued by this change to care about if the date actually went well at this moment in time.

"Honestly I don't even know, there's something that makes my spine tingle and usually it's something bad but nothing bad happened so.."  Luna said

"Honestly I feel like something bad's gonna happen but if it's good so far keep going, but if the smallest thing happens tell me, you know ill crush his ass without hesitation," Seol-a warned Luna, Seol-a in a way became her small protector. Everyone in their friend group protected each other but as they were roommates, she found Seol-a was slightly more protective over her than others. Then again she was the one up with her at nights helping Luna fix her pieces, so it made her sense, never wanting to see Luna in that state again.

Luna hums a response, her head quickly turning to face the door as they hear her apartment code being dialled. All of her friends had her apartment code as it had become their prime hangout area, the closest place for them all to go. Luna lived in an area that was like in the middle of all her friends and as it was one of the bigger apartments it also meant there was more space.

"Yooo I've got food who's hungry?" Brea shouted, followed by a tired Yara with 4 full bags of food and drink.

"Please don't tell me you made Yara drag all of those bags up the stairs on her own?" Seol-a said while grabbing a couple of bags to take away some of the weight.

"I lost a bet, and it was my result, they weren't that bad but SOMEONE  made me run up," Yara said giving a hard but soft glare at Brea who had started grabbing plates, bowls and glasses to put everything in.

"And the reason for buying it all was what?" Luna questioned, knowing full well nothing was planned, well she thought.

"Err did someone forget what today is?" Brea said, in shock but also excited

"Apparently so," Luna replied while eyeing up Seol-a who had also remembered, having been so involved in finding out why she came back so late it completely slipped her mind that it was her birthday.

They all looked at each other and as if on call the other 3 shouted in unison.


"oh shit it is, but I have work," Luna said giving them all worried looks.

"We all do but I knew you were only working this afternoon so I brought stuff over for later and as Seol-a has today off she can look sort it out for when you're back."

"Since when don't you work Thursday?" Luna asked knowing full well she was usually working every weekday.

"They cancelled today last week, as a couple of the idols got covid but ill be fine as I hadn't been near them in a week," Seol-a reassured seeing the look Luna was giving her as soon as she said that.

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