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Chaeryeong went back to the office. She knew why this happened, it was all because of Yiren. When she entered the room, she glared at the girl and Yiren only rolled her eyes on her with a smirk on her lips.

"Chaeryeong, what happened?" Chaeyoung asked worriedly as she went towards the younger

"It's nothing, I'll go do work" Chaeryeong said and went to her table. Yuna actually went to order some drinks at the café along with Yeji and Lia. She promised Chaeryeong she would go to the marketing department office later on.

"What happened?" Chaeyoung asked Jiwon

"Boss Ryu happened. I don't know what she told Chaeryeong but I'm sure it was bad enough to make her cry" Jiwon said

"I'm sure its Yiren's fault" Chaeyoung said and Jiwon just nodded.


"Ah yah! Shin Ryujin!" Lia shouted as she entered the young CEO's office.

"What? I don't owe you anything!" Ryujin said in defense, standing up from her chair and hiding behind it.

"You don't owe anything but you did something wrong tho" Yeji said as she also entered

"I didn't do anything to you guys" Ryujin said who was now being chased by Lia

"Ryujin unnie, you're in such big trouble" Yuna said and entered the office as well. It startled Ryujin so Yeji had to stop both Lia and Yuna.

"Now what?" Ryujin asked

"How dare you do that to unnie" Yuna said and glared at her sister

"Who unnie? who are you talking about? wait, Lee? you're friends with Lee? oh my gosh Yuna, I can't believe you're even friends with her" Ryujin scoffed and rolled her eyes which made Yuna even more mad at her.

"Hey, calm down little Shin" Yeji said

"How can I when she completely hurt Chaeryeong unnie's feelings. She doesn't even know how hard Chaeryeong unnie works" Yuna said

"Works? see these? she didn't even made these. She doesn't deserve her position as a VP" Ryujin said

"I'm disappointed in you Ryujin. You weren't the same person that we used to hang out with" Lia said

"Yeah, you're starting to act like dad" Yuna muttered

"Take that back Yuna"

"I won't, not until you change. Mom would be disappointed in you as well if she was still here. You're hurting people's feelings and more especially, a girl's feelings" Yuna said and then yanked her arm from Yeji's hold. She walked out of her sister's office and went to the marketing department area.

"We know that you might think Chaeryeong is just like some other employees that you had before Ryujin, but she's not like that. She's different" Yeji said

After hanging out with Chaeryeong the other day, they knew more about the girl.

"What do you guys even know about her? And I'm not even sure if Yuna should be friends with her" She said and rolled her eyes

"She's 19 Ryujin, 19. Think about it, not a lot of people her age would work but be lucky that she's working here. Its her passion, if you only knew or heard her, she was so happy about working in the marketing department. So if I were you, apologize for saying whatever you told her. Yuna's pretty much pissed at you and she won't talk to you not until you apologize to Chaeryeong" Lia said and Ryujin kept mum

"We'll get going now Ryujin, we hope you think about it wisely" Yeji said and went off with Lia, leaving Ryujin alone in the office

As soon as Yeji and Lia left her office there were other three persons who went in as well.

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