the unknown becomes known

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"Right last lesson of today is handwriting practice," Brea announced in an excited manner.

"UGhhh, why can't we do something fun?" one of the children whined, they all hated handwriting practise and with it being almost the end of the day it was the last week they wanted to do.

The children were only 5 or 6 however they were the most hyper and energetic class Brea or Ms Rin had had to deal with so far in her teaching career. She had only just started her career, her second year however the class she had taught the year before had been a little less dramatic and energetic. Like any class there was a mix of children however those kids had been a little easier to deal with, many of them enjoyed books, the complete opposite to these kids who just wanted to play and play. Sort of reminded her of the boys in Lord Of the Flies that she studied all those moons ago back in high school.

"I know I know I know however it needs to be done so if you all work hard on it I'll play some music in the background so make it more enjoyable but you have to promise me you'll work the whole time, you can chat like usual but still need to be writing." convincing the children who were now bounding off the carpet to their seats opening up their books to finish off where they had started a few days prior.

Before long she had managed to place them into a calm state of writing despite the whole class suddenly becoming a choir, Brea was even surprised at how good some of the kids could sing at such a young age.

"Oh wow, I was not expecting to walk into this." One of the other teachers laughed as they walked over to Brea who was knelt down helping one of the children who wanted some help.

"Miss Rin" loved teaching however there was one large disadvantage of it, always having a sore back from having to bend down to the children who were at such a small height. Not something being a tall person equipped her well for.

"It got them working and has kept them focused so I'm not really complaining." She replied standing back up to normal level, all the children seeming like ants beneath them.

"Just want to say tonight's meeting has been cancelled so for once you can go home early." Mrs Jones advised her, she was an oldish woman, she was early 50's and had been working at the school for almost two decades and was one of the nicest people you would ever meet especially when it came to children, she was indeed one of those teachers that were born for the career in every aspect it involved from children to parents to colleagues.

"Oh alright, how come?" she asks curiously brushing the dried mud of her jeans that she had been kneeling on.

"I don't actually know, Drew just stopped me in the hallway and asked if I could let you 3 down here know." she shrugged smiling at one of the children who had turned around to keep her eye contact.

"Oh alright, that doesn't bother me, an early night would probably do me some good." she chuckled looking at the other teacher who had a smile sprawled across her face as usual.

" I think an early night would do us all good however life says otherwise." she jokes back both of them having a small laugh as the class carried on their conversations and writing.

"Yeah, that's true." agreeing before a comfortable pause of silence began within them, both too occupied in the children below them with their smiley faces filling the room.

"Right I'd better go pass on the message, see you later."

"Yeah, bye," Brea said dismissing her from her classroom as he walked over towards her computer to check the time and figure when to start packing up to get them ready for home time.

"Oh shit time's flown," she muttered quietly to herself before giving a loud call to the class for silence, the time having just clocked 5 past 3.

"I need you to start packing up and placing your books in a neat pile in the middle of your tables for me everyone, then we can start getting ready to go home." earning a small scream from the children who began to pack away the stationary. Considering these children were hyper they always seemed to take an interesting amount of time packing up.

Just as the clock turned quarter past 3, the children were already behind their chairs with their bags and coats sitting comfortably on their backs ready to run out to their parents.

"We all ready to go home?" Miss Fin asks watching their faces all light up, she couldn't blame them for not wanting to go to school, if she had all the choice in the world with all the money she would 100% not be here, probably somewhere across the world living her best life, of course, this was unrealistic like everything else she dreamed of.

"Everyone line up," she says with a raised voice walking to the door to greet the parents as she let them go, making sure they were going to their parent or career and not just running off into the wilderness.

One by one she let them go until eventually all of the children apart from one was left, Rose's parent or father should she say was always late to pick her up, she never knew why he was late or why he couldn't just get someone else to if he was busy however she thought better not to ask, he was never that late only 5-10 minutes but that by the time everyone else had left. She did wonder where her mother was as she had never seen her since the year started or before and Rose never spoke of her either. She wasn't bothered only intrigued after all Rose was a good kid so she never had anything to complain about.

"Sorry, I'm going to start getting someone else to pick her up."  a deep voice that was more like a growl said startling Brea who had turned around to walk away from the door to Rose who was preoccupied on the carpet.

"It's okay," she replied however before she could even speak to Rose, she was already in her dad's arms, who had run straight towards him at full power as soon as she heard his voice.

"Also I just wanted to ask something?" The father asked looking down at Brea.

"Sure go ahead."

"Is Rose focused at school cause at home she seems a bit out of it?"

"Oh she seems okay here she's always doing the work well and interacting with her peers." She reassures him watching as a smile of relief forms on his face.

"Oh okay good, also I should probably know this as you are her teacher but Rose isn't one to talk much at home, what's your name?"

The question did startle Brea at first, how can you not know your child's teachers name or anything at all? Hearing what Rose was like at home compared to school made her confused as to why she was so different, usually, children were uncomfortable and quiet at school and the opposite at home however it seemed that in this situation did was completely different.

"Miss Rin." She responded calmly.

"Oh okay thank you, I'm Jung Hoseok"

"Nice to meet you, Mr Jung." Brea greeted.

"You too, I must be off and I can imagine you're a busy woman too, I'll see you again soon." He confirmed with a friendly smile before leaving with Rose cuddled in his arms.

"See me again?" She wondered, I mean yeah at school but did he mean to see him again soon? The question confused her, parents often said it and she knew what she meant however there was something about it that felt different, it felt off when he said it and she couldn't figure why.
Her phone began to ring that was sat on her desk, lighting up with the name "Sol" pulling her out of her trance of thoughts.

"You alright?" She questioned, Sol never really called her so her now calling confused her.

"Yeah erm... we need you home asap!" Sol informed before ending the call, Brea left unable to respond.

What did she mean home as soon as possible? Something can't have happened in one day not when everyone was at work right? Her thoughts began to spiral, who so urgently? I mean the group was problematic and something stupid always happened but still.



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