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Chaeryeong's POV

It was so sweet of Ryujin to give me coffee. I'm also surprised she knows that I love Iced Americano.

I settled back in my seat as I continue to do work and my project at the same time. Right now, I was checking the designs that Jiwon unnie and Chaeyoung unnie sent me in my email.

Their designs were beautiful, they improved a lot if I must say. As I continued to do work, I suddenly realized that it was lunch time. Maybe I can have lunch with the other unnies. Ryujin won't mind right?

I grabbed my other things and suddenly my phone rang.



"Hi baby, going for lunch already?"

"Oh Ryujin, mhm, just about to leave my office. Why?"

"Want to have lunch together?"

"Eh? but what if they suspect us"

"Then I'll invite Minnie and Isa with us. They wouldn't mind if you're around. Please baby?" she was asking me cutely and it made me chuckle. How could I say no when she's acting cute

"Okay okay, I'll be in your office in a wh-"

"Too late, I'm waiting for you by the door" she said, I then saw her through the window smiling at me with her phone by her ear

"Silly, okay, give me a minute to fix my things"

"Okay baby"


We both ended the call and I fixed up the papers on my table. After doing so, I went out of my office and was met by Ryujin.

Ryujin was about to hold my hand but I put my hand away. I was afraid to be called on by the other employees because I knew having a relationship with a boss could be very risky.
I noticed that she was shocked that I didn't accept in holding her hand

"We can't hold hands Ryujin" I whispered to her

"Why can't we?" she asked

"We're in the office remember? and we most certainly cannot have any skinship when we're out with others" I said to her and she just sighed

"Okay, but we're leaving work together later" she said and I nodded with a smile

We made our way to the elevator and down to the cafeteria. We already saw Ms. Minnie and Ms. Isa already seated with their food so we went towards them.

"Heh Ryu, Chaeryeong" Ms. Minnie said and I greeted her back

"We'll be eating with you guys" Ryujin said and then Ms. Minnie nodded

"Why don't you two eat together alone?" Ms. Isa said teasingly and it made me blush all of the sudden. I already promised myself to not blush when they tease us but it's hard not to

"Aish, you know how the other employees are and besides, I don't want Yiren to be suddenly mess with Chae- I mean Ms. Lee" Ryujin said. I saw Ms. Minni chuckle when Ryujin was about to just say my name.

"You mean the bitch?" we heard and we turned our heads to only see Ms. Winter. I suddenly turned red when she saw me and Ryujin together. I mean it's normal for a boss and their secretary to be together but what if she knew about me and Ryujin? She will non stop tease us

"Yeah, whatever you call her. I thouht you're absent for today?" Ryujin asked Ms. Winter

"Yeah but Karina told me to go to work so I just did. I just did a few errands" Ms. Winter said and Ryujin nodded

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