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It had just reached midday when Luna finally awoke from her dream. As soon as she opened her eyes and attempted to sit up she was presented with an agonising shock of pain rushing through her head, not helping by being pricked in her eyes from her fringe.  As she painfully glanced around her room she noticed two of her friends had joined her in her bed fast asleep. She assumed it was due to there being no space else to sleep, them being there didn't bother her though just now she had to figure out to exit her room to the kitchen without disturbing them.

After climbing over all the uncleaned mess from the night before she eventually reached her kitchen island where she found her phone. Ignoring the thumping feeling banging inside of her head, she unlocked her phone noticing 3 missed calls from Dae.

"lovely thanks to them I've now got yet another thing to sort out," she muttered to herself sighing walking towards the sink to grab a glass of water deciding to ignore it as if it was that urgent he would have left a message or a voicemail.

It wasn't that she had some sort of hatred towards Dae she just didn't feel that way towards him like he did to her. He was a nice guy she had to admit but not her type, however after the past couple of relationships she had been involved in it was safe to say dating people who were not her type was her apparent flaw, and probably a reason why they always failed and she ended up hurt.

Even with her strong tension with him to keep distance, it wasn't the easiest thing to do as during their time on set they had got to know each other, he had always been weirdly at ease and comfortable with her easily opening up to her about things. However this was what made her uneasy she never judged him for the things he did in the past, I mean they're in the past he's changed since then, right? But even before knowing this, it was certain actions he did that made her spine tingle and not in a good way either, ever since she met him there was something off about him but she could never pinpoint where or what it was.

While opening the packaging to the medication, she started grumbling to herself. Why did she always let herself get into these states, she had work the next day and looking around at all the mess she had to clear while her friends sleep just made her head throb more.

"Well look who's awake," Seol-a said waddling towards her.

"and what's that meant to mean? seeing as your the one currently waddling for no apparent reason." Luna scoffed in a jokingly way back glancing down towards her bandaged ankle.

"Whatever you want it to mean plus after you left we all started play fighting and I managed to sprain my ankle," she replied trying not to let what really happened after she left slip off her tongue.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧       ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧       ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

After a couple more hours others started to awake, during this time Luna's migraine had died down a little enabling her to be able to do some clearing up. Seol-a had also gone back to sleep still being exhausted from the night before. During the cleanup, Luna had also noticed how she was running low on a few things in which she decided that while her apartment was still full of half-asleep zombies that would need sobering up soon now was the best time. Luna lived on the second floor which meant it wasn't too long before she had exited the building however unbeknown to her she had left only a few minutes before her friends had asked Dae to come over in their message which somehow Luna had also not noticed.

"Where's Luna gone?" Emma asked, finishing clearing up the mess.

"Pretty sure she said she was going to stock up on some things why?" Seol-a answered having completely forgotten what was going to happen.

"OH SHIT!" Orzo shouted making everyone stare up at him

"what," Yara said confused as to what was going on.

"He's meant to be here in a minute," they said franticly looking back and forth between Sol, Waan and Seol-a all of whom had helped write the message hours before.

"Oh my word how could we forget, wait what if she bumps into him on her way that's going to ruin everything?" Waan said rubbing her temples to try and process everything.

"Wait hold on what on earth is going on, did you lot contact Dae and tell him to come here or something?" Yara said trying to understand what was happening having been completely clueless beforehand.

"Yup exactly that except we sent the message on Luna's phone and I'm pretty sure she hasn't noticed otherwise she would have been screaming at us by now," they said.

"Well good luck on that one cause I'm leaving, you coming Yara?" Brea asked grabbing all of her stuff, Yara and Brea were roommates except only Brea could drive which is how they always end up going everywhere together.

"Yeah sure I won't be a minute," she said too tired to deal with a problem that wasn't caused by her anyway.

"Well do we call her or just wait it out or what?" Sol asked wishing she had never volunteered to join in.

"Wait it out I guess, Luna doesn't usually take long getting things so let's hope she'll be back beforehand," Waan said

However, what they were all unaware of was how seconds after realising this Luna had in fact quite literally bumped into him being too engrossed in her phone.

"Woah I'm so sorry!" Luna exclaimed putting her phone away and slowly looking up at the person she had just bumped into.

"It's o..k, wait Luna what are you doing here?" Dae asked knowing full well he was meant to be meeting her at her apartment at this exact time.

"Oh Dae, I'm going to the shops how come you're here you don't live around here?" she asked not knowing what her friends had previously done.

" You sent me a long detailed message in the early hours this morning briefly asking me to come to yours at this time?" he said confused as to how she was so clueless.

"Wait what did I say? I thought I only called you?" she replied desperately trying to recall her actions not so long ago

"Yeah, that's why I called you because you've never been like this and wanted to make sure you're okay?" Dae said realising she either completely forgot or it wasn't her that sent the message.

Without further conversation, she checks her messages and reads what she had "supposedly" sent immediately turning red but tries to keep her cool wishing she could remember what had happened.

"Okay, I confirm I do not remember writing that if I even did at all, if you don't mind I have to get a few things then we can go back and work out what happened, my friends should still be there they'll probably remember what happened."

"Yeah okay that's fine," he said walking next to her as they paced around the town having a small catch up. Whenever they started talking they couldn't stop they both fascinated each other, just some more than others.

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