Family Trauma

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"Do you understand? Your father is a horrible person Zeke! You can't trust anything he says!"

"Oh for fucks sake! Will you stop brainwashing our son!"

"You're an asshole and you fucking know it Greg."

"If I'm such an asshole then why don't you just leave?! Why did you marry me?!"

"Because I was a stupid kid out of college! That's why. And yeah maybe I will leave!"

And that was it. The last time Zeke ever heard from his mother. The last time they were ever in the same room as a "family". In all honest truth, they all knew their "family" had stopped being one long before Irene's departure. Greg was much more accepting of his now ex- wife's leave. At least much more accepting then Zeke.
Every now and then he questioned where his mother was and how different their lives could've been if she'd stayed. Would she have left anyways but this time taken Zeke with her? Would everything truly have been sorted out? If so Zeke would've been much kinder. If his mother had stayed, Zeke would've been a different person. Never had gone the "bully path" or he would've had a stable relationship with his father. Keywords being would have.

But it wasn't like that. His mother left without giving her son a second thought. And maybe it was for the better. Perhaps things had happened like this for a reason. And that was what kept him up at night. The constant nightmare.

It was embarrassing for him to admit, but sometimes Zeke would wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night. Nightmare and memories of the tragic occurrences in his life often kept him up, however now he had something to dream about. Someone to dream about.

Nevertheless his consciousness always had its ways to tourture him, and this night was no different.

"No, dad, mom, please stop... no dad what are you doing? No mom don'... don't leave me.. please?" Zeke mumbled in his sleep.

"Zeke, are you," you start to say before realizing he's speaking in his sleep.

By this point, Zeke having nightmares in his sleep was a common occurrence. Or at the very least it was. It had been a while since Zeke had a nightmare so bad as to cause him to mumble while sleeping, but nevertheless you were willing to comfort him.

"Zeke, sweetheart.. shh, no, everything is alright. I'm right here. Oh honey come here." you reached your arms to cuddle him close to you. As you did you could feel his sweaty hands, which were unusual. Being with Zeke you had come to the realization that he was usually much colder than the average person. Sweat was something that only formed upon his body after doing heavy physical activity. Knowing this, you instantly became worried, but rather than waking him up you held him tighter.

"No, love please, calm down, everything is alright. I'm sorry your mom isn't coming back, but I hope soon you realize your dad isn't as bad a person as she painted him out to be." You pressed a gentle kiss against his forehead.

" Good morning, hot stuff." Zeke pressed a kiss onto your temple, handing you a plate. "I made you breakfast."

" Thank you," you grabbed the plate from him. "Hey, were you.. were having a nightmare again?"

"I- uh, yeah. It was pretty bad. I suppose it must've been worse than what I thought if you could tell." He said, sheepishly.

You gawked at him. It wasn't usual for him to confess something so sensitive so easily. He would usually try to pull off the big strong macho guy act.

"What? Stop staring at me like that and eat your breakfast before it gets cold."

"I- uh yeah sorry it just isn't usual for you to just fess up like that. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, I'd rather not talk about it though, if you don't mind." He said carefully examining your facial expression.

"Yeah, it's fine, it was your nightmare." You say still chewing on a piece of toast.

"Right, well what do you want to do today? We both seem to have the day off, so what would you like to do? I was thinking~... movies and cuddles?" Zeke looked up at you with pleading puppy eyes.

You laugh before taking the blanket off of you to motion for him to get back inside the covers. He makes a small victory noise before climbing back into the bed.

So I'm not sure if the chapter is long enough, but I haven't written anything in so long. Pardon if my skills have gotten a bit rusty. If you think I did anything wrong or you catch a spelling mistake or have any feed back just tell me, thanks💕
- Author

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