Start of a new era

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"This is gonna be one shitty year," Sol muttered to herself, still staring at the tv presenters on the screen talking about the new lockdown the government had just set in place for the country, all thanks to some virus that spawned from somewhere, the origin still unknown.

"As if Emma's disappearance isn't stressful enough, now we all have to separate." Orzo sighed their hands over their face in frustration.

"What about the bubbles though? We are all always together so can't we?" Waan questioned, annoyed at the fact their hang out area was about to be temporarily wiped out, but for how long they didn't know causing more frustration and tension within the group.

"Unless you all sleep here and move in here for however long, nope we don't come under the qualifications," Dae confirmed, sighing while throwing an arm around Luna's shoulders who had become suddenly tense, not knowing how to deal with such a situation and change.

"This apartment's going to be really fuckin quiet without you lot," she muttered cuddling into this arms.

"And to make matters even worse, mum wants me to go home and stay with them, they're vulnerable and she needs help with the others," Seol-a said earning a glare from the others surprised at what she said but understanding why as well.

"Do what you need to do," Luna reassured already knowing what Seol-a was going to ask her. Would she be okay on her own? Probably not but life throws curveballs and she knew if she tried hard enough to make the most out of the shitty situation, there would be some positives created.

"I guess as wrong as it is if Seol-a's going to be gone and if she's okay with it if one of yall need to get outcome here and lie that we are a bubble," Luna said earning a nod from the others.

"As much as I know I'll wanna need a break especially with teaching, I'll probably end up spending my time with the others looking after Chul," Brea stated, beginning to pack her things, Yara currently being at their apartment with Kwan and Chul.

"We had better go home if this lockdown takes place soon, in a couple of hours even," Orzo says in a saddened tone staring at Waan and Sol.

"If Joo-won and you keep going at it I'm out and living here or I'm chucking him out no buts." Sol threatened swinging her bag over her shoulder while giving an almighty death stare to Orzo.

"Calm, we won't, and if we do we'll be quiet."

"QUIET?!" Waan shouted, never in her life had she ever heard them being quiet, what even do they class "quiet".

"That's not even in your goddam vocabulary," Sol muttered to herself, loud enough to be heard but not enough for Orzo and his big mouth to hear, the others laughing even if it was at Orzo's expense.

"Right let's go." Brea sighed, opening the door to allow the others out.

"Let me guess as we brought you here you wanna get taken home as well?" Orzo said tilting their head to the side giving Brea the sarcastic look of knowing wanting to piss her off one last time before they left.

"Unless you want me to ruin every romantic moment you have in your life after this yes," she demanded waving to Dae and Luna who were still on the sofa, not moved an inch while they all departed her apartment shutting the front door behind them, still

"We've both lost our jobs for a while now haven't we?" Luna asked turning the tv volume down sick of the lockdown talk with all the same queries being answered repeatedly.

"Yep, probably me more than you as well, you might be able to do some modelling from homes but acting is definitely out the question," Dae explained his arm still tightly holding her embrace close to his like he was terrified she was going to leave like she could leave anywhere that was.

"It's going to be pretty quiet around here now isn't it." Dae says looking out through the window at the city lights on as the world rushed around as panic took over everyone with the news.

"Yeah it is, don't you live alone as well?" She questioned with furrowed eyes as she released herself from his type grip around her.

"Yeah I do but it's usually quiet mine."

"You never have anyone around, I should probably consider myself lucky to come to the fuckin door." Luna jokes noticing an unusual expression of discomfort arise on his face, confusing Luna to what she could have said to make him react like that.

"Yeah you should, hey what about this.." he trailed off rethinking himself at whether it was actually a good idea or even rude to ask this.

"What about what?" She asked wanting to know what he trailed off mid-sentence about.

"Well I don't know what you'll be doing with your friends but how about to keep you company we call all the time or I stay around here." He asks, hoping inside that I was the second but would respect Luna if she chose anything else.

"Calling sounds good." She replied in a calm tone with a smile.

She didn't really know how the next few months would go or how in contact her friends would be as they had never planned for something like this so Dae offering company she wouldn't decline. She'll still call her friends but they had busy lives despite if they were working from home, Waan and Sol being the only exceptions as they worked in the medical field, Brea not being the chosen few to go into school to look after the children that couldn't stay home.

"Calling it is then," Dae confirmed earning a nod from Luna who had made her way to the kitchen to grab a drink while Dae followed her grabbing his bag on the way.

"In that case, I'll call you soon," Dae said kissing her forehead before making his way to her door letting her have some peace in her apartment.

It was going to be a long next few months.

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