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"You want the answers so ask the questions come on we haven't got all day." Haroof scoffs, playing with his keys in hand.

Just as Luna began to speak as Orzo passed their phone to her they began to hear a familiar beeping, usually when someone was entering the apartment.

Hisoki just smirked, he wasn't planning to kill any nor shoot as he wasn't one to notice who was missing but it was always fun, always nice to get rid of another person in this world... well for him anyway.

"Don't you dare kill if that door opens?" Luna demands, clear anger and nervousness struck through her eyes.

"But then that would go against our condition." Hisoki sings, emphasizing the our and how they forced them to agree.

"No, you already killed one because her family was involved with you but you're not killing another especially when she has nothing to do with you this time!" Luna screams as she watches Yara walk into nothing but chaos, however quickly been pulled from her thoughts as in a matter of seconds she was on her knees with a knife to her neck by Jun who had taken action as soon as Hisoki had demanded him to.

"Leave her alone!" Seol-a screeched, quickly looking away as Jun pulled her head back more by her hair, the knife in contact with her skin and ready to slit at any time.

One wrong move or word and she's gone, they had to think rationally but with everything happening so quickly it became difficult to, not when your a person's life is at stake and it's all your fault.

"Not so easily, I would love to sacrifice another civilian however until you start to ask Dae the questions no can do," Hisoki explained, his arms crossed against his chest and he smugly looked down at Yara who had her eyes shut questioning why on earth she was not told this was going on before her arrival.

"Ugh just remember you are not the only ones who know there are cameras up there, as if controlling me wasn't for Dae apparently, just had to watch and listen to me at all time didn't you, don't think I didn't see you working quietly that night putting them up." Luna scoffed, her voice still on edge while everyone sat frozen unable to open their mouths, letting Luna take charge of what was going on.

"And if you knew why didn't you say something huh?" Dae scoffed, looking at the floor as his hair ruffled about in his movement.

"Because if it's going to be there I might as well use it for my own benefit shan't I?" Luna scoffed, her blue orbs hiding what she had done to them, making Dae nervous as he was starting to realize despite everything he has done she is still as strong as ever.

Pain makes you stronger, only fools think it makes you weaker and Luna and her friends were no fools.

"Whatever, keep asking." Dae sighed, questioning if they were going to be able to win this battle, Luna had more knowledge than they had imagined putting them at a high disadvantage at how quickly she was firing back answers when they failed to bring her down.

"Have you been involved in Hisoki's catastrophic doings the whole time I have known you or when did you get involved with that piece of shit?" Luna snarled, her eyes looking down at me hungrily for answers as if she already knew them.

"Call me a piece of shit and you'll regret every stepping in our world," Hisoki growled back, Haroof and Jun looked surprised at how things are going, they expected it to take the usual five minutes, talk kill go but it was clear that was not so easy here, Jason just looked frustrated as usual, he had grown up with them, they were his best mates there was no denying it but it was times like this that made him just want to not be a part of it at all.

"Well sorry Mr I act intimating but can't do shit, I didn't ask to be here you dragged me and everyone else into it so think again before you pounce at him with your bullshit."

Immediately after finishing her sentence, Hisoki came rushing forward grabbing her and also putting knives to her neck, they hadn't brought their guns, so their hand technique quickly became in handy.

"Go on I dare you," Luna says calmly, tilting her head more to allow him better access, more gasps from both sides of the battle as the way Luna was reacting, the complete opposite to how everyone else would being in her situation.

She knew he wouldn't. She had given him enough chances beforehand to do it and Hisoki knew this, he knew there was something holding him back from it especially when he usually did it so carelessly, however, he would never admit it or what it was that made him second guess himself.

"Ugh, stop just stop this please." Hisoki sighed, his arm dropping as the knife fell to the ground, his head held low in defeat, his breathing becoming unstable as if he had just been shot himself.

The others froze in surprise, not once had they ever seen Hisoki give in to anyone, especially during something like this.

"Bro. Bro, what are you doing?" Jun questioned, letting Yara go who quickly fell to the ground with a large sigh, her loud heavy breathing continuing as she stared at the floor trying to conceal herself.

"I...I just stop, stop all of this I beg." Hisoki pleads, tears falling rapidly onto her shoulder, soon soaking through making Luna even tenser, she had never seen him like this and by the looks of his friend's expressions, they hadn't either.

"Get the fuck off," Luna shouts, pushing him violently off her shoulder letting him fall to the ground, the only sound in the room being his sobs, everyone's shock creating an increasing silence that you could hear a pin drop.

"Luna come he..."

"NO." Luna shouted, pulling away from Dae's grip who was attempting to pull her towards him, feeling a little "insecure" and confused at what his friend was doing.

"I'm your boyfriend come here." Dae protested demandingly, his expression flipping instantly as Luna disobeyed what he asked.

"No you're fucking not, you really think I would put up with you any longer, it makes sense why you changed to be a dick, why you did everything to me, I can see how I see your thoughts and everything it disgusts me!" Luna shouts, everyone in the room now focusing on them, things have taken a turn and not the sort of turn they were expecting.

"Jun you're quest is complete happy now?"Luna scoffs, moving her hands to her hips as she looks up to the ceiling stretching her neck.

"Ask Hisoki it was his demand." Jun deadpans, walking to lean on the counter, tired of putting up a guard that didn't need to be up, joining Jason who seemed to be completely up with the fairies.

"Oh of course I am." Hisoki sneers, finally looking up at Luna, who shivered at the view of him smiling below her, but not just any smile, a smile that had a plan that they all fell for.

"What do you mean by thaaa."

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