Anything For You

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It had been three months. You missed boot camp. You missed the feeling of being amazing at something, you missed being praised for being better than the other cadets, and more importantly, you missed Shane. After his very romantic confession, you both decided to start dating. 

Although being with Shane was like a dream come true, it was quickly ruined. Shane had confessed to you… on the last day of boot camp, meaning that you only got to see him for very little. 

You thought that it was over. You thought that you weren’t going to last in a long distance relationship… until you found out that you and Shane, live in opposite parts of town. Westhaven… What a mysterious little town. 

You were so relieved when you found out you could easily see each other, but you were shocked that it took you so long to realize that you two lived in the same town. Then again you weren’t a very social person. Of course you liked talking to people, but you weren’t one to go to parties unless you were invited. 

But today you were extremely excited because you were going on a date with Shane. It was going to be at a cafe. Just a normal coffee date. Even though you two had been together for about three months and had been on multiple dates (Me with a six month relationship, not gone on one date with said person…), yet you were still very nervous. 

What were you gonna wear? What if the waiter spills your drink on you? All the possible what ifs going through your head. You took a deep breath and looked at the clock. It was 2: 36 P.M. the date was at 3: 30 on the dot.  

You started to pick out an outfit. You grabbed all the cute tops and cute bottoms. Anything that would make you look good. Then the thought of realization hit you, it doesn’t matter what  I wear because he’s already seen  me in a uniform, sweaty as all hell, I’m sure anything I wear will be better than that. 

You pick out something that you thought looked good, but you didn’t overthink it. You laid in your bed for the next couple of minutes, awaiting the time for the date, and letting your nerves calm down.


You had just arrived at the cafe. It was about ten minutes before the agreed time, but  you had decided to come earlier to make sure when he showed up, your nerves were calmed. 

It wasn’t as if you were about to go out on another date with the man of your dreams. Totally not a chance of messing up, and making the man you love leave… Yeah… totally not. 

You had decided to go inside, and wait for him. However to your surprise, Shane was already there waiting for you. You checked the time on your phone in a panic, thinking that you were late, but no. It was still ten minutes earlier than the agreed time. 

“Hey! I- Uh didn’t expect you to be here so soon.” You said as you hugged Shane. 

“Well, I got here about 15 ish minutes ago.” He laughed when you cringed at his words. 

“Shane… 25  minutes. You got here 25 minutes before the time we agreed on?”  You cringed even more, if that was humanly possible. 

He chuckled. “Well yeah. I like to be on time. Or way earlier I suppose. I wanted to get her early, and when I told my dad that I was going on a date, he told me that was a good idea. And that I should bring you these.” He grabbed a bouquet of pink roses… How fitting. 

“They’re beautiful. Thank you so much. I’m sorry for making you wait for so long. But thanks again. This is very sweet of you.” You kissed him on the cheek. He blushed as did you. 

“Come on, let's order something.” Shane motioned towards the counter, where a pretty board teenager was playing video games on his phone, until you two came up to the counter.

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