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/ trigger warning

"Ahh, this is nice." Hisoki sighed, throwing himself on his large black sofa as the others made their way into the lounge before sitting themselves down beside him and on other seats available.

It was safe to say Hisoki had the most comfortable seats, I mean he was the one living in this mansion of a building so it was understanding why he had the most comfortable seats, even if he did never sit on them spending most of his time either in his office or in his room.

"We knew you were a classic lawbreaker but come on now, there is a whole pandemic going on is this not of those times when you should actually go by the rules, not just for the safety of others but for yours, until they find a vaccine that solves it, it is deadly and you know that," Jason states, relaxing himself into his armchair while taking a sip of his drink that he had made himself from the kitchen next door.

"I am already losing money now from having to let Kwan let everyone go home, thankfully all my clients are understanding but I am not allowing it again." Hisoki scoffs, taking out his joule before taking a large inhale of it, the smell making its way around the room fulfilling the room with a strong smell of mint.

"Who do you actually care for?" Chibi asks, his arm stretched across the back on the sofa he was sitting on accompanied by Ton and Harrof to his left as he sprawled himself out in the corner, being as small as he was he never took up much space.

"You already know that answer why are you even asking me that?" Hisoki scoffed, he hated showing any sign of "weakness" or affection to others, and his friends knew exactly what they were doing.

"Yeah but sometimes it's nice to hear you say it so we know there is still the same old Hisoki under all that despite what you look like to everyone else out there." Ton says in a calming tone, the other three nodding along in agreement with what had just been said.

"I care for those that I need to, and if I do not need to care about them and I do then they should just consider themselves lucky." Hisoki scoffs, repeating his motion of sucking and blowing on his joule that he plays within his right hand.

"Names," Harrof stated abruptly, staring intently at Hisoki who was now glaring at them seeing his cold usual state was not going to cut it this time.

"What," Hisoki questioned his eyebrows furrowed as the silence filled the room.

"Tell us the names, each one individual," Ton said in a demanding tone, watching Hisoki sit there, the struggle present in his eyes, his friends knew he hated this the reason they were doing it to test him for once.

"Ton, Chibi, Jason, Harrof, a few workers and..." Hisoki trailed off, biting his lower lip as he debated whether to say it or not.

"And?" Harrof questioned, placing his arm along on head of the sofa while he stroked the bottom of his lip trying to figure out what he was thinking about.

"A few other irrelevant people." he scoffed, putting down his joule as he threw his head back now looking up at the plain white ceiling that was staring down on him.

"Sure sure also how are you and Luna?" Ton asked, staring down at Chibi who was surprised at the sudden question.

"Pretty chill why?" Chibi asked feeling an awkward presence and knowing it meant something, all while Ton was looking back and forth at Hisoki who knew exactly why he was asking.  Hisoki had only asked Ton to do it and had only told me what he wanted, the others clueless to what had happened while they were gone.

"Huh oh no reason just well you're the only one in said relationship so why can I not be interested," Ton said hiding the truth well beneath his voice.

"Have you done anything that you were going to do or have you pussied out?" Hisoki questions, crossing his arms over his chest while he looked deeply into Chibi wanting answers, it was not that big of a deal but if he wanted a good response he was going to get one.

"What do you mean?" Chibi replied, seeming genuinely confused when actually he knew exactly what they meant, he had indeed done his manipulation, something that came like a basic action to him but what he had not expected was the situation they were in and how he was about to get so many more "opportunities" to make her life even more mentally chaos and hell even without trying or realising it himself.

"You wanted to manipulate her to get something did you manage it and what was the outcome?" HIisoki asked demandingly in his deep tone that always made everyone shiver when they heard it, even his friends who were used to it felt an odd sensation run through their bodies when they heard it.

"Yeah well unlike you all I wanted was to see, and I got that a lot quicker and easier than I thought." He replied a clear tense settling itself between the two males who were glaring at each other intently as if they could read each others mind while the three bystanders watched around and read it from either side.

"Oh yeah and how did you manage that?" Hisoki scoffed, sprawling himself across the sofa as he had the whole piece of furniture to himself.

"Well you know how she copes with pain don't you?" He questions, not moving at all just watching to see how Hisoki would react to something, especially since he wanted Chibi to do this when it first came up, his feelings towards her still unknown to him though.

"I sure do, I have seen it with my own eyes, I saw it and then faked that I cared as usual what else is there to it?" he asked with a scoff rolling his eyes back as he runs his large hands through his brown silky hair.

"Well I used that and after a lot of manipulating, mainly with silence, to be honest, she was quite an easy target, I managed to get her to place her phone up in her bathroom so I could see her as she entered and exited the shower, yes she was sneaky and wore a towel around her as she did so but as she always changed in her room I made her put me up so all in all i have managed to see everything, it is hurting her, that was not exactly the plan but i got what i wanted and more so what can I say?" Chibi explained, a sarcastic smile frowned on his face as he watched the faces of all his friends around drop, surprised at what he was able to do, Jason the only one who was genuinely disgusted and cared about what he was doing, the others just sighing and letting him do his thing without a care.

While a silence filled the room at the news, a clap began to sound coming from the one and only Hisoki.

"and that my friend is how you get what you want, and it feels so fucking thrilling to get it so well done." he congratulates still clapping his hands while the other three are still in a state of shock unable to speak or even process what was going on.

Yeah he was able to get what he wanted but it was at a price, he loved her so he felt hurt, well some sort of pain, when he did these things, at the moment, absolutely not, at the moment he loved it and loved what he was seeing while after he actually thought about it, he felt guilty but compared to the amount of pleasure it gave him, it was irrelevant to his feelings.

"How do you now feel guilty, all of you for everything you do to others that you set your eyes on?" Jason asks with a disgusted and confused face taking over his usual happy and logical one.

"Well innocent one, you just have to not care, I mean come on now it's women we are talking about we don't need to we only need to care when things get in our way am I right?" Hisoki explained, standing up from his slouched relaxed position on the sofa to walk over to where Jason was sitting and giving him a light pat on the shoulder.

"When it comes to women, I really do not understand any of you, and for the right reasons I shouldn't." Jason sighed, throwing his hands over his face in defeat, there was a reason he was the logical one to keep them in their places and to stop them from going overboard and this was one of them.

Except things had already happened before he was able to stop them or even knew it was happening....

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