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Waking up to someone you love the most is one of the perfect things to ever experience, well for Ryujin, it really was.

The CEO was already awake and all she ever did as soon as she woke up was to caress the younger's hair and stared at her adoring face. Ryujin wouldn't want this girl to ever feel hurt again, she would give up everything just to make this girl the happiest in the world.

As Ryujin was still admiring her girlfriend, her phone suddenly rang, interrupting her from caressing the younger's hair. She grabbed the phone and then answered it


"Hey Ryujin"

"Oh hi Minnie, need anything?"

"Nothing actually but Winter and Isa were just wondering if you and Chaeryeong are okay? you guys are not at work yet"

"We're okay, something happened yesterday and I just need to take care of Chaeryeong"

"Really? I hope she gets better soon"

"I hope so too, anyways can you guys handle the company for me first? maybe for a week or so?"

"No problem, we'll handle it. Go rest and spend time with Chaeryeong first"

"Thanks Minnie, I owe you guys big time"

"No need Ryu, well you basically let us work here when we needed it so let's just say this is what we'll do in return"

"Thank you, well I have to go now. Chaeryeong's about to wake up I guess"

"Oh sure, bye"


Ryujin ended the call and placed her phone back on the nightstand and then turned to face the younger who was now awake. Her eyes were still looking a little but sleepy.

"Good morning jagi" Ryujin whispered and caressed the younger's cheek.

"Hmm... good morning" Chaeryeong said softly and then snuggled onto the crook of Ryujin's neck once again.

"How are you feeling?" Ryujin asked sweetly

"A little bit better, thank you for staying with me" Chaeryeong said and kissed Ryujin's jaw

"Anytime my jagi" Ryujin said and chuckled

They stayed laying down on the bed for a couple of minutes. Just feeling the presence of each other

"Chaeryeong" Ryujin said and Chaeryeong hummed in response

"Would you want to live with me?" Ryujin asked and the question made Chaeryeong sit up and look at the older.

"I mean we can tell your sister first so that she knows about it" Ryujin said and Chaeryeong was left to think

"Well.... I think it's better if I do live with you but won't you have a hard time?" Chaeryeong asked worriedly

"Hard time with what?" Ryujin asked

"You'll be paying twice as much now, since I'll be living with you. I don't want to add up to your financi-"

"Jagi, I don't care if I have to pay double or even triple of what I usually pay. All I care about is that you're safe. I don't feel okay when I'm not sure that you're fine. When I'm away there should be at least someone who'll watch over you and living with me will only be the way to assure me of that" Ryujin said and Chaeryeong pouted at what her girlfriend said. She knew that Ryujin really cares for her, she would give up anything just for her.

Chaeryeong then went to hug Ryujin tightly.

"I'll live with you then so that you're sure I'm safe and I'll be with you all the time" Chaeryeong said and it made Ryujin smile

"Thank you jagi, I love you" Ryujin muttered

"I love you too" Chaeryeong said and gave Ryujin's lips a peck.

Chaeryeong then got down from the bed to wash up while Ryujin on the other hand called Chaeyeon


"Hello Ryujin"

"Hi, I was just gonna tell you something"

"Sure what is it?"

"Well something serious happened"

"WHAT?! does this have to do with Chaeryeong? If something bad happened to my sister I won't hesitate to-"

"She's fine now okay? she's with me"

"Give the phone to Chaeryeong and let me talk to her" Chaeyeon demanded. Ryujin had no choice so she handed her phone to the younger.

"Hi unnie"

"Hi Chaery? are you okay? did something bad happened?"

"I'm fine now unnie really" Chaeryeong said

"Please tell me what happened Chaery, I'm getting worried"

"Well, I went back to my place early yesterday since I wasn't really in a good mood. Then later on someone went in, I thought it was Ryujin because she's the only one who has a spare key to my place but unfortunately it was her dad. He was about to... umm you know what I mean but luckily Ryujin came and he was arrested" Chaeryeong said but she could only hear Chaeyeon sobbing through the other line


"Chaeryeong.... you can't stay there anymore. I told you that already right? what if he raped you? what if he does something worst than that?"

"That's why Ryujin was going to ask you if I could stay with her. I'll moved into her house so that I could be safe"

"Don't you want to go here instead? stay with us"

"But unnie, you know that I want to finish school and I have Ryujin. I don't want to leave unnie. And you're not gonna force me to leave Ryujin just to go to Japan"

"Okay, okay, can you please give the phone to Ryujin? I need to talk to her"

Chaeryeong then handed the phone back to Ryujin. As Ryujin continued to talk with Chaeyeon, Chaeryeong was sitting on her lap, hugging her as her face was hidden on the crook of her neck.

"Please Ryujin, take care of my sister. You know she means a lot to me, to mom, to dad and to Chaemin."

"I will Chaeyeon, I'll keep her safe with me. You don't have to worry much, I already hired some guards just in case"

"Please take care of her well and keep an eye on her. I trust you Ryujin"

"You have my word Chaeyeon, I'll keep an eye on your sister"

"Thank you, well, I do have to go since I have work already. Promise me you'll be with her all the time"

"I promise"

"Okay, I'll get going now"


"What did she said?" Chaeryeong asked and looked at Ryujin

"She told me to keep an eye on you and to be with you at all times. I told her I will and she has my word" Ryujin said and Chaeryeong nodded

"Do you want us to bring your things at my house?" Ryujin asked

"Yeah, I don't think I'll feel any comfortable sleeping in my bed anymore" Chaeryeong said and Ryujin nodded, understanding the younger

"Okay, let's go and get ready for the day and we can go pack your things" Ryujin said and kissed Chaeryeong's temple

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