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Ryujin's POV

Finally, I got done with the work I need to finish, I head out of my office and then went down to the cafeteria. I was greeted by some other employees and I just nod at them.

I got my food and went over to the table of Winter and the others.

"You're late" Minnie unnie told me and glared at me

"Late for what?" I asked

"Well, Minnie unnie invited the marketing department members, well three of them, including the new VP" Isa told me and I just nodded

"When will you be early next time?" Winter asked me

"Winter, I don't have a secretary yet, If I get one I will be early" I said and rolled my eyes on her

"Whatever, by the way, these are from the other departments, we let them join us" Winter said and I just bowed at the other girls and then started to eat. Why was it such a big deal for them to let me eat with the other members in the marketing department?

"Oh yeah Ryujin, tomorrow, you'll be in your office. You should do some of the other work" Minnie unnie told me and I just groaned

"When will I get my own Secretary? I'm tired of doing all of the work" I said to them

"Get ysed to it Ryujin, it will still take a while until you get a new secretary" Isa told me and I just sighed

Third Person's POV

Back to Chaeryeong, she was still doing some work but time to time, Jiwon and Chaeyoung will tell her to take a rest since they weren't in a rush yet for the second project thing that they needed to prepare for.

Chaeryeong actually didn't rest, she like the thought of working and doing something instead of wasting time such as Yiren who was just three tables away from her. The girls was doing her nails, AGAIN. This kind of annoyed Chaeryeong since all the older girl does is paint nails, do her own makeup, just watch some movies on her laptop and go through social media.

"Hey Ryeong, let's go, I heard we can leave early for work. Let's go shopping!" Jiwon told her who was just finished with her proposal.

"Hmm, I have a friend who'll pick me up later unnie. I might not be able to join you for shopping" Chaeryeong said apologetically

"There's a new clothing store nearby, we can just check it out quickly and your friend can pick you up by the time we're finished" Chaeyoung said who just got finished with her work as well

"I guess so, let me just save these other files" Chaeryeong said.

"Sure, we'll wait for you" Jiwon said and Chaeryeong nodded with a smile.

Chaeryeong did as so and quickly pack up her things so that they could go out early.

"I'll just text her so that she knows" Chaeryeong said and both of the other girls nodded


Yuna bub

hey yuna

oh hey unnie, you done
with work?

mhm, but I'll just go out
quickly. you can pick me up
at ********

oh sure unnie! see you

see you too yuna


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