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As usual, it was another normal day of Luna being horrible disturbed by her alarm for work. It was the last week of January and only a few days before this second date she was supposed to be going on with Dae.

A few days ago he had sent her the details of the date, that it would be on Saturday 1st. Originally Luna had been planning to buy Seol-a's birthday present that day for her birthday on the 6th however now had to delay it to the 2nd.

Before Luna is able to switch off her alarm she gets rudely disturbed by Seol-a storming into her room looking agitated.

"Bitch there's a thing called turning off your alarm." annoyed at how loud were alarm still was, even after Luna proved that actually some of the walls in her apartment were actually quite thin, her room being one of them.

"If you look close enough I'm turned over to turn off, go back to sleepwalking zombie," she replied seeing that Seol-a was barely even awake anyway.

Exhausted, she lazily fell out of her bed landing on her knees sending a sudden wave of pain through her legs at the new position.

"I should not have done that." she grouched now being in pain, her legs giving her pins and needles as she wobbled her way to her ensuite to freshen up not planning to turn up to work ghastly.

Luna was soon ready back into her usual blue jeans with a top or two that works to make it more stylish and that she did have some class in the area she worked in. Creeping out of her apartment she left Seol-a to sleep, she didn't know what time she had to start work that day as her times are often changing so if she was ever late because she had ever slept it was never on Luna.

"Luna Luna!" a voice behind her shouted.

"Dae what are you doing here shouldn't you be working?" Luna said confused to him running towards her.

"Yeah I know but I needed to talk to you first." he coughed out of breath.

"I was wondering if it was okay if we changed the date to tonight my phone broke  and I can't get it fixed yet so I asked your manager what you were doing today and he said a meeting and then deciding on what company you want to model for first in some long list you have, I don't know he babbled into stuff I didn't care about, but anyway can you?" He questioned nervously.

"Sounds like him, you still want it to be at mine?"

"If it's okay with you." scratching his neck suddenly realising how bad it sounds.

"Yeah sure I'll try to keep the others away but I can't guarantee anything."

"That sounds fine, I'll pick you here normal time," he confirmed running off back to his car or taxi she couldn't tell which but his vehicle, let's say.

To his luck she had taken the bus that day, she couldn't be bothered to drive and as she was running late for once she took the chance to get some exercise with it.

Luna peacefully carried on with her day as Dae had previously mentioned. She had to have a meeting about some drama her manager  wanted her to audition to however a few travel opportunities had popped up about modelling making him cautious about what he booked her in for especially knowing Luna had barely travelled in her life so she may love this idea more. Along with the fact one of the modelling companies was based across the city he had to take her there knowing in all his time he's worked with her, showing her where she had to be saved a lot of time and confusion, especially when she never knew where places were and took too long finding them

                                                    ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚       ✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   

"Hey, sweetie." Dae's voice appeared from a window.

"Oh, you're there." Luna smiled sighing from him accidentally making her jump.

"I've been here a while but I changed my car and I wanted to see if you would realise," he commented watching her enter the passenger side.

"I'm not too hot on realising thing's like that if you hadn't noticed by now." laughing as the car pulled away and started to make its way for home.

As they travelled home, they exchanged conversations on what each other had been up to during the day leading Luna to the question of why he changed the date.

"So why did you change the date?" she asked hesitantly wondering if it was for a personal reason and maybe she shouldn't have asked.

"Work, they checked the weather and apparently it's going to be a clear sunny day so they want to do a scene then." he sighed peering out the window.

"Understandable, right turn next by the way," Luna said forgetting he knew where she lived.

"You know I've been to your apartment right?"

"Yeah I know I just forgot for some reason." attempting to hide her red face from her embarrassment.

They quickly managed to park up and made their way up the stairs of the block to her empty apartment.

"I'm going to order some food as it's almost 6 anything particularly you want?" Dae considerately asked.

"I'm easy whatever you fancy," she replied making herself comfortable on the sofa getting the chosen movie up.

"Also I was wondering if I could ask you something over dinner later?" nervously avoiding her gaze.

Seeing this her heart began to flutter, it had already become heavy just at the mere thought, she wasn't sure if it was her feelings cause it was different from to last time she had them so she just ignored it assuming she didn't.

"Yeah sure." trying to avoid the awkward atmosphere that had now been placed in between them.

As the movie started neither of them spoke, both scared to as if something would break if they did. Throughout the start of the movie, Dae had moved closer to her to their current position of Luna cuddled up in his arms with blankets over them from her being too lazy to turn on the heating despite the winter cold.

Before they knew it the food arrived, them both cuddling as they ate silently, both too into their food all until Luna noticed Dae seemed edgy as if he wanted to say something but was too scared too.

"What did you want to say now?" Luna asked as she took a heavy bite into her food.

"Ah yeah... erm I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend," Dae asked now glowing bright red and shaking from the nervousness of being rejected.

Luna could see this and despite being in shock she knew she had to respond, she didn't like him like that, well so she thought however she knew she had to start getting back out concluding to give him a chance, oblivious to who his best friends were.

"Sure I'll give you a chance." she blurted out before even realising what she had said.

He just gave a smug smile finishing his food before putting it away, pulling Luna into a warm cuddle before continuing the film, his heart soon beating so fast he didn't know he could love someone like this.

In moments of silence as they both contently watched the film their moment was soon disturbed.

"It had better be warm...why the fuck is it so cold!" Brea shouted immediately as she entered the apartment,  turning to the thermometer and turning it up. She had ignored the tv playing however also oblivious to the NOW new couple that

"Are you even listeni..... oh."

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