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After getting the folders that she needed to get for Ryujin, she went out of the office and made her way downstairs to the café. She went to the counter and ordered the drink.

"Good day Miss, may I help you?" the lady asked at the counter

"Um yes, One Iced Americano for Ms. Shin please" Chaeryeong said

"Anything else Miss?" the lady asked but Chaeryeong shook her head. The lady just nodded and Chaeryeong waited for the order.

Once it was done, the lady called for Chaeryeong.

"Ms. Shin is up for a lot of coffee today huh?" the lady asked

"Actually, the first coffee got messed up, I just got Ms. Shin another one" Chaeryeong said and chuckled

"Oh really? then you must give it to her by now" the lady said

"I will, and thank you" Chaeryeong said as she bowed and then left. She went back to the elevator and to the floor where Ryujin's office was.

She got out of the elevator and then walked towards her boss's office. She knocked on the door first and then heard a faint voice

"Come in" she heard and Chaeryeong opened the door carefully, not wanting to disturb the CEO

"Good day Ms. Shin, your coffee" Chaeryeong said and placed the coffee she got on the table.

"Oh, umm, thank you Ms. Lee but you didn't have to" Ryujin said

"It's fine Miss Shin, Miss Winter did tell me that you needed coffee since the first one got messed up" Chaeryeong said

Ryujin's POV

Winter really, she'll get a punch from me later

"Well thank you Ms. Lee" I said and then she smiled. She looks really beautiful when she smiles, what if I just- oh shut it Ryujin, its too early to think about those things.

"These are also some files that you'll be needing Miss" she said and placed the folders on my desk

"What are these?" I asked her

"These are reports from each department, it was said that I should give it to you tomorrow but I think it was better for it to be done today, and this one is the planned that was assigned for me to do for you. All of your other schedules are indicated there as well as the dates and the time for it" she added and I was really impressed, in just a day she did all of these? five folders and one planner.

"Is there anything you need Ms. Shin?" she asked me

"Nothing else, thank you for this Ms. Lee, you can go back to work now" I told her with a smile and she nodded with a smile. She left my office and I felt myself smiling again as she left my office

Wait, is this the effect she has on me? oh god, why am I like this. She's so gorgeous and... oh stop it Ryujin, she's freaking 19 years old and you're 23. I'm basically like an older sister to her already.

"Seems like someone finally got her coffee"  I heard and looked up, it was Winter. I quickly went towards her to choke her.

"Hey!! Ryujin stop it!" Minnie told me as she and Isa tried to pull me away from Winter.

"I was just doing you a favor dumbass, be thankful she did it for you" Winter told me and rolled her eyes on me.

"Whatever" I said and went back to my chair

"Just admit that you like her" Isa said

"Wow, so I should admit that I like a minor?" I asked them

"Well, Mrs. Miyawaki did liked a minor" Winter said

"That was a totally different story, they met up at school" I said

"Yeah, Mrs. Miyawaki was in her fourth year of college while the girl she was dating was in her 2nd year of senior high school so yeah, four or probably five years apart" Minnie said

"I don't care and can you three just go do your work?" I asked them

"Fine, but we won't stop teasing you because obviously you have a crush on Ms. Lee" Winter said and they all left my office.

Was it even fine for me to like Ms. Lee?

Chaeryeong's POV

Why the hell am I blushing? I just got back from Ms. Shin's office and I can't erase the way she smiled at me off my mind. She had dimples! freaking cute whisker dimples!

I quickly went to the restroom to calm myself down. I can't possibly like my boss right? I mean, she's four years older than me and she looks so h-

I was cut off of my thoughts when my phone suddenly rang. I answered it immediately



"Hi unnie"

"So how are you today?"

"I'm fine, how about you unnie? you and Kkura unnie doing fine?"

"Yeah we are"

"That's good to hear"

"About your boss the last time you called, you said, Not really but-... and you got cut off by that part. So what was it?"

"Oh uhmm...."

"Ryeong come on tell me, did your boss fired you? or somehow did something bad to you? tell me, I'll immediately go there to talk to her"

"Unnie, its not like that, it's something different"

"Then what?"

"Well, its embarrassing to tell you this"

"Ryeong, you're my sister and you don't have to be embarrased"

"Still, you're pretty older than me by five years"

"Well I am but still tell me, what's the thing about your boss?"

"I.... I kinda have a crush on her"




"I knew I shouldn't have told you"

"No, no, I'm just surprised that you finally had a crush. You never had one before even back when you were in middle school"

"So is it fine?"

"Yeah, there's no problem on liking your boss, that comes natural ryeong and the important thing is that you focus on work. I don't want to be seeing articles of you suddenly on the internet. Remember that you work in a famous company so I expect you to be good at it."

"Don't worry unnie, I will"

"Good, anyways, if ever you and your boss become to-"

"Ah unnie!"

"Fine, I'll stop, have fun at work and eat okay? I'll be off to work as well. Bye Ryeong, i love you"

"I love you too unnie"


I ended the call with unnie and went back to the office, when I got there I saw Ms. Yiren glaring at me.

"What's with her?" I asked Jiwon unnie softly

"She's just jealous coz you went up to Ms. Shin's office again. Oh also she figured out that you went to get her another coffee" Chaeyoung unnie said

"Well, Ms. Winter asked me to so I did, I also submitted the reports to her" I said and they nodded

"Just leave her be, she'll be over it in a few hours I guess" Jiwon unnie said and I nodded

She's My Boss | RyuryeongWhere stories live. Discover now