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"Is this okay?" Waan asks shyly, she was usually a very loud and bubbly person however as soon as it came to something like today, an unplanned date, she became an unsure and nervous bundle of mess. Despite having known Albedo for a while she still felt a little unsure and nervous even with Albedo trying to reassure her and get things back to where they were, bubbly and fun he could tell it was only a matter of time that until she was comfortable and confident again there wasn't much he could really do to change anything, just accepting it and moving on. Thankfully it wasn't an uncomfortable atmosphere just Waan being surprisingly scared.

"We literally have the exact same taste in movies and shows why would I disagree with that?" he jokes grabbing the bowls of food he had just filled bringing them into the lounge before placing them on the transparent tabletop for them to easily reach.

"Yeah true I don't know why I'm suddenly asking when I usually just put it on and you deal with it." she laughs leaning down to her drink holding the luxurious soft blanket to stop it from diving straight towards all the refreshments Albedo had sorted last minute.

"Relax, I thought we agreed on this mutually, if I have to say it's not a date and just a hangout cause it makes such a difference to you I will." He said, a wide smile forming on his lips as he brought his arms around the tops of her shoulders pulling her into a cuddle as they relaxed together on the sofa.

"You don't have to, I'm just not good when it comes to dates and everything to do with them, I will get better I promise." She reassured as she struggles to look up at him, her head brushing against his chest while his wide turquoise eyes stared down into hers.

A feeling of warmth and comfort both fulling them as their eyes connected to each other, looking at each other like they were each a book they could devour their heart and souls to.

"Now come on let's enjoy the film," Albedo says calmly tapping the side of her shoulder as they focused their eyes on the large screen in front of them.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚ ✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

As the film progressed, Waan tried her hardest to focus on the film being played as she knew like usual they'd both end up talking about it for a while afterwards, conversing their opinions on certain scenes and the characters however for the first time doing such a simple task became so difficult for her.

Recently whenever she had been with or even just thought about Albedo, her mind would drift while her heart rapidly fluttered even occasionally making her feel slightly lightheaded from just the mere thought of her best friend.

She always pondered on what it would be like if they did ever date, she hated the thought of it as she knew if they did there would be no going back to what they are now, that mere thought scaring her more than anything settling her into keeping it to herself hoping it would go away. Her thoughts swirled with whether he shared the feeling towards her, some of his actions showed it maybe, she wasn't sure she had only been in one relationship and that never really taught her the ways of being a girlfriend or having a relationship either. To Waan, she just assumed that it was normal behaviour to have towards their friends, little did she know that she was the only one that Albedo actually treated as well as this.

Yes he was a lovely gentleman, it was how he had been raised by his mother and grandmother treating women any other way would have disgusted and disappointed them, however, he was usually a bubbly person to others but very secretive, if he ever opened up to you about anything, even the littlest things it was because you meant something to him and he trusted you. He didn't trust many people so if you were trusted it was an honoured role you were given and rightfully expected to keep and look after.

"What did you think of that," Albedo murmured in his ear pulling his body closer to hers, the couple having remained in the same position the whole duration of the film.

"I.. er." Waan stuttered not releasing that the credits were now playing and she had missed the end, the most important part as well.

"I'm not going to lie, the end confused me so I am not really sure what happened there, the rest I understand you?" She questioned, attempting to play off the fact she had completely zoned out.

"Well at the end we found out who the killer was." Albedo explained sitting up, the position he had been laying in giving him back pain from being so stiff.

"Wait who was it the" Waan asked looking at him confused, sitting up still wrapped by the blanket she had been given.

"Zihon." He revealed watching her expression violently change as she found out the truth.

"WHAT! No way I actually loved him, ugh fuck him then twat." She says sighing back on the sofa in defeat as if she had just lost at something, earning an amused laugh from Albedo.

"Yeah I know how you feel, they did us dirty, making him seem like the best and warm-hearted character that actually cared when it was all a mask to hide his gruesome actions."
Albedo sighed not taking his eyes off Waan, he could just stare at her for hours. To him she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, he could stare at her for hours like she was a mystery that needed to be unfolded, everything about her amazing him and only wanted him to have all of her heart, body and soul.

"Since when did it get so late?" Wanna exclaimed after checking the time on her phone, making her squint at the sudden brig light gleaming into her eyes:

"Well that film was 3 hours so what else do you think." He says pulling her into his arms never wanting to let go.

"I'm taking from this you don't want me to leave." She questioned looking up at him who was staring at her with doe eyes, non-verbally answering her question.

"I'll stay the night if that makes you happier." She whispered seeing his face instantly light up, squeezing her tighter to the point she struggled to breathe.

"You're the best." He murmured into her neck as he hid his face in the depths of her neck that was giving off heats of warmth, making Albedo feel oddly safe and comforted.


That's everyone done now, I won't be doing that again but I did try to link them into the story, if half worked, not well but you'll see don't fret

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