Harassing hell

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"What the fuck took you so long!" Dae almost screams through the phone, taking Luna aback slightly not expecting that kind of reaction to appear first thing after she pressed to answer.

"What do you mean," Luna replied innocently, confused as to what she could have done now to make this man mad, a man she used to love being around and would have never imagined would be like this, what hadn't helped was she was beginning to realise maybe she had liked him the whole time.

During the first week or so, they had called everything that been bliss and her feelings had taken off even more, as annoying as he was at the moment they still had many good times together.

"You said you would be 15 minutes you took 2 hours." Dae pouted through the screen taking a sip from his glass of red wine still holding his face still.

"Damn you make me sound as if 2 hours is a long time, we are stuck inside it is nothing, why you so pressed about it," Luna asks putting Bubble into her blanket so she could get up and start to prepare her dinner.

"Cause I missed you," he replied a large pout still displayed on his face.

"Where is all this clinginess coming from I'm not your mother yet you act more like a child every day," Luna whined opening her fridge door to find what she could make out of the little food she had left in her apartment.

"I really need to go shopping," she mumbled to herself, the only thing left in her freezer being a small pizza.

"Mummy," Dae responded completely startling Luna who had back turned to the fridge freezer in front of her.

"Sorry what," she replied turning back round to glare at Dae who looked like he was about to burst at the seams from what he had just said.

"You said I act more and more like a child and that you're my mum so mummy," Dae smirked, liking the hilarious reaction that Luna was currently giving him.

"Ugh, whatever aren't you going to actually get off that sofa sometime this week or order yet another takeaway you're so lazy huh, I never knew someone who used to be out so much so suddenly become so willingly lazy." She announced, him barely listening to her paying more attention to his drama and glass of wine sitting in his other hand.

"Damn, just cause I can't be bothered to cook don't need to get so ragey woman." He teased staring into the screen as Luna began to chop up some vegetables.

"We'll be bothered or everyone will be shocked by how much you have changed and you'll be forced back into your old lifestyle and it will come as nothing but a shock to you," Luna advised sweeping the remains of vegetable cuttings into the food bin below.

"Yeah yeah yeah, also when you going shower?" He asked finally putting down his wine glass after taking the last sip.

"Why are you asking me that?" Luna asked feeling her heart fall remembering the "deal" they made, more like what he manipulated her to do and she hasn't got a choice.

"I think we both know little one." He replied finally standing up off the sofa for the first time that day.

"Later." She replied letting a large sigh, trying to suppress the pain and hurt that had begun to rise within her.

"Good girl, if it makes you happier I. Stood. Up." He teases a smile crossed over his face, but not the smile Luna was used to that used to calm her and make her feel happy and at peace, but one that made a chill run down her spine and made her feel nervous as if something that quickly switched within him.

"Good now how about you make yourself a meal or just do something that isn't watching Netflix." She pestered still too focused in the kitchen to bother glancing back at her phone already knowing the odd smirk that was plastered across Dae's face.

"I don't think so, I'm gonna get another glass but order another meal, something healthier if that calms your state of mind." He teased again, his screen pausing as he switched to another app, the more delivery people were probably sick of having to come to the same address every day.

"You do you, just don't come running to me when you're body physique has changed and you've lost all stamina." She reminded him, putting her food in the oven as she turned the timer on the side.

"You calling me fat." He asked his voice suddenly switching change of tone to slightly offended.

"No I'm saying if you don't keep working with your body it will change and if people see that you might get hate and then you'll come running to me like it's my fault, you did too as friends, I found it funny then now it's just straight-up annoying and embarrassing, an adult man csnt look after himself, have you got mummy issues by any chance." She said turning her advice into a joke that she seemed rather pleased about, her friends would find funny but this man with an ugly humour wouldn't.

"Really, did you really just go there." He replied in a stern tone clearly pissed and offended while she just chuckled glad she finally got her own back.

"You brought it up now me, what you gonna do go sulk about it like a child." She teased watching him only seem to get more annoyed with her little jokes that he couldn't cope with.

Truth hit hard, when it hurt he didn't like it so it was safe to say, Dae didn't like the truth, at least when it came down to him, any other truth he didn't care.

"Yes if mummy keeps being this mean I will go sulk about it like a child," Dae whined in a childish voice crossing his arms over his chest while a pour formed on his face like a grumpy child wanting something would.

"Oh whatever I'll call you back when I've eaten," Luna grunted pressing the end call button with ease finally feeling her body relax but odly tense at the same time.

Seconds later her phone beeped, "you'd better call me back before your shower." the message read, worse than a father at this point she thought to herself.

Luna switched her phone off to avoid any more disturbances and to actually being the peace of being alone.

After about an hour while Luna was finishing up eating her food, there was a knock at the door and knock that wasn't loud but it was a firm and hollow, startling her as she took her last mouthful of pizza finishing her food.

"Who's at my door now." She pondered, they were in lockdown to visiting friends to hang out wasn't allowed and she couldn't remember ordering anything.

With her curiosity getting the best of her, she unlocked her door and opened it to reveal a large man, with dark black hair that was parted to the side of his face looking down upon her.

"Hello there," they said, their voice echoing down the hall from how deep it was, not very deep but not high at all.

"And you are?" Luna asked trying to seem confident while inside she was actually shitting herself with nerves.

"Damn you don't know." They said in a teasing manner quietly, not wanting to be heard and caught by fellow neighbours.

"No, I don't so leave," Luna ordered her eyes furrowing as anger and nervousness began to build stronger within her.

"No can do, what is it, little one." They joked pushing past her entering her apartment.

As much as Luna wanted the man out, whoever he was, at least she could talk better in here and not get a fine and then get rid of the man.

"He was right about ur living quarters." He joked tapping the side of the sofa glancing around the apartment like it was some art gallery.

"Who?" Luna asked shutting the door behind her careful to not let it slam.

"Who do you think darling."

It was then, that the realisation hit her, it couldn't be him, could it?

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