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Chaeryeong's POV

I woke up early today, I have to get ready quickly for my interview. It was unusual that this company wanted an interview right away, also to put in that it is a major company. Maybe they needed someone to be in that position already. I don't mind but I have to be presentable and show that I am really willing to work.

I prepared myself breakfast quickly as well and ate. I took a bath, change into my clothes and then fixed my hair.

This is what I wore by the way:

After getting dressed, I quickly got my stuff and went out of my condo

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After getting dressed, I quickly got my stuff and went out of my condo. It isn't that big of a room but it was just suitable for me. I head out after greeting the guard good morning and then head off to the bus station. I hope nothing goes wrong for today because I was really excited.

Soon later, the bus arrived and of course I got in. I just looked outside of the bus, the park was really pretty already, I never get the chance to go there because I have to go work but hopefully soon.

It was a pretty long ride for the company that I need to go to and my legs are starting to go numb. Someone suddenly tapped my shoulder.


"Hey, you seem to be tired from standing, you can have my seat" she said

"Oh no, I'm fine" I said shyly

"I insist" she said but I still didn't want to. I don't want somebody to pity me because of standing for so long.

"Are you sure?" she asked me and I nodded with a smile

"By the way, you're going to an interview?" she asked me and I nodded again.

"I'm Kim Minjeong" she said and put her hand out. I accepted it and shake hands with her. She looks like a busy woman I suppose. Also to mention that she was wearing suit. Not to be rude or something but I guess she has an extra part of her body just what like Yuna told me.

"Umm, so sorry. Do I make you feel uncomfortable? I'm sorry if you-"

"Its fine, I'm used to it. I know someone who is like you" I said kindly as we let go of the hand shake

"Oh, well I'm glad you're open minded about it, most people would be judging me" she said

"I beg to differ, I'm Chaeryeong by the way, Lee Chaeryeong" I said and she nodded with a smile

Later on, the bus stopped and it was the place I needed to go to. I bid goodbye to Minjeong and left the bus. I was going to the tall building but then noticed that she got down from the bus as well.

"Oh... your interview is at this company" she said and chuckled.

(Let's pretend that Ryujin and Winter are taller than Chaeryeong. If you don't want to well... its your choice)

"Y-yes" I said shyly

"Come on, I lead you inside" she said and I nodded. I followed her like she told me to and then I looked around the place and there were a lot of staffs working, there were also some at the lounge and then I guess at the company's restaurant

"What is your position for?" she asked me

"Oh, I applied for the marketing team, head manager" I said and she nodded

"Wonderful, we were expecting someone to apply for the job" she said which made me confused. This is one big company and they were short on staff?

We then entered a room where there were two other persons.

"Hey Isa, Minnie. She's here for application" Minjeong said to the two

"Oh, okay then. Good day..."

"Lee Chaeryeong" I said my name

"Good day Miss Lee Chaeryeong, I'm Nicha Yontararak but you can call me Minnie. She's Lee Chaeyoung but you can call her Isa. You two share the same surname and hopefully you get along" she said and I nodded with a smile. The other girl waved hello to me and I did the same

"Take a seat Chaeryeong" Minjeong told me and then I sat on the couch. She sat across me and the other two just stood at the side. Is the interview right now? Like with them?

"So Lee Chaeryeong, I won't ask a lot of questions. We already met at the bus and I see that you're really willing to have a job. I have one question actually....."

"Yes Miss, what is it?" I asked

"Why Marketing?" she asked me, I was confused at first but I decided to answer it proffesionally.

"Marketing is a highly competitive and rewarding field. Businesses across every industry rely on marketing professionals to generate awareness of their brand and increase sales of their products and services. Also, it will make me a better person and it will help me to connect with people and expand more of my ideas. With this position as well, there are good opportunities for career progression and it is exciting" I said and I saw the three of them nodding

"Why should we hire you?" she added, I was about to talk but she cut me off

"Eh screw that, we need a new marketing manager anyways. You're up for the job. You can start today right?" she asked me and I nodded slowly.

"But Winter, won't Boss Sh-"

"She wouldn't mind, She needs workers anyways and also, she already fired some of her... well let's not speak of t anyways... welcome to the company Ms. Lee" she said and smiled. I just smiled back and nodded

"Minnie, you can show her around after you show her the office of the marketing team" Minjeong said and Minnie nodded.

We both went out of the small office room and she started showing me around.

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