Reentering hell

22 1 8

|trigger warning

"Well well well look who came after all that." the voice said as they walked down their large wooden stairs, curving up towards a large open hallway, keeping their eyes glued onto Luna never leaving her even for a second.

It had been 5:30 by the time Luna had left from work meaning that to be able to reach her destination in time she had to leave straight away and go directly there. Thankfully she was wearing some casual clothes that consisted of a blouse and skirt, simple and smart, her kind of casual however her hair was still a slight mess from the position it had been in all day.

All along the drive here she couldn't help but wonder who had messaged her, as far as she was aware she didn't know anyone who lived in this part of the city. It was an expensive area where only successful or millionaires lived, some were mansions or some were just very large houses. After she had been approved to go further by the security at the gates, she entered a door to be presented with a large daunting hallway.

"I should have known it was you who sent the message," Luna said crossing her arms standing her ground.

"Well who else could or would it have been baby girl?" the voice said as they started to walk closer to her, a little too close for comfort.

"Well, you don't live here so it could have been anyone," Luna said while giving a small nod to the maids walking past.

"Well, I think you'll find I've lived here even before you knew me." He said while stroking her cheek to get her to look at him.

"Well what do you want from me for me to be able to leave this hell hole," she said, she knew he wanted something he always did and it wasn't hard to guess she wasn't going to be able to leave freely, not with all the security around.

"You really think I was going to forget your present that easily, it may have been a couple of weeks but you're still going to get it," they said smirking before lifting her bridle style cutting her sentence in half as she replied.

"And what if I don't. Put me down right now." Luna said attempting to struggle out of his arms but failing due to his immaculate strength.

"Not yet honey, let's have a drink and talk first shall we."

As they entered the kitchen he placed her on the cold kitchen counter making her spine tingle at the sudden change of temperature. Immediately she tried to jump down however without a surprise she was stopped by the tall figure towering over.

"And where do you think you're going?" they asked

"See that stool there." pointing to the clear and only stool in front of her.

"That's my seat, you sit here."

Luna just scoffed before looking out the door at the large garden outside, completely oblivious to the fact that he had just poured his new drug into her drink. Was he using her as his test subject for it? Yes. Did he like this, the fact he'll get to see its effects and especially on her? Absolutely.

"So I heard you've been on a date how did that go?" he said before passing her her drink, he knew what she liked. It was her usual drink. Just with a little bit of "spice" added.

Luna froze.

"How did you know that?" She asked, he always knew these things but how and most importantly why?

"Oh come on now sweetheart I thought you had learnt that you can never hide anything from me," they said watching her taking a hesitant sip from her drink. His insides clenching in excitement at what could be about to take place.

She knew he was right but it always made her uncomfortable knowing she could never win.

"Still why can't you leave me alone like you did with all your other hoes, you know they know who you are they could do the exact thing I tried to do!" she shouted earning a glare from him.

"That's because they have all tried and they received the consequences before they barely started."

"Oh yeah and what was that?" She said starting to lose her sanity and patience.


Luna's mouth hung open, he knew he wasn't lying either. He didn't just have a gun for the sake of it, she knew what he did in which she knew he killed but she just didn't realise it was such innocent people like her and those others

He just watched as he quickly finished his drink.

"Now pretty girl are you going to put good use to that mouth wide open or what," he said standing up and drawing her closer to him stood in between her legs.

"You're still the same disgusting man Jae-eon fuck off," Luna said trying to push him away, suddenly starting to feel the effects of what he had just given her. She wasn't even entirely sure if that was his real name, but it was the only name he ever told her so she just took it.

"Oh come on baby, don't be such a grouchy one now," he said moving to her neck with his hands securely holding her waist in place.

"Get off of me, you're not going to get what you want, not this time or ever," she said struggling with the feelings that had emerged. She didn't want this, as much as her body was reacting to it, she didn't. That was all until her brain started to become all blurry.

She knew she couldn't fight against him, she was weak compared to him, there was no way she could physically getaway.

Before she could react to him placing open-mouthed kisses all over her neck, she started to feel his hands rub up and down her thighs, unlucky for her she went to work in a skirt which she was now deeply regretting. She could feel her underwear start to pool beneath her as he moved closer to her womanhood playing with the seam of her clothes. Her clit started to throb more and more as he touched her, her mind running laps in the same thoughts.

"Stop stop, I swear what did you put in my drink," Luna questioned with a slur. Something was taking over her, she didn't know what but all she knew was that she didn't like even if it was too late.

The harder she tried to push away, the stronger he gripped her and the harder he started to bite on her skin, making sure she was marked.

"Get offff. Stoopp." the more she spoke the worse her speech slurred, unable to even form proper sentences as the drug took more effect.

The rest of the maids and workers could hear her cry for help however they also knew his power, he wouldn't hesitate to kill them and her if they interfered.

"oh come on you know you want this,"  Jae-eon said, knowing this was the chance he never had before.

"No I don't" Luna bickered back, her body soon taking over and reacting too much out of her control.

"Oh yes you do," he says slowly making his way into her underwear, he wanted it and he was going to get one way or another.

"No, I don.. fuck" Luna struggled to say as he quickly slipped a finger into her soaked pussy, his thumb starting to rub circles on her slippery bud.

"Still a no huh?" he mutters in her ear and he starts to aggressively pump his finger in and out.

Unable to form words Luna shook her head, she didn't even know what she had said in her head shake but was about to find out.

"Taking that as yes come on, up we go." Jae-eon sighed throwing her helpless body over his shoulder.

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