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Chaeryeong's POV

I left work early because of this stupid period cramps. I didn't wanted to bother Ryujin because I was sure she was busy with work and disturbing her was what I didn't want to do.

I just took a cab going back to my apartment, it didn't cost much than I expected. I got down and went inside the building to go up to my room. After getting inside, I removed my sandals and then I placed my things at the living room couch.

I grabbed some water in the fridge since I was already kind of thirsty. I noticed all the food that were still there. Ryujin just bought me some groceries last week after we got done with work. I guess I was being too rude at her a while ago. All she ever did was cared for me and then I got mad at her.

I sighed and went to my room to get changed. I changed into more comfortable clothes. Some shorts and an oversized tee was enough for me to get changed into.

After that i went to my bed to lay down and rest for a while. I hope Ryujin goes here, I stay at her place most of the time but since I left work earlier than expected, I went here to my apartment.

Maybe I could apologize to Ryujin right? maybe she would understand me, it's just because of my stupid period that I acted that way.

I grabbed my phone just to see that she left me messaged saying she was sorry and she wanted to make it up to me. I guess this is what I get for being so overdramatic.

I was getting down from my bed when I heard the door open. Ryujin's done with work already? but it's still so early. Maybe she wanted to see me.

I was excited to see her of course so I quickly got down from my bed with my phone in my hand and went out of my room.

"Jagi?" I called out but there was no answer. I then heard someone opening my fridge in the kitchen

"You're hungry? do you want to-" I was cut off and my eyes widened to see a strange man in my kitchen. How? how could he got in? I never gave anyone else a spare key of my place unless it was Ryujin. She has it just for emergency purposes.

I started breathing heavily as the man closed the fridge and looked at me. I was terrified, I never encounter something like this before.

"You must be Ryujin's girlfriend" He said and looked at me up and down. Why was I even wearing shorts? I was so stupid

"W-who are you?" I asked as my lips trembled. My heart was pounding so fast

"Hmm... I guess Ryujin hit the jackpot I see. Such a young lady, fair skin and definitely has a wonderful body" he said and my eyes widened more.

I hurriedly went to my room, closed the door but unfortunately I wasn't able to lock it in time. He was pushing the door open, he was way stronger than me.

Tears started pouring down to my face. I knew what could happen next. I was scared of my life, why did I even left work early?

When I wasn't that strong enough to prevent him from coming in, he pushed it so hard causing me to fall but I immediately stood up.

"I'm sure Ryujin was able to get a taste of this body of yours" he said and I started crying harder. He suddenly grabbed me and pushed me on my bed. Before he could go closer I grabbed my phone and called for Ryujin. He hovered on top of me and started harassing me.

Ryujin please pick up the phone...

"Get off of me!" I screamed and started kicking around, for him to get off but he just grabbed my wrists and pinned me down to the bed. Preventing me from moving more.

I was helpless, he started kissing my neck and I hated myself. I felt so disgusted. I tried to hit him with my knee but when I did, he looked at me so angrily and gritted his teeth.

"You're being naughty baby girl, I'm sure you'll regret doing that" he said and immediately ripped off my shorts and I started crying harder. As soon as he got my shorts off he unbuckled his belt with his one hand while the other was still holding onto my wrists.

I didn't want to look, I heard him unzipping his pants and I felt my world crumbling down. I didn't want this, ever, and I will feel so disgusted for the rest of my life.

"You'll feel so good around my cock" he said and chuckled lowly. I swallowed the thick lump in my throat, awaiting what he would do to me but what I heard next made me a little relieved

"GET OFF OF HER!" I heard the familiar voice, it was Ryujin.

Ryujin's POV

Leaving the office I was driving quickly than I could ever imagine just so I could reach Chaeryeong's place. I already called the police as I was driving.

Upon arriving at her place I didn't mind to close the door of my car. I hurriedly went up to her floor and as soon as I got off the elevator I heard screaming. She was screaming for her life.

I ran to her room and immediately went to look for her. My heart shattered upon seeing my own father harassing my girlfriend. Before he could even do anything further I shouted and grabbed him by his hair.

"GET OFF OF HER!" I shouted and grabbed his hair, pulling him back to make him fall to the floor.

Chaeryeong backed away to her bed and covered herself with the duvet.

"You fucking asshole, you've done enough already!" I screamed and punched him on the face. I let all my anger that I bottled up for years out to him. I hate him, I hate that he did this to Chaeryeong, I hated that he wanted to make me lose everything that I had and I hated him for making me lose my own mother.

I kept punching his face until my knuckles were bleeding, by then I heard people entering the apartment room of Chaeryeong.

"Unnie!" I heard, it was Yuna for sure and I felt her pulling me off of dad.

"Ms. Shin please stop" the officer told me as Yuna kept pulling me away. I couldn't stop crying in anger and Yuna just hugged me tighter. She knew everything, even the fact that I wanted to kill our father.

"You're under arrest Mr. Shin" the officer said as they got dad off the floor and hand cuffed him.

"Where's the victim?" one of them asked me I looked at Chaeryeong who was trembling in fear. My precious girl, she might've felt so scared when my dad suddenly attacked her.

"We just want to make sure if she's hurt" they said

"I think it's not the right time to ask her" I said and they nodded

"Make sure he doesn't get lose again" Yuna said

"Make him rot in jail. Forever" I said sternly and they nodded as they arrested our dad. Once they left I tried to calm myself down but then Lia and Yeji unnie arrived.

"Ryujin, you guys okay?" Yeji unnie asked but I shook my head. I was fine of course but I'm not sure if Chaeryeong is.

"Chaeryeong, are you okay?" Lia unnie asked her softly as she went towards her but Chaeryeong started crying harder.

"P-please.....don't touch me" she sobbed and Lia unnie just backed away from her

"Your knuckles" Yuna muttered

"It doesn't matter" I said and wiped off my tears.

This was my fault, it's my fault why this happened and I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. Chaeryeong got hurt because of me.

"Ryujin, I think it's best if you and Chaeryeong get off of work for the meantime. I mean, Chaeryeong needs someone to be with and no one else would be but you" Lia unnie suggested

"Yeah unnie, I can just tell Minnie unnie or Winter unnie that you need some days or some weeks off of work" Yuna suggested

"We can get your clothes from your house if you'd like" Yeji unnie said and I nodded

"We'll be back later unnie, don't worry" Yuna said and I nodded

When they left, I glanced over at Chaeryeong and she had her back facing me and I knew she was still crying. Should I confront her? Maybe not, she needs some space first....

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