Never Left

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So have y'all heard of the butterfly effect? Where one small thing changes the entire plot. Well thanks to a friend nice_book_i_aprove I have come up with a plot line based off of their wonderful idea . Anyways you should go read their oneshot book its pretty good. And they put a lot of effort into it. Anyways hope you enjoy💕

“Greg, put the bottle down. Don’t glare at me like that and put it down.” Irene snapped at her husband. 

“You know damn well that this bottle is the only reason I can tolerate you.” Greg made not an effort to get rid of the bottle in his hands.

“Sometimes I can’t fucking stand you, you know? I’m gonna go with Randy and Isabella, don’t call me unless it absolutely can’t wait.” Irene grabbed her purse.

“Gonna get high with your little friends? Don’t call me tomorrow to come pick you up!” Greg yelled as his wife walked out, but before she could leave someone came through the door.

“Can you stop arguing? Please, I’m really tired I don’t want to-” Zeke looked at his mom  up and down with raised eyebrows. “Going out?” he asked, kinda relieved. 

“Yes, honey tell your father not to get drunk off his ass. And please watch your phone, I know I said I’d stop getting in fights at the bar but I can’t make any promises tonight.” Irene kissed her son on the forehead and left before letting him object to anything.

Zeke was grateful that his mother was gone. If she wasn’t around there was nobody Greg could pick a fight with. If he was in a real need to pick a fight, he’d just argue with Zeke. But Zeke wouldn’t give his father the satisfaction of pissing him off. Instead he’d run off to the woods and watch the stars.

“Seriously? Dad, you need to put the bottle down.”

“Zeke, this fucking bottle is the only thing stopping me from divorcing your mother.” Greg yet again made no effort to rid himself of the alcohol.  

“Dad. You need to get a job. A better one. How is a job at the gas station gonna provide for us? We’re barely making ends meet.”

“Zeke I’ve told you not to worry-”

“No dad, how can I not worry? You and mom argue all the time, you treat each other like shit and both of your addictions are not making it easy. You need to find a better job.” he left for his room without further protests.  

It was quite unusual for Zeke to have such a conversation with his father, but after almost passing out at school due to exhaustion, he couldn’t take it anymore. Working his ass off so that his family could eat. All the money his father made automatically went to drugs and alcohol and his mother didn’t even work. 

Zeke hated his father, he hated him for everything he had done to him, his mother. Growing up, Zeke’s mother would come into the room in mid argument just to talk shit about Greg to Zeke. She would try to brainwash her son. And it worked quite well. As a child Zeke would defend his mother. He was always at her side, but as he grew older he started to recognize the flaws in his mother.

He would see her drink. She was no better than Greg. But the one aspect in which Greg was better than Irene, was in sheltering Zeke. Never in his entire life had Zeke ever heard his father yell at his mother in front of him. Every time an argument did break out, Greg would stop arguing and take Irene to the next room before unleashing the screaming match. Greg would never allow Irene to get high in front of their son. He even kicked her out once for trying to. 

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