Dragon Wings

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You stared in awe at the newly found dragon wings on Bren’s back. What the hell just happened? You just watched him grow dragon wings? Just like that? 

“Bren!” Abul busted through the door, his little personal servant, right at his side. 

The blood king, Kassia, and former queen Karina were already standing in the room, not bothering to hide their not so subtle stares at Bren’s wings. 

“Oh, thank goodness!” Abul hugged Bren, not blind to his dragon-like features, yet not paying them any mind at the moment.  “Wait.. What the hell happened? What… How? No, I’m just confusing myself. First thing’s first. What happened?” Abul, pulled away, now paying attention to the problem at hand. 

“I-I don’t know. All I remember is being sucked up into the hot springs you told me about, and when I resurfaced the damage had already been done. I just- I don’t understand how- or why… I’m so confused.. Abul, help?” Bren looked helplessly at his older brother, not certain as to what had happened or why he was now the way he was. 

“The- the hot springs?” Was the only thing Abul seemed to have gotten out of Bren’s recap of events. 

“Wait.. You mean.. Abul?” The servant spoke up, clearly making an assumption. 

“I think we’re thinking the same thing. But how is that possible? You’ve resembled a merman all your life. How is it possible that now, you suddenly start showing draconic features? Especially after the hot springs were said to be warmed by Cindeverous.” Abul muttered. 

“Huh?” You and Bren said in unison.  

“The hot springs you went to, they are said to be warmed by the first dragon, Cindeverous. It could be possible that maybe that and your dragon blood.. It helped you transform? But then does that mean that you can turn into a merman again? Or maybe it was something else? Was there something that could’ve prevented you from showing signs of your dragon side?” Abul scoured his head for answers.

What could’ve happened? What could’ve been preventing Bren from showing his draconic side? Finally, after scouring his head for every possibility, Abul’s mind set on one horrible conclusion. One he prayed wasn't true. 

“I’m not sure? I mean at some point my so-called father put some mark on my neck. One that I was only able to remove because they brought me a moonbell to remove the curse.” With every  word that came out of his mouth, Abul wished he would take them back. He wished that it wasn’t true. But most importantly, he wished  he hadn’t said it within earshot of the guards, and even worse, within earshot of Alrick. 

“A divine marking.” Alrick said out loud, and Abul whispered. 

“What? Abul, what does that mean?” Bren, now afraid, was holding onto Abul’s side. 

“Grandfather, you can’t. It wasn’t his decision. It was Lucious. He did it to him. Bren has no part in this. You can’t-” Abul started to argue. 

“Calm down, Abul. Why would I imprison my own grandson? Especially as I see you now, Bren, I can see so much of my son in you. Now if anyone  was hesitant about your dragon blood, they can’t deny it now. However, I would keep it on the low about the divine marking.” Alrick advised. “There are some people sicker than I, who wish to see you at the bottom of that cliff. One dragon is enough, to witness fall into a pit of nothing. I don’t intend for my own grandson to end up like that.” 

“Understood.”Abul nodded, then turned to Bren. “Bren, I have some things to explain to you. Come with me.” Bren followed Abul, both humans following after them as well. 

“Throughout dragon history, one thing has been the same; Dragon’s hatred for divines. Listen, all of you, if this gets out, or in earshot of people who want Bren gone, they will use the divine marking as a way to take you out of draconic politics. What I’m trying to say is that some dragons don’t like you for starting this whole war. If they hear about the divine marking, they will most certainly use this as a way to get rid of Bren.” Abul made a motion to signal death. 

“But, that wasn’t my choice. My ‘father’ put it on me, so why would they-” 

“Treasure,” You raised an eyebrow at the intimate nickname. “do you remember your first encounter with Kassia?” They nodded. 

“And what happened?” Abul asked. 

“Well, Kassia was burning down Ravenfell because a human witch owed her something.” They answered. 

“And what did I say about that village specifically?”

“That your mom signed a treaty or something, that ensured peace with the dragons. In other words, it said that no dragon would harm that place.” They cringed, “Man I wonder what type of punishment she got afterwards.” They muttered. 

“Oh no, trust me, my mom did worse to her than Cerci.” Abul joked, and they both laughed. “But see what I mean, when they are passionate about their cause, nothing can stop them from getting their way. Not even laws put on by their own rulers. Now monarchs can certainly try to set an example, but as we’ve seen, not everyone will follow them. All I’m saying is be careful. That goes for you too, Treasure.” Abul, and his “servant” locked eyes, for a longer than comfortable time.  

“Yeah, I got it. Bren’s my friend too, I wouldn’t rat him out to the others, especially when I know first  hand how persistent, and umm.. persuasive they can be.” Abul’s head perked up, at the mention of the other dragons. 

“Have they bothered you at all today? I- as much as I hate whipping  them into shape- can have a couple words with them and-” 

“It’s okay, Abul. I’m fine.” It was clear that there was something else going on between the two. 

“Umm.. yeah, have your great romance story unfold right before our eyes. You can kiss now. Just don’t take too long because Bren here still doesn’t know how to work his dragon wings.” You pipped up. 

“Right! Abul, you should.. go.. do that. I’ll be cleaning up your mess, mind you, that I cleaned up just TWO hours ago.” They face palmed, “It’s honestly a wonder how you manage to make a mess in such a short amount of time.” They rolled their eyes. 

Abul smirked, “ Well, wouldn’t you know that.” He whispered to which they punched him in the arm, with an extremely flushed face. 

“Come on, Bren, we have to teach you how to fly… Also,” He turns to you. “I hope you don’t mind being a cushion for a little bit, until he loses fear of throwing himself off a building.” 

“What?” You both question as Abul walked away with a grin on his face, leaving you both to fear for the events to come. 


Welcome to the first (and possibly only) story in which i dont type out "you" 50 million times. I honestly had no idea where to go with this. I was told to add Chaos, but it seems that my attempt at chaos ended up as drama? I wasn't sure where to go with it, and half the time I took with this was me procrastinating. And then rather than adding Bren fluff, I wrote Abul fluff because... I kinda like him better. I also just wanted to get this out of the way so that I could get to the next request which is a juicy one *wink wink* speaking of which this was requested by TITANICA1 so thank you! Anyways hope y'all enjoyed💕

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