Hell awakens

15 0 0

| trigger warning

Before Luna could even process where she was, Jae-eon threw her on the bed and flipped the lock on the door, making sure she can't escape even if she tried.

Before she could even protest and lift her body up, he tightly grabbed hold of her wrists and pinned them down, bringing himself right over her blocking her view of anything else.

"I think we both know how long I've been waiting for this, I don't know know what I was thinking not doing it before." he chucked.

Luna mentally tried to lift herself up and soon realised she couldn't. Luna glared up at him to see him stripping his shirt off and admiring you "submitting" yourself to him so easily, it was then she knew that whatever he had given her had stopped her body from having the strength to move or barely react on its own.

"Come on I dare you to try to run away come on," Jae-eon stated noticing your struggle, this being incredibly amusing to him and his cruel ways.

Luna had seen a part of this side of him and that had been scary enough but seeing it in its full glory was petrifying, the power this man had over everything was unnerving. Plus all was not helped in the fact her speech was still slurred, it slowly becoming agonising to even talk.

Hearing those words, she stared into the dark eyes gleaming down on her, forcing a painful gulp out of her not knowing how bad things would be. Without wasting any more time he leans into her pressing a long hard kiss to her crimpled lips. Before she knew it she had lost all sanity, stupidly losing herself in the kiss.

Luna reacted unexpectantly to the kiss and even more to his tongue soon slipping its way into her mouth making her yelp at the sudden pain that rushed through her throat.

In her inability to move, Jae-eon presses his body towards her and starts to roughly thrust himself against her lifeless body, whimpers extracting from both their mouths as he did so, she immediately felt his erection through his jeans as hard as a rock creating a clear large bulge as if it was about to spring out and take fire at any time.

"Mmm your lips still taste the same as they used to, all sweet like lavender, damn I missed that," he remarked pulling himself up from above her, placing his cold hands on her waist. He swiftly made his way under Luna's blouse while placing his knee in between her knees directly below her now pulsating core that was begging for more. The sharp change in temperature at his touch involuntary caused a shiver to depart from her body.

Jae-eon briskly unclasped the bra Luna had been wearing that day and threw it over his shoulder, it landing somewhere in his large room that was easily the size of her whole apartment.

A small whimper left her mouth as he starts to massage your breasts, cupping each one perfectly while rubbing his large thumbs over her now erected nipples, a place he knew she was sensitive and would react well with.

"Ooo now she's talking, after all that hassle earlier huh" he smirked quietly, not wasting any more time and undoing her blouse pulling it to the side, giving him the full sight of her rising chest in front of him.

She wanted to stop Jae-eon, she wanted to scream and shout for everyone to hear for help but all that was left were her quiet moans and whimpers as he touched all her sensitive places.

He may have never till now had the chance to do it, but he still knew all of her spots that would make her go crazy and become a squirming mess underneath, a sight he adored.

In defeat her body had taken over with no willpower left to fight, she gave up her fight and let him win. He always won what made her think this time it was different?

Ever since Luna had entered the building her body had been tense and only now taking down her guard she relaxed, in which Jae-eon instantly noticed and knew exactly what had happened, a large smile forming on his face, she had just given her body to him which was exactly what he had wanted.

Maybe the drug was working how he wanted just not fast enough for his liking.

After a few minutes of him almost gnawing her chest apart, she found her body completely dead sprawled across the bed but alive at the same time. Her pussy was still throbbing and reacting to every touch but not being able to move became a building frustration and worry for Luna.

Jae-eon began to place large-mouthed kisses along from her neck down past her hardened nipples towards her lower stomach, unzipping the jeans she had been wearing and pulling them down along with her underwear, he lifted her body himself knowing his intoxicant had stopped this ability for the next couple of hours at least. But was he bothered by that? Of course not.

What Luna couldn't understand though was if he was this determined to do this now why hadn't he done this before, all her other presents had been the same touching but not fucking her brains out, which seemed like something he was about to do? Why did he want this now and why did he have to drug her now to get it? Nothing added up in her brain however these thoughts were quickly cut off at the sudden jolt of her body being pulled to the end of the bed.

"Keep your legs in this exact position unless I say, otherwise you're death will come upon you like the others." he threatened to open her legs, giving him the right angle to give a large long lick on her pussy and sucking the life out of her sensitive bud, making her go feral.

The more he sucked and finger fucked her, the more she could feel a knot building up inside of her, clenching harshly around his fingers.

"FUck" Luna managed to let out, despite it feeling like she had just swallowed a razor blade.

"damn baby you're so good for clenching me round me like that, making me go insane here but.." Jae-eon muttered against her skin

"It's not going to be that easy." pulling his fingers out harshly, a whine leaving Luna at the feeling of sudden emptiness, her face flustered with sweat starting to quickly form.

She was unable to see what he was doing, but the sounds from below her indicated he was too undressing himself ready to take hold of her and ruin her as he dreamed of.

She suddenly felt a smack against her upper thigh followed by the words.

"I hope you had no plans for tomorrow as now they are ruined," he said teasing his now leaking cock against her flaps, ready to push himself in at the least expected moment.

Luna attempted to reply but all that could be heard now were sounds, words had completely disappeared from her vocabulary and what was going on wasn't helping find them either.

Without warning he pushed himself into her, feeling her tightness wrap around his erecting cock he let out a deep moan, it was like like it was made for him he thought. Jae-eon wasn't going to be easy on her, and she knew it but still wasn't prepared for it.

He started to give hard thrusts inside of her, making Luna jolt at every movement. She was still sensitive from being edged a few seconds ago so being filled up like she was something else to her.

Jae-eon began to chuckle in between his breathless moans thinking to himself,

"Hope you're ready for a ride babygirl."

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