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Chaeryeong already messaged Minnie that she won't be able to go to work because she was sick. She told Minnie to also not tell Ryujin she was sick because she didn't want the older to worry about her.

As Chaeryeong scrolled at her phone she suddenly remembered she hadn't replied to all the messages that Ryujin sent her. It has been days and she wasn't able to reply to them because she was sick.

"Shit" Chaeryeong muttered and covered her face. She started to get frustrated from what she's done.

"You're so stupid Chaeryeong, you should have replied to her. Now she might think you hate her" Chaeryeong said frustratingly as she tugged on her hair.

But then she felt a pain in her head, she was having a headache. Because of the pain, she curled up in her bed as she covers herself with her blanket, hoping that it will lessen the pain.


Ryujin was tapping her hands on her desk. She had nothing to do since she finished all of her work yesterday. She just needed to go to work so that she makes sure that the employees do their job.

She looked at the time, 9:30 and she was hoping that Chaeryeong would come inside her office to give her coffee like usual.

As she heard the door open, she got excited to see who it was but sadly it was just Minnie.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me Ryu" Minnie said and placed the cup of coffee on her desk

"Have you seen Chaeryeong?" Ryujin asked

"Oh about that, she told me that she won't be able to go to work" Minnie said which made Ryujin's eyebrows furrow

"What?!" Ryujin asked


"I already gave her a week off, I understand that she's my girlfriend but she's using too much already" Ryujin said in anger

"Yah! calm down! why are you so angry at her? maybe she just had something important to do" Minnie said in defense

"Really? she won't even reply to my messages or give me a call. She could at least tell me she's busy and had something to do" Ryujin said and crossed her arms

"She's a college student Ryu, you know how busy they could be" Minnie said, trying to hide the real reason why Chaeryeong couldn't come to work

"College, tsk- I bet she's hanging out with some other guys" Ryujin said

Minnie was actually deciding to tell Ryujin or not. It could be for the better or worse. If she tells Ryujin that Chaeryeong's sick, Ryujin won't think anything mean about the younger but if she does tell Ryujin, maybe Chaeryeong would get mad at her. Maybe it was better for Chaeryeong to get mad at her right?


"What? don't tell me something to defend her again" Ryujin said

"Actually, she isn't busy..." Minnie trailed off. Ryujin lifted her head and looked at Minnie, her arms still crossed

"Then what?" Ryujin asked

"Well.... remember that you gave her a week off?" Ryujin nodded after

"The next day when you came back to work and it rained right?"

"Yes, it rained"

"That day, umm... Chaeryeong went out to buy groceries because she doesn't have anymore left at her place and then she was about to leave but it was raining so hard so she had to walk back to her place even it was raining" Minnie said

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