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(Just a reminder for everyone, in this book Ryujin g!p)

Chaeryeong's POV

Ryujin drove me back to my place. I really can't believe that my boss is now also my girlfriend.

When we arrived, we both got down and she said she would join me going up to my room. I couldn't protest anyways since she wanted me to go back safely.

We finally reached my room and I opened the door gently. Before going in, I faced her.

"Thank you Ryujin, I guess this is the best birthday ever" I said and chuckled

"No problem, I'm glad that you even said yes to me" she said and chuckled

I think I should show her around my place right?

"Umm, want to take a look around?" I asked and she nodded with a smile. I let her in and showed her around my place after I put the bouquet on my kitchen counter. I'll put it on a vase tomorrow morning probably

I already showed her my kitchen, the living room and the guest room I had. All was left was my bedroom.

"So this is my bedroom, not quite much but it feels comfortable anyways" I said and chuckled

"You do like simple things" Ryujin said and I nodded

"Yeah but I was planning to change some of my furniture" I said and she nodded once again

"So baby" she said and it made me blush, she just called me baby like it was nothing

"Y-yeah?" I asked as I faced her

"I'll be giving you a week off since it's your birthday and also, you deserve it" she said and my eyes widened

"A week? what will I do with a week without work?" I asked. I love working to be honest and getting a week without it would make me bored

"Focus more on your studies then, you said you're still studying right?" she said and then ran her fingers through her hair.

Why does she need to looks so attractive?!

"U-uh... yeah, I think it's okay" I said and nervously laugh.

"Well, I'll get going now, see you next week at work" she said and kissed my forehead. She was about to leave

"Ryujin wait" I said and grabbed her hand, not letting her leave my room

"What?" she asked and raised a brow at me

I badly want to kiss her but how could I even say it in front of her? I was too shy to ask.

I glanced at her smooth lips and then back to her eyes but then I also noticed that she was staring at my lips as well. I swallowed the thick lump in my throat, I didn't know what to do.

"Chaeryeong" she called me breathlessly and I felt my heart beating so fast.

"Can I?" she asked but I immediately grabbed her by the collar and kissed her. I felt like I was in heaven, feeling her lips move in sync against mine.

The last time she kissed me made me crave for more. We were both losing our breaths which made us part away. I stared into her eyes and I can see that it was full of lust.

I never encountered anything like this but hell was I wanting her to make out with me.

"I...." I muttered, I was about to say something else but she shut me up with her lips once again. I wrapped my arms around her neck as she placed her hands on my waist.

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