New roommate

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"Yo yo yo!" Dae exclaimed as he waltzed his way into her apartment dragging his belongings behind him as the door slammed shut behind him.

"You shouldn't be here." Luna harshly stated, her eyes still fixed on her tv as she continued to watch her drama not interested in the human that had just unlocked her door to enter her apartment. Even if she did react he would not budge or change and she knew this, hence the lack of reaction or care even if he was "breaking the law."

"Hello to you too." he chuckled, dropping his belongings near the cold kitchen floor as he ran and jumped on the gap on the sofa, making Luna almost go flying off the sofa as he did so.

"BRUH ARE YOU TRYNA KILL ME!" Luna shouted as she steadied herself onto the floor, now angrily facing down at the body sprawled across the sofa after almost breaking it and her if she hadn't have landed.

"No, now come on stop being grumpy, you're supposed to be happy I'm here," he grumbled with a puppy-like face, all while grabbing hold of her arm to drag her closer before closing her into a tight cuddle as she refocused her attention back on to the tv.

"sure sure child." she mocked, tapping him on the head like a dog.

"I'm not a child!" Dae exclaimed, looking up at Luna with puppy eyes. His persona changed every second as usual from an annoying adult to a clingy baby sucking all the life and energy out of Luna.

"Sure you're not have you seen yourself?" Luna joked, her eyes retrieving back and forth from the large screen in front of her and the head nuzzled into her neck

"Yes I have, actually," Dae confirmed, holding onto Luna's waist tightly as if he was scared she was going to run away, where it was unknown seeing as they were both in her apartment the only place she could run would be one of her friends.

"Sure you have now get off and allow me the right to breathe again." Luna sighed in a short breath, attempting to pull apart the arms wrapped around her squeezing all the life out of her, she knew he was clingy however she did not realise to what depths he could go to, preferring the ability to breathe.

"Awww I thought you liked affection... or is this the kind of affection you prefer." He said in a husky voice while he turned to the side, his hand quickly coming into contact with the top of the inside of her thigh, slowly rubbing it as if he wanted to get closer to her heat that had suddenly been triggered by the close contact, despite Luna feeling the complete opposite to how her body was suddenly reacting to his touch, a touch she craved but not in the way he was currently presenting her.

"You know I do but not like that and you know exactly why," she grumbled, her eyes still fixated on the tv while Dae desperately tried to distract her, still staring deeply into her eyes rubbing his hand along her thigh. Luna knew her body would react, what else was it meant to do, but what she hated was that if he didn't stop she would lose control and let lose to whatever the fuck her body was now in need of.

A long silence installed themselves between them, Luna trying desperately to ignore the "man" in front of her that was slowly starting to become more intense actions by focusing on the tv that was still sounding loud and clear the show, during this time Luna had somehow let herself sit on his lap, still faced towards the screen if he really wanted to do something he would ask right? I mean consent.. something he had not asked for yet in which she knew but had  disassociated from her surroundings trying to control her body knowing it would be a mess for her mental health afterwards despite how badly her body started to crave it.

However during her moments of disassociating from him and his dirty actions, stopping herself from feeling anything mentally and physically Dae had discreetly managed to look down her top, to his delight no bra to be seen, she hated them so no way would she wear them in the comfort of her own home, his eyes widened at the sight below him, they weren't the most incredible things he had seen in his life, however in his disgusting state of mind one could only guess that his thought process consisted of thinking that as they were on Luna's body, his girlfriend, they "belonged" to him and that he could do as he liked with them, his "fantasies" starting to fulfil his mind as her clueless and naïve body sat there trying to push her emotions behind knowing like last time... it would get her nowhere when they had a goal it was only a matter of time before they fell for their trap...

This one being no exception

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