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The four arrived in a restaurant, it was obvious that Ryujin was really rich. They just stepped in and all of them were looking at Ryujin.

"Oh uh.... Good day Miss Shin" one of the waiters greeted who was standing by the door

"Good day, I need a table for four" Ryujin said sternly

"But miss, there are still people who-"

"Give me a table or I can shut this restaurant.... right now" Ryujin said

"Sure Miss, we'll get you a table right away" The waiter said and then hurried to find a table for Ryujin and the three others

"Follow me Miss" the other waiter said and Ryujin followed. They soon got a private room for them to eat at.

They all settled down and started looking at the menu.

"You can leave, give us a few minutes to choose what we want to eat" Ryujin said and the waiter nodded and left them.

"You're so cold when you're out of your own office" Yeji said

"She's like that a lot, no wonder she doesn't get good secretaries who does what they were asked to do" Yuna said and Ryujin glared at her

"Why? its true" Yuna said and Ryujin rolled her eyes on her sister.

"I'll be having what Lia's having" Yeji said and puts down the menu

"You sure?" Lia asked and Yeji nodded and Lia chuckled

"Have your order already Yuna?" Ryujin asked and her sister nodded

The waiter then got back inside the room and asked for their orders

"I want the Truffle pasta please" Lia said

"Make that two" Yeji added and the waiter nodded

"I'll have the steak please, make it medium rare" Yuna said and the waiter nodded

"One order of Sesame and Coriander Crusted Basa. Also please provide us wine" Ryujin said and closed the menu

"Any dessert miss?" The waiter asked

"Créme brûlée for me!" Yuna said excitedly

"We'll have the chocolate mousse" Lia said

"Two of it?" the waiter asked and Lia nodded

"Miss Shin?" the waiter asked

"No thank you, I'm fine" Ryujin said and the waiter nodded and went off

As they were waiting, Yuna's phone rang.

"Oh unnie!" she squealed, well the three other girls looked at her as soon as she did that

"Really? then that's great!... mhm.... we should celebrate of course, my treat" Yuna said on the phone and chuckled

"Come on unnie, just this time let me treat you outside. We should celebrate of course.... fine okay but I'm glad unnie, anyways got in one of those jobs?..... oh...... okay then..... sure... I'm rooting for you unnie~ love you~" Yuna then ended the call and giggled

"Now who is that? Is that your girlfriend?" Yeji asked with a teasing smirk

"Ani, she's one of my close friends" Yuna replied and then the waiter served their orders

"Friends? but you call her unnie?" Ryujin asked with a brow raised

"Mhm, I'm used to it and so is she" Yuna said

"Thank you" Lia told the waiter as he left

"Hmm... by the looks of it, you never bring any of your friends and introduced them to me" Ryujin said as she started to eat

"You're always busy so you don't know. I already brought Yujin at the house, Ningning, Natty unnie, umm if I remember it was also Minju unnie. You were just so busy that's why you don't know" Yuna said

"Ryujin's just probably too focused on work that's why she doesn't have a love life" Yeji said and chuckled

"I'm serious about work and I'm not sure if I could get into a good relationship" Ryujin said

"You're not sure about that Ryujin" Lia said

"I mean come on, where will I find someone who's not just gonna be obsessed with my money and my body huh? Good for Yeji unnie and Lia unnie. Lia unnie is not that crazy over Yeji unnie" Ryujin said

"You don't even wanna know how Lia is at home Ryujin" Yeji said and shook her head as she chuckled

"Don't you dare talk about that Yeji, I'm really going to kick you in the face" Lia said

"Whatever you say babe" Yeji said and chuckled

After eating, Yeji and Lia went to their own homes leaving the sisters behind

"I'm going home now unnie, want to come?" Yuna asked

"No thanks, I don't want to see dad" Ryujin said and fixed her blazer

"Still with a fight with dad?" Yuna asked and Ryujin just nodded

"Hmm... okay, I'll see you tomorrow hopefully" Yuna said and Ryujin just nodded from that

As Yuna left, Ryujin also did. She went to her car and drove off to her own house. She never really wanted to see her father, she hates him very much to the extent that she was willing to kill him and get into jail but she wouldn't do that. If she did, no one would be there for Yuna, Yuna would lose a sister.


Chaeryeong's POV

I was just preparing for my things right now, I have an interview tomorrow morning and I really want to get a nice job. Getting one will be a really good opportunity for me, I can do school more frequently and earn money as well.

The call with Yuna a while ago was funny, I told her that I was allowed to do online classes and she told me that I should celebrate, it wasn't necessary but if she really wanted to I can let her. Just not this week because I'm really finding for jobs to go to so that I can do school during my free time.

I cooked myself a simple dinner, then ate it. I took a shower already a while ago and I guess I can go to sleep now, I need to be early tomorrow

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