Upside down

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| trigger warning

It's gonna be a long one be ready.

"I hate this sooo muchhhh." Brea whined through the phone, her voice muffled from laying on her stomach on her bed.

It had just been over a week since the lockdown had taken place, and just like they had all expected in just a week off they were all very slowly starting to go slightly insane. They were all used to being around each other a lot of the time or being out, it was the first time all week they had all managed to call from their busy schedules, even if for people like Luna and Seol-a that "busy schedule" consisted of sleeping in until the early afternoon, the biggest night birds out there.

"I guess we should be grateful we still have jobs and can work." Piss kink says in a grunt having just woken up after passing out from not sleeping for days.

"True, how are you two coping?" Yara questioned, to her luck she was able to keep working online, most of her work being meetings, but thankfully still being paid, despite the economy rapidly fizzling out.

"I mean I'm catching up on all my sleep, surprisingly calling Dae is actually really tiring, enjoyable but it exhausts me just seeing his name pop up on my phone now," Luna complains, planting herself on the sofa.

"Haven't you been calling every day and night almost? How do you even keep up conversations for that long." Waan questioned peering through the corner of Orzo's phone while Sol is sat next to them on their iPad playing genshin as she listened in to their conversations.

"Yeah, it's okay we'll just have to see how everything goes," Luna says as her voice quietens her mind reliving the moments that have happened the past few days, grateful her friends called as she needed a break...


"What's going on ?" Dae asks in a stern voice while a worried expression arises on his face as he stares at what he can see on his screen of Luna.

"What do you mean, I've literally not done or doing anything?" Luna asks with a raised eyebrow, continuing to scroll through her social media, her face fulfilling the screen.

"Something's off, did you do the thing we were talking about yesterday?" he asks furrowing his eyes, he knew what kind of answer he wanted and he knew that he was also correct, he was not friends with Jae-eon for as long as he had been to not pick up his manipulative ways and how he so discreetly studies people well.

"What?" Luna questions, looking back into the square of her phone where her image of Dae sat while she kept herself occupied updating her social media to at least look mildly active in these rough times.

"You promised me you wouldn't do something after you opened up to me and you've done it haven't you." his voice quickly becoming deeper, scaring Luna as he seemed to have changed his whole persona so quickly.

"If someone had an alcohol addiction and they promised to you that they would stop, what would you think?" Luna asks, she wasn't the best at standing her ground, she still had a lot to learn however she had the smarts of how to get around things.

"Well it would depend, if they were in a clear state where they were being genuine I would believe them however if they just randomly said it with no thought process I would know they would fail it very quickly," Dae explained, keeping his focus on Luna the whole time as usual.

"Would you still support them, addiction's not easy?" Luna said, she knew how he would react, after everything he was saying it wasn't hard to see but she still wanted to see how it would go.

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