You Should've Killed Me

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You stared daggers to the back of Belladonna’s head. You hated his guts. Granted, so did every other sane student of Westhaven Academy. But the type of hatred you felt for him was unmatched. How else were you supposed to feel after what he did to you?

And what made it worse was the fact that the little bitch wasn’t brave enough to look you in the eye. He knew who you were, how could he forget? Weren’t you the one he pledged his undying love for? And yet here he was, a group of girls swooning over him, but only one was at his side.

Fucking Kathryn Bowe. She thought she was the shit. Everyone wanted to be her, and if they didn’t, then at the very least they were smart enough to not piss her off because mommy always had something to say. 

Maybe that’s why you got on with Onyx so well. You both shared hatred for her. Granted, Onyx was too sweet to admit that what she felt towards her was hatred, but you knew what that masked emotion was. In fact, you knew it a little too well. 

“Hey, Earth to (Name).” 

"Huh? Oh- Sorry I got distracted. Not that I want to hear about y’alls date plans. Y’all make me feel single.” You waved off Correy. 

You had almost no friends, so sitting with the only friends you had for lunch was logical. However, if you had known that sitting with Onyx and Correy came at the price of having to watch them swoon over each other, plan dates and all that couple stuff, you would’ve found a corner to sit in by yourself. 

“Mhmm.. I’m sure that’s the only reason why you were murdering Belladonna with that glare of yours~” Onyx teased. 

“Seriously, you could’ve torn a hole through the guy with your eyes alone.” Correy’s tone was suggestive.

“I hate Belladonna with every bone in my body. Why would you guys think I have a crush on him?” You said, defensively.

“Mmm, where did this hatred stem from? I mean, I know it’s normal for everyone to hate his guts, except for the cheerleaders that fawn over him.” Onyx rolled her eyes. 

“Umm, I just witnessed something unforgivable. And no, I would not like to talk about it, Correy.” Correy nodded his head as if to back off from his question.

“Anyways, I’ll let you two do whatever it is that couples do, I have some homework I have to finish, and Mr. Graves is going to kill me if I show up with my homework not done again.” You waved goodbye to the couple before heading for the lockers. 

As normal it was mostly quiet in the hallways as most students were off eating lunch. Not you though, you seriously had to get your grades up. With grades as bad as yours, it would’ve been a mystery as to why such a prosperous  academy let you in. 

Except that it wasn’t. 

You opened your locker, just for a note to slip out. A note in messy handwriting.. messy and familiar. You scowled at the scent that was attached to it. Without even reading it, you knew who it was from. 

I’m sorry. Meet me behind the bleachers after school. Maybe we can talk about this.

So he was too much of a coward to look at you, speak to you, or even give you a note, yet he wasn’t so much of a coward as to say I’m sorry? Sorry was the last lie you wanted to hear from that asshole. 

However this was a great opportunity to get him alone and teach him a lesson. After much deliberation, you finally decided to meet him there after school. If you did anything to him in school hours on campus, you were certain to get a rough punishment for it. 


After the last bell, you said goodbye to the rest of the theater club and went over to leave a note in Onyx's locker. 

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